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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Beef with Arrowhead Stew 慈菇焖牛肉 - Arrowheads #2

I was attracted to this recipe because of the use of Haw in this recipe. I didn't have that on hand and so I used Haw flakes instead, those round flat Chinese candy that we used to eat when we were kids. When I used that, I didn't need to add in sugar as well.

The original recipe didn't call for black vinegar, but I found that it lacked that edge... or maybe it's because I didn't use dried haw of which is a lot more tangy than haw flakes candy. Maybe next time I'll try it with dried haw.

For this dish, my hubby gladly ate up everything even the arrowheads of which normally he'll give a skip.

The recipe didn't come with measurements. This is what I used.
Beef and Arrowheads Stew 慈菇焖牛肉
Recipe with adaptations: WendyinKK
Reference: TT Meishi

400gm beef
1 + 2 Tbsp light soy sauce
300gm arrowheads, sliced thickly
10 red dates
1 inch ginger, sliced
2 shallots, peeled and whole
2 tubes of haw flakes
2 Tbsp black vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Slice beef into thick matchsticks and marinate with 1Tbsp light soy sauce for 30 minutes. Before cooking, mix in 1 Tbsp oil.
2. Heat wok and put in 2 Tbsp oil. When wok is very hot, put in beef and cook the beef until some parts are golden brown. Push to the side.
3. Put in shallots and ginger and cook until fragrant. Push the beef back in and put in red dates, arrowheads, haw flakes, black vinegar and enough water to cover. Simmer for about 1 hour or until desired tenderness. Put in another 2 Tbsp light soy sauce.
4. Reduce the gravy and season with salt and pepper if needed.

I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover


  1. How are the dried haw slices used in this recipe? I have some and would like to try. Yes, you are right, those are sour in taste and it's often used for weight lost programme.

  2. Food so delicious,
    You can refer to the original recipe.

  3. aiks...didnt know haw flakes can use for cooking

  4. What a unique dish that used haw flakes as part of the ingredients....first time come across.

  5. I never know arrowheads can cook with beef, i always cook with pork and chinese leak. Look really yummy and feel hungry now!!

  6. Oh...super hungry now!!!! very special by using the haw flakes for beef :)

  7. Hee..hee...haw flakes were the first thing I learnt how to buy when I entered standard one! It was only 5 sen a packet then. This beef stew must be so aromatic and delicious. Good idea to put arrowheads instead of the usual potatoes.

  8. I have NEVER thought of using haw flakes in cooking since I always think of it as a sweet! I love how this hearty this looks and nutritious.

  9. This is really interesting, using haw. That gives me reason to buy a pack.

  10. Wendy, this dish looks nice. i have not tried dish with haw flakes, so special.

  11. I saw these bulbs before but never thought it can be eaten. Like watercress nut?

  12. Thanks for your sharing, it's a good post, keep going and support you.


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