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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Scrambled Egg Whites with Prawns 虾仁抄蛋百

After making 2 strawberry mirror cakes in a week, I had 8 egg whites left in my fridge, what to do with it besides making meringue or other desserts?? Make some scrambled egg whites then..

Half cup shelled prawns
8 egg whites
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 Tbsp cooking oil
1 Tbsp chopped green onions

Heat wok and put in oil. Fry prawns with salt until they are fragrant and pink. Pour in the egg whites and stir with the spatula until all egg whites are cooked. Don't cook the egg whites for too long, else they will be tough and not smooth. Stir in chopped green onions and dish up.

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