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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Mickey Mouse Cake - Kiddy Cakes #3

I know that if I don't make a Mickey cake this year, I won't know when I'll get that chance again. Kids grow up pretty fast.

This Mickey shirt has gone thru all the phases with my kids, yes all three of them. This shirt, although intended for 3M, have lasted until each kid is over 2yo. I won't discard this shirt.. will be keeping it as long as I can. Sweet memories :) It is still in acceptable condition, considering it's been used for almost 6 years., and my kids wear this very very often, as in, weekly!

For this cake, I made the ears and face with different flavours. Or you can even do 3 different flavours if you want.

What you will need for this cake
Frosting- Swiss Meringue Butter Cream 1.5 portions, there will be extras
Ears-2 pcs 6-inch round cakes. I made them with this recipe
Face- 8-inch round cake
Black- Oreo crumbs (Grind oreo cookies without the cream finely)
Beige- Marie biscuit crumbs
Tongue- Raspberry
Outline- Melted Dark Chocolate
Extra tools- Cotton Strings for border marking

1. Frost the cake with buttercream. Mark the outline with toothpick.
2. Use cotton strings to form borders. Press oreo crumbs into the scalp of mickey.
3. Press Marie biscuits crumbs onto the face.
4. Form the tongue with raspberry pieces.
5. Remove the cotton strings. Draw outline with melted chocolate.
6. Put some buttercream onto the spot where the ears should be and put the ears into place.

* Prepare ears first, frost with cream then pat with oreo crumbs.

I finished this cake at 3am, because I only started at midnight. I prepared the cream and completed everything while they were sleeping. I was soooooo tired. And I'm glad this was his reaction the next day. The girls can't stop opening the fridge door to see the cake.

he actually dug the cake's side and licked it.
Then came along the eldest sister and join in the photo session. The cake was intended to be brought to my mother's place to be blown together with the cousins.

Here's how it looks like inside

Oreo chiffon cake recipe, I made a 6 egg batter and baked them in two 6 inch pans
Matcha cake, just used 2 tsp of matcha powder with the same recipe, without the oreos. I adjusted the amounts into a 4 egg recipe.
Normally I don't eat matcha stuff, but since I had some matcha powder leftover from this year's CNY project for QBB, I just used them up.

Both cakes were very well recieved.


  1. Wow...1 cake 2 flavours ! Amazing. Your kids are very lucky! haha

    I still kept some of the kiddo's baby cloths. Just like u say, sweet memories.

  2. From Reuben's picture, realized that time pass like rocket, he has grown up so big, and I feel I am so old already, hehehe..Happy Belated Birthday to Reuben..He is blessed to have a great mommy like you who can cook and bake well.

  3. Love this cake.. Simple and nice. *Bookmark" this recipe.

    What you've mentioned is very true. Kids grow very fast. My 6yo son requested Minions cake to bring to his kinder. At home he request my simple fruit cake but with MU or Slugtera design.. Faint!

    My 2yo gal, I'm still thinking what should I do for her...

  4. Very cute cake! That old Mickey shirt so sentimental....

  5. The Mickey looked very cute, Shall gv a try for my 2nd son's birthday which gonna be next month.
    I still kept some of my sons fav cloths...kind of sentiment

  6. Wendy, cute cake and cute children you have! Your Mickey cake also reminds me of my girl's t-shirt, hahaha..

  7. My friend's baby is turning 1 this October and a Mickey Mouse Birthday Party is on top list. The very reason why I decided to make a collection of this amazing party ideas. I hope it would be okay to list some of your ideas on my compilation? Please say yes. Nice stuffs in here and thanks for sharing.
    God bless always!

  8. Hi , Wendy .Thanks for sharing .
    May I know the cake board that you used is how many inch ?
    BTW , can i use fresh cream instead of Swiss Meringue Butter cream ?
    Thanks .

  9. Meow,
    sure :)

    Kit Wai,
    You can use any cream that you prefer
    Cake board size... can't quite remember. I think I went to the shop, took their pans and measured out a cake board that could fit the sizes I intend to bake with


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