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Friday, July 15, 2011

Mini Fluffy Pancakes with Pastry Cream - Pancake Quad # 4

If you love dense pancakes, then skip this.

This is a soft and fluffy pancake, that uses CREAM!! Hahaha. If you have that carton of cream and you are scratching your brains on how to use more of it before it spoils, try this out. The pancake uses cream, so does the pastry cream.

*For more whipping cream recipes, check out my whipping cream label on the far right.

Usually pastry cream uses milk, but this recipe from one of my books uses cream, and I tell you, it’s way way better than those using milk. LOL.

*This is a true opinion from a dairy lover*

Actually I didn’t make this pastry cream for this pancake. I intended to do a raspberry tart, and the pastry cream was supposed to be transformed into chiboust cream. But my rasps didn’t want to be turned into tarts and farmed their own mould on themselves. So, I had to think of a way to use up the delicious cream.

The outcome….
A delicious pancake served with delicious pastry cream. Made mini so that one can pop one pancake into one’s oral cavity at one go. Or you can just use fork and knife and slowly savour it. Whichever way, it is still delicious. My MIL said, this converted her to love pancakes as she always find pancakes to be floury and yucky. Well, she's been eating those from mixes in the US. So, can't blame her for hating pancakes. Now she loves them, but made this way.

Mini Fluffy Pancakes
Adapted from: Daily Delicious,
Original source: Piere Hermé Infiniment

100gm whipping cream
30gm milk
1 egg
25gm soft brown sugar
Small pinch of salt
90gm all purpose flour sifted with 5gm of baking powder
2 egg whites
1 Tbsp sugar

1. Combine cream, milk, egg, soft brown sugar and salt.
2. Sift in flour and baking powder and mix with a wire whisk until well combined
3. In another bowl, beat egg whites until very frothy and add in sugar. Beat until soft peaks.
4. Fold half of the egg whites into the batter. Pour batter into remaining egg whites and fold.
5. Heat a pan on medium heat for 30 seconds, then lower to low heat (I used a small outer ring and a very low middle fire, which is about 11 o’clock on my gas knob).
6. Drop in 1/2 tsp of oil and wipe it around the pan with a paper towel/tissue.
7. Drop batter by the tablespoon into the pan. Cover with a lid and cook until bubble appear on the surface. Flip to the other side and cook until golden.
8. Cool pancakes before topping with pastry cream and fruit of choice.

Pastry Cream
Recipe Source: Dessert by Page One

3 egg yolks
35gm sugar
1 Tbsp cornstarch
150ml whipping cream

1 tsp vanilla extract (1/2 tsp if using imitation essence)
1. Whip egg yolks, sugar until pale and fluffy. Mix in cornstarch.
2. Bring cream to a light boil (bubble by the side) and pour into egg yolk mixture, while stirring all the while.
3. Pour egg yolk mixture back into the saucepan and cook until it starts to thicken. Turn off the heat and continue to stir. It will continue to thicken. (If it doesn’t then heat it up slightly further, as I used a heavy passed saucepan). Do not overheat as the cream will split.
4. Mix in vanilla extract.
5. Cool the pastry cream and transfer to a container, cover and chill until time of use.

*I made the cream ahead of time so that it will be cold

I also decorated some with blueberries as I didn't have enough blackberries.
All swept clean within minutes.


  1. wow... this looks so good! Must try your method of pastry cream... bet it taste yummy.

  2. It must be very delicious using cream as the ingredient in it. I have yet to try using cream. So beautiful...... pancakes....You really took some effort in decorating every piece of it. Lovely.

  3. Wow! The pancakes and berries are just popping out of my screen, amazing photography.

  4. This is the first time I saw such a beautifully decorated pancake with creams and fruit. Its truly beautifuly. Theresa

  5. hi wendy. your blog is beautifully done! Love your blog with all the recipes and they looks totally delicious. Shall try making someday. Ashley

  6. Wow...that looks good...yea pancake batter using cream will be light and fluffy and more so if you leave it overnight...yummmy

  7. I like the way you displayed them...beautiful!

  8. What lovely and delicate pancakes. Look so appetising. (Again) Well done, Wendy.

  9. Wow, looks yummy! May I know if the pancakes will turn tough and chewy when cold? Coz I tried making pancakes using the usual method but they turned chewy after cold.

