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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Rice Dumpling Videos

I've caught the video making bug.
I've recorded both attempts of my dumpling wrapping session this year.
I hope they will be useful to you all.
My wrapping techniques aren't perfect, but just to share how I do it.

For recipes of dumplings, visit here


  1. wow! great, you are wonderful, thank you so much for the video.

  2. Great instruction, lovely voice ......

  3. Wendy, next time if I really wanna wrap bak zhang, surely will come over here. thanks ya!

  4. very very helpful! thank you!

  5. Hi Wendy,
    This video is very very useful for people living overseas like me, who would like to learn to make zongzi, but just dunno how to start. Thank you very much for sharing this, will bookmark it for sure!


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