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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Blueberry Baby Cakes with Cheesecake Topping - Berries #2

I was pretty much attracted to how the cake looked with 2 layers of colours, but I don't know why mine came out looking pretty homogenous, the lower layer didn't look brown like the source.

The original was baked direct in the muffin pan, but I was a bit chickened out, scared I'll mar the cake's surface when I lift it up, so I better line it.

I suggest muscavado sugar instead of soft brown (original was golden caster of which is even lighter) to get the dual colour effect. Probably skipping the yolk in the topping will make it as white as BBC's. Just a guess.

The girls helped with the blueberries and they liked this cake. Soft cake with smooth topping. It's hard not to like this.

Oh yeah, in case you were looking for cheese in this recipe, there is none, but the sour cream makes it taste like cheesecake

Blueberry Baby Cakes with Cheesecake Topping
Source: BBC Good Food with some minor adaptations 

100g butter, softened, plus extra for greasing
100g soft brown sugar
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
zest and juice from 1 lime (changed from lemon)
140g self-raising flour
50g blueberries or more

For the topping
250ml soured cream
25g icing sugar
1 large egg
1 tsp vanilla extract

1. Preheat oven at 160(fan)/180C and line a muffin pan with 12 muffin liners.
2. Cream butter and brown sugar until fluffy. Add in eggs gradually and beat until smooth. Add in lime juice and zest and beat until smooth
3. Sift flour into the butter mixture, and mix until smooth.
4. Fill half the muffin cases with batter and push 5-6 blueberries into each cup. Top with more batter. Level it.
5. Bake the cakes for 13-15 minutes or until cake is done (doesn't need to be golden)
5. Meanwhile, mix topping ingredients together until smooth.
7. Remove the cakes from oven and spoon the topping over. Top with a few more blueberries as decoration
6. Bake for another 5-7 minutes until the topping is set. Leave to cool and lift from pan.


  1. 这个好好吃的也。太喜欢了。谢谢分享。我book mark起来。

  2. This cake is great, i also bookmark le... thanks.

  3. Very lovely looking baby cakes. I loved the texture of your cake.

  4. Hi Wendy,
    This baby cakes looks so cute!!
    Can tell from the looks of your two princess it is so yummy!!

  5. Lovely cakes and girls! :D

    Wendy, you are blessed!

  6. These cakes look so pretty and delicious.

  7. very cute!! And to think there isn't any cream cheese in it. The sponge bit looks so fluffy too. a perfect little cake for any event.

  8. Look very nice, will give this a try when i get sour cream:)

  9. waaa... i think i'm hungry rite now!!! nice cake sis :)

  10. Hi Wendy,

    Your blog is amazing and the pictures make me drool all over my laptop!

    These cakes look delicious and easy to make, but I was wondering if I can substitute the sour cream with Crème fraîche?

    All the best from Holland!


  11. Fatima,
    I'm sorry but I am not sure. I have never used creme fraiche before

  12. Hi Wendy
    How can I replaced self raising flour to cake/plain flour?
    Thank you.

  13. Yvonne,
    140gm cake flour +1 tsp baking powder plus small pnch of salt

  14. Hi Wendy,
    I have tried baking these and I used light brown sugar. it came out so more browner than yours. I like your nice yellowish blend (even more yellow will be good) u think I can use caster sugar instead? also I didn't expect the cake to rise so high (I fill it 80%) and I ended not able to do the topping cos it rise exceeding the fillers. Will try again with the topping again.


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