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Sunday, January 13, 2013

My First Baking Workshop

I'm getting jittery!! LOL.

I'm participating in the Malaysian Food Festival  (no no, the the blogging event that I'm organizing).
It's a food ingredient exhibition that has food companies promoting their products. One of the participating companies is QBB Ghee. I was approached by Chef Ryan Khang to be part of the team. It's a great honour!

What I'll be doing is, I'll be conducting a cookie baking workshop using QBB ghee.
My first public demonstration.
I've done demos before, but that was with my students back in school, it's not the same, LOL. Just 20 girls surrounding me.... this is going to be like.... with microphones attached and a chef's uniform too!

It's a big step for me to be doing this. I never thought that blogging could land me in this someday. what started off as a record of my culinary journey has led me to this far.

Information of my workshop:
Date: 19th Jan 2013
Time: 2-4pm
Venue: Hall 2,
         Mid Valley Exhibition Center
           (Top floor, entrance via Center Court next to Nike Shop)
Cost:  Free admission

I'll be demonstrating a few cookies; Matcha snake cookies, peanut rolls, and barazek.
Recipe leaflets will be provided and there will be sampling sessions.
I'll try to make it into an interactive demo session. It's boring to sit there and just seeeeeeeeeee. And I'll be using a few languages (Malay, English and Cantonese) and no worries about asking questions. I'll try my best to answer you.

But if you have the time, you also can visit the exhibition on other days, as there are other chefs conducting workshops each day. I believe that Chef Ryan Khang is no stranger to many. If you frequent Jaya Grocer@ Empire, surely you would've seen his demos and if you have flipped through My Nourishment magazine, you defintely have seen him there. A new magazine under him will be launching soon, and this is the website.

Gina Tan is the owner of the baking ingredient shop Baker's One in Puchong and Kepong. I heard she is very good in making pastries, especially Chinese pastries.

So, come to Mid Valley on these dates and you won't leave empty handed :)


  1. wish i cld be there to see you live! hopefully your fans will be there to do recording and post it up! all the best to you!

  2. Congrats! I'm sure a lot of fans will be there to give supports. Wish you all the best !

  3. Congrats Wendy! You deserve it! Hv fun!

  4. Way to go Wendy! I'm sure you are looking forward something exciting and some motivation in life. Wish Im there on that day.

  5. sorry I cant go cos I got wedding dinner and have to make a 2 tiers birthday cake.....

  6. Congrat and have a successful workshop!

  7. Congrats .... will try to plan to go to the workshop.

  8. Wendy, congrats> How I wish I could see you doing live. 恭喜恭喜。

  9. Congrats! Wendy, you should come over to S'pore to demo. Would be one of your fans!

  10. congrats wendy, your success has been recognized.

  11. Congrats Wendy, Have a successfully workshop and don't forget to have fun. Will try to get there to give support.

  12. Wahhhh, u demo in Malaysia food festival! Congrats
    Next step is International Food & Beverage Joh...加油!

  13. Wow! And you'll be among an professional chef, and a pastry expert too! That's so exciting, Wendy! Congratulations!

  14. Congrats Wendy:D Unfortunately I am tied up on the 19th Jan. I would love to go show my support. Break a leg!! Hugs.

  15. Congrats Wendy! will drop by if i happen to shopping there..

  16. Cool! Wish I could go there to watch you "live" in action! Way to go Wendy! Stay cool! :)

  17. Wowzers!!! Should we be expecting your cooking book soon? Will drop by for your signature. ;) MidValley is where hubs and I have lunch most Sat. after we drop the girls off for Girls Brigade.

  18. congrats! someone reading this and going please record and post on youtube!!!

  19. Woot woot! Great work Wendy! I knew you will make it big someday, lol! Jia you! Morally support u all the way from Sg!

  20. Congratulation Wendy!!!


  21. Wow ! Wish I could be there . Hmm... remember once I commented on CELEBRITY Chef Wendy. U R a step there ! Congrats !

  22. Hi Wendy,
    Wish all the best to you.


  23. Thank you everybody for the well wishes and encouragement :)
    All these mental support is really like a jewel to me. Precious!

    I hope that there will be an online video after that so that I can share with all those who can't make it.

  24. Yes Wendy! Post the video pls! I'm very sure I wouldn't be able to make it there. :)

  25. Congrats Wendy! Remember I dreamt about you? Soon will become true that you will publish your cook book, can't wait :)

  26. That's fantastic, Wendy! I am very sure that you will do well teaching your audience at the demo!

  27. Congrats Wendy!!! Too bad I can't go and see you in action. You are GREAT!

  28. Wendy....Congrats ! all the best :)

  29. all the best for you madam wendy, you rock!

  30. wish i could be there to see you live! congrats on this big opportunity. hope to see the video or pictures after this event!

  31. Congrats, Wendy! I'm sure you can do it, definitely drop by if im available this saturday! Fully support u!

  32. Congrats Wendy...will drop by if I am there... :)

  33. Congrats on a wonderful opportunity! You'll be great!

  34. Hi Wendy, Congrats! God's favor and grace be upon you. This is an awesome news and is an long over due one too. You deserve and qualify to be one of the celeb chef with your skill, teaching and brilliant variety of cooking and baking. I am already seeing you shinning big on peer with people like chef Wan, and all the well known chef in the F&B world. Well done girl! Now go kick some ass :) hehehehe figure of speech lah.
    Wish I could be there.

    Alice from Singapore

  35. Congrats Wendy. I'm sure you'll do great. Would hv love to see you in action if we are in the same locale. So, time to hop over to Spore to do some demo's/ cooking lessons! :-)

  36. CONGRATULATIONS on your BIG success, Wendy. I am so so proud of you. I always do. Life has been keeping busy. However, keep on the good work lady.
    Best wishes, Kristy

  37. Oh no, I have missed that out otherwise i will drop by to support.

  38. Thank you all for the well wishes.
    It was a blast, although there were some initial hiccups. Really enjoyed myself :)


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