  10. Fong,
    hope you like it :)

    thanks. For the sake of blogging, that's why.

    Umm Mymoonah,
    thanks to DSLR and photo editing

    It's the same pancake featured for Reuben's full moon party.

    thankyou and I hope you find the recipes useful

    this batter cannot be left overnight. It will deflate

    thank you

    Thank and thankyou again

    Nope. I even chilled them and left them back to room temp the next time I ate them and they were fine.

    Haha, Tissue?

  11. Ohhhh I am captivated by your pancake shots...

  12. This will be such a nice appetizer or even desert to serve up during a party.  will make it this weekend for my kiddies...yum yum!

  13. your pancake week has been fantastic, love every one of them!

  14. Really love your creation ^^.
    Pancake and pastry cream I believe it's super delicious!!!

  15. Wow! Do you decorate all your food like this before serving! yummy!

  16. If only I were in your family! Your pancakes look fantastic and each and every one look so different that it would be a joy to consume them everyday!

  17. Wendy, those pancakes look too beautiful to eat. Love your photos. Amazing and mouth watering.

  18. Wendy,
    which tyoe of whipping cream you are using, dairy or non dairy. Actually what is the difference between both? Sandy

  19. Sandy,
    Dairy means milk.
    Non dairy topping creams are made from palm oil, sweetened and much more stable than dairy cream. It's the type of cream that you get on cakes from bakeries that they so call 'fresh cream'. It's not suitable for cooking.
    If you find milk powder and coffee mate to taste different, then it's the same case here. Non dairy cream is like a liquid coffee mate with a higer fat content and sweetened.

  20. Thanks Wendy.
    As bakery shop lady explain is non dairy more sweet compare to dairy. Dairy cream have to add sugar on our own.
    So, is non dairy whipping cream healthier? Sandy

  21. Sandy,
    Non dairy is made with the heart clogging palm KERNEL oil and not the healthy palm oil that we use for cooking.
    I try not to consume coffee mate but use milk all the time.
    I do no consume margarine but love butter, because margarine is man made and is not natural, but anyway I hate the taste of margarine.

    Milk cream is something natural that one can make on the farm without chemical alterations. Non dairy is sweeter because it already has sugar in it and can only be made with machines. Dairy creams will never come sweetened as it is also used in cooking savoury food like pasta.

    Which ever is healthier for you is always a personal choice. Read the ingredients and do not always believe what the 'seller' tells you.

    For me, it's always dairy cream and I'll not consume coffee mate if I have milk powder.

  22. Thanks Wendy, I've made this lovely pancakes today, and they're really fluffy, only I don't know how to press the pastry cream so that it looks bigger like yours, and I don't have any fresh berries to be my topping, just used some dried cranberries. May I know what type of leaves you used to decorate your pancake? Can be eaten? I plan to make this for my son's school party.


  23. PK,
    I used a large nozzle.
    Unfortunately, I don't encourage you to make this for your son's party. It won't stay put long unchilled. The cream will move. Check out my Full Moon party post, they don't look that nice after just 1 hour outside.
    The leaves are mint and of course they are edible.

  24. HI this looks so good.Is your flour bleach or unbleach?I want to try this.

  25. Anonymous,
    Sorry I have no idea.
    The flours here have no labels for bleached or unbleached.

  26. hi wendy.
    The small berries how do you decorate them? you stack them so make pyramid? Thanks for sharing.

  27. Gisell,
    I could never do that.
    Nature did it.
    They are blackberries.

  28. Hi Wendy,

    Thanks for sharing this amazing recipe. It looks yummy!

    May I know whether I can prepare the batter beforehand and keep it in the fridge overnight so that the next morning I can just take out the batter to cook the pancakes?


  29. Stephanie,
    As this batter contains whisked egg whites, they must be used immediately, if not the egg whites will deflate.

  30. Hi Wendy,
    I cooked a batch of these but mine turned out flat and not fluffy like yours. I did according to recipe but wonder why mine were flat.
    Thanks for sharing the recipe. So far your buttermilk pancakes tasted fluffier than this recipe for me.

  31. Lynn,
    I think it's due to your egg whites.
    They might have deflated due to overmixing, or they weren't beaten enough in the first place.


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