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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Strawberry Cake, literally - Kiddie Cakes #2

My dear niece Arianna turned 2 this year and her given theme for me this year is "STRAWBERRY"

Her mom said, she loves strawberries. So, I made her this. A strawberry cake literally.
I didn't want to use any food colouring and so I used fruits to 'colour' the cake and make it look like a strawberry.

Two different boxes of strawberries gave the cake 2 tones, compared from top to bottom. It doesn't look perfect, but the kid is happy and parents are happy too...

The best is, it's artificial colouring free :)

This is what I did, you can do it your way, your version.

The cake: Vanilla Sponge (any recipe you like), trimmed from a square cake. Fill before you trim.
Filling: Dairy whipped cream with sliced strawberries (it looks this way inside )
Topping: Strawberry slices and kiwi slices
Glaze: Instant Jelly (refer here, but without the herbs)


  1. OMG! what a fantastic art! welldone wendy!


  2. Fantastic, ya kids will love this.

  3. Wow a very tedious job... Well Done Wendy!

  4. Finally I can understand what "art of cooking" is. Incredible!!!

  5. Wendy

    You are very creative. Pretty....


  6. Wow wow wow...fantastic!

  7. one needs to be very patience in order to complete this cake ! The deco is nice... and you are really wise to replace food colouring with real strawberries & kiwis. So healthy !

  8. Such a healthy considerate aunty. Very beautiful cake. Bravo.


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