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Friday, March 7, 2008

Steamed Angelica Chicken 蒸当归鸡

Angelica Sinensis, or commonly known in Chinese as Dong Guai is a chinese herb for... the ladies..
It has a nice but pungent smell, easily identified by its distinct smell.. I'd say fragrance..hehehe.

Tonight, I defrosted a chicken thigh, and didn't know what to do with it cos I don't like to repeat recipes often (say around 3 months once, or even longer).. then thinking of the dong guai I have in the fridge since my confinement, why not make dong guai steamed chicken.

I know I'm not the first person to do this type of steamed chicken, but I've never eaten one before. So, this dish is created solely by experiment. I think I've only cooked dong guai twice in my life, and that's making health tonics, never for real cooking.. yet.

It's very easy..

1 chicken thigh (cut small)
3/4 tsp salt
3/4 tsp sugar

2-3 thin slices of Dong Guai (angelica sinensis)
1 1/2 Tbsp Gei Zi (wolfberries)
1/4 cup water

1 tsp cooking oil (for oiling plate)

Marinate the chicken with salt and sugar for 10 minutes
Oil a stainless steel plate, or which ever plate u may want to use
Transfer marinated chicken onto the oiled plate. Spread out evenly.
Break up Dong Guai and sprinkle onto the chicken. Sprinkle the Gei Zi too.
Pour water onto the chicken and steam on high heat for 10-15 minutes.

The outcome?? Delicious!! Gravy great with rice, or just slurp it up!

Good for women... and men too.. (men dun drink the gravy too much... lest u become.. ahem**)


  1. hi there,
    before i found you, i had this for my lunch today:).

    shared this link in my blog, hope you dont mind.

    thanks again, for sharing.

    wish you a very good day.

  2. PC,
    great to see you on my blog!
    Sure, link it :)


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