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Monday, January 21, 2013

Barazek - Nutty Treats #1

Phew! My first Baking Workshop was over!

Thanks for all the support, be it with your presence at the exhibition or mentally through the encouraging words you left for me. Thank you all!
It was a great success and although being jittery after a long break from 'public speaking', I'm glad I got it done properly. It made me feel I was once teaching in school again, LOL.

For those who couldn't make it to the live demo, and would want have the recipes, don't worry. This week I will share 3 of the recipes to you. Today will be the first one.

I have made barazek before, and that was long ago. This is the favourite of my hubby's relatives. Last time I made this using volume measurements and this time, I have recorded what I use based on weight.

Take note that these cookies will taste better after 3 days.
If kept air tight, they can last pretty long.

Recipe by: WendyinKK
Makes 54pcs

200gm sesame seeds
70gm honey
120gm pistachio
120gm plain flour
160gm semolina flour/sugee
½ tsp baking powder
65gm ghee or clarified butter**
1 medium sized egg
70gm caster sugar
1/8 tsp salt

1. Mix ghee, egg, sugar and salt together until creamy and smooth.
2. Combine plain flour, semolina flour and baking powder together. Sift this into the ghee mixture. Combine to form a soft dough. Set aside.
3. Mix sesame seeds with honey, set aside.
4. Coarsely chop pistachios and place into a small plate
5. Take some dough (about ½ level Tbsp) and form a small ball. Drop the ball of dough onto the pistachios. Coat half the ball with pistachios.
6. Transfer the pistachio coated ball onto the sesame mixture (pistachio side up) and gently press so that the sesame will adhere.
7. Use a spoon and lift up the ball of dough, together with some honey sesame and place it onto a lined baking tray, sesame side up. Gently press it flat with a fork.
8. Repeat step 5-7 until all dough is used up. Add more pistachios or sesame as needed.
9. Bake in a preheated oven at 160(fan)/180C for 15 mins or until done.
10. Cool on wire rack and keep air tight immediately after cooling.

*For a pictorial guide on how to coat the cookies, refer my old Barazek post
** Ghee is clarified butter (
homemade recipe). It's the same thing.


  1. I loves sesame seeds, so I know I will loves this too. Will try to find time to bake this for CNY. Would you recommend if I change the semolina flour into all plain flour? Would that change the taste and texture for this?

  2. Nice one, pistachios and sesame will make them very fragrant with each bite!

  3. I love sesame and pistachio... already know this is gonna be a great cookie for me!! thks for sharing... :)

  4. Missed your demo for these cookies....looks delicious!

  5. This is new to me. I like that it has sesame seeds and pistachios, very fragrant and crunchy. Will try this :)

  6. hi,Wendy how are you? your cookies looks so delish.. me and hubby are cookies eater,this is a must try list .. can't wait to make my own, one I must to get is only sugee

  7. O so delicious. Can I replace ghee with butter?

  8. Thanks - looks so good . Can I use different nut ?

  9. Wendy,
    This is new to me but with all the nuts in it I know I will love this!
    Thanks for sharing!


  10. Hi Wendy

    These look amazing and very authentic looking. I am from Damascus Syria and this is our city specialty. It is not easy to get home backed Barazek looking this authentic.

    I will give this a go soon.

    Thank you for posting


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