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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tofu Stuffed Pumpkin Blossoms - Flowers #2

Squash blossoms recipes are common on the internet. And they are usually stuffed. To me, why not I eat pumpkin blossoms too and a quick search on the internet confirmed that it is eaten as well.

As some of you might know.. I am currently contributing to Nourish! Mag. Not sure how long this will last but just taking every moment of it with joy. This is one of the featured recipes.

Actually I made these before the magazine and I decided on a pumpkin series theme, but since the boss liked my pumpkin flower recipe, then the rest followed. I did a series on how to eat the whole pumpkin, from leaves, seeds, fruit and of course the blooms.

I didn't buy these but collected them from an aunt. Her pumpkin patch is flourishing and each day, there are a few blooms. My mother in law harvested them each day in the late afternoon  after they have bloomed and begins to wilt. She kept them in the fridge for me until there was enough for a meal.

My MIL and the aunt had their first taste of pumpkin flowers and so did I. It was actually quite nice. Too bad that the patch was 'flattened out' not long after that because no pumpkins ever came to being.

Now, another patch is growing.. and we no longer wait for nature for pollination to happen... we're going to help them mate!

Tofu Stuffed Pumpkin Blossoms
by WendyinKK 

12 -15 pcs of pumpkin blossoms
300gm firm tofu
30gm tapioca starch
2 egg whites
½ tsp stock powder (use any variety you like)
½ tsp sugar
Dash of pepper
Salt if needed
More tapioca starch for dusting

1. Remove the anthers from the blossoms. Rinse them clean, shake off the water and let them air dry.
2. Mash tofu and combine with tapioca starch, egg whites, stock powder, sugar and pepper. Fry some on a pan and taste. Add salt if necessary.
3. Stuff each blossom with tofu filling until 2/3 full. Close up the blossom.
4. Roll each stuffed blossom onto tapioca starch. Pat the blossom tight and shake off excess starch.
5. Deep fry the stuffed blossoms until a crust forms and turns lightly golden.

Featuring 4 recipes in total on how to eat 4 edible parts of the pumpkin plant.


  1. Very nice leh! Reminds me of the stuffed zucchini flowers.

  2. Looks very artistic!

  3. ivy sew http://simplybeautifulhealthyliving.blogspot.comJuly 24, 2013 at 1:28 PM

    Wendy, didn't know that pumpkin flower is edible. I will look out for the flowers soon, hahaha... Thanks for sharing :)

  4. yummy, they really look like those zucchini flowers! You will never get these flowers unless you grow your own. Awesome!

  5. I have seen stuffed zucchini blooms but not pumpkin blooms, interesting to know they are edible too!

  6. I have never seen pumpkin flowers. They look beautiful! Didn't know they can be eaten. Your dish looks beautiful and delicious....mmmm

  7. Beautiful creation! I've never heard of pumpkin flowers before either but they look delicious! Great idea with the tofu stuffing!

  8. I love tofu, no matter what recipe is but this is exception, this is the smart recipe ever !!
    congrats on your feature recipe on magazine, Wendy

  9. Hi Wendy
    Thanks for this lovely recipe. I would like to try out this recipe. Do you know where can I buy the pumpkin flower?

  10. Hi Wendy! Congratulations for being featured on Mags...

    I don't think these blossoms are readily available here... So I can only admire your photos! :D

  11. Caroline,
    Sorry, no idea. These were from an aunt's garden.

    Thank you all for the comments and compliments.

  12. Will the fruit/pumpkin form if the flowers are eaten?


  13. Anonymous,
    Pumpkin flowers are monoecious. Anthers only exists in male flowers and so you probably would know that male flowers don't bear fruits. Science.

  14. Anonymous,
    BTW, scientifically from horticulture point of view, too many fruits/pumpkins in one vine won't give good results. Therefore, even female flowers can be harvested and eaten if there is already one fruit on that vine. That's why you get that many baby corn in the market, why would people cut away the baby corn instead of letting it grow bigger, right?


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