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Monday, July 29, 2013

Bunny Cake - Kiddy Cakes #1

I made this cake last year for my dear niece.
She has been changing her mind a few times, made me buy a few stuff.... and I'm glad she finally settled with a bunny cake, just a week before her day.

Here's how the decoration went on.. you can use any cake base you like. Since this is going to be a bunny cake, I made a carrot sponge (I forgot how I made it, just add some grated carrot to your favourite cake recipe). The frosting is Italian Meringue Buttercream, and you can use Swiss Meringue Buttercream if you like

1. Trim the cake.
2. Smother evenly with cream. Use toothpicks to mark the cake. Create borders with cotton strings and pat on desiccated coconut.
3. Rub some desiccated coconut with pink gel colour and fill up the space within the borders with the pink coconut. Remove the cotton strings.
4. Draw the final details with melted dark chocolate

The idea didn't come out of thin air, but I referred to a picture from the internet

My niece loved the cake a lot :)


  1. wendy, i love this cake too..
    thks for sharing..:)

  2. Hi wendy,

    i'm gonna make this for my son birthday. he born in rabbit year. i guess this is a good theme to celebrate his.
    thanks for sharing.

  3. So so cute! Love the fact that its a carrot cake too! Lucky niece!

  4. Very nice Wendy! Simple design too.

  5. Kiddy cakes #1...should be more cakes to come right? I can't wait to see the rest.

  6. This is beautiful ! Even an adult like me, likes the cake so much ! haha....

  7. Hi, may I know what is the cake size you baked?
    Thank you

  8. soh,
    I baked a sheet cake in the tray that came with my oven, cut into half and stack it with cream.
    This design will work with a rectangular cake of any size

  9. Loved your beautiful cake. Your niece is so lucky to have you. Happy Birthday to Wendy's niece.

  10. Hi wendy, this is such a cute cake! Do you mind sharing how to trim the cake into the bunny shape? Thanks!


  11. Yin,
    I only marked the cake with a toothpick and cut with knife

  12. Halo, I cannot find the recipe for this Italian Meringue .buttercream.

  13. MH,
    It's not in the blog, that's why I put the link to a similar one, Swiss Meringue Buttercream. The ingredients are the same, the difference is only in the method.


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