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Monday, October 14, 2013

Kurigohan, Japanese Chestnut Rice - Simple Japanese Fare #1

My blogger friend cum old school mate Annie gave me some beautiful delicious koshikahari rice.
I want to make full use of it, and so, I tried cooking chestnut rice.

That time, I haven't bought my mirin, so I used rum to replace.
I'm not sure if I will submit this to AFF, haha, I used rum.

The final product is very simple in flavours, but it's enjoyable. The faint sweetness from the chestnuts, the fragrance of the rice. Everything is subtle, but beautiful.

When I made this earlier this year, it so happened that Annie made it shortly afterwards too. Because it will be a good way to cook this precious grain. We both posted this for AFF this month.
Do visit Annie's blog to see her chestnut rice as well.
A big thank you to Annie for the delicious rice.

Japanese Chestnut Rice
Adapted from: Lafujimama

300gm koshikahari rice
400gm chestnuts (before peeling), peel it according to your preferred way
1 pc palm sized konbu/kelp, rinsed
1 Tbsp light soy sauce
1 Tbsp Rum (I used this to replace mirin)
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
Sufficient water

1. Wash rice until water runs clear and soak it for 30 minutes. Drain.
2. Put rice into your cooking vessel. Put in water according to instructions on the packaging.
3. Add in all the seasonings. Stir it to dissolve.
4. Cut chestnuts into smaller pieces and put into the rice. Put in konbu too.
5. Cook rice until it is done. Let rice sit for 30 minutes and fluff to serve.

*I steamed my rice for 30 minutes to cook it. You can use your regular method to cook it.

Simplicity at its best...BLISS!


  1. simple and nice dish, wish to try out the recipe too ^^

  2. Indeed simple yet looks elegant with the chestnuts :) Shall try but with the rice that I used for my shushi rolls.

  3. hi wendy, can i ask if there's any difference if i cook it directly using rice cooker? i have a small rice cooker that fits 5 pax.

  4. Rebecca,
    Can. Remember to soak the rice.

  5. hi wendy,,,, i tried this too.
    first attempt... rice too wet (i cant read the instruction - japanese)
    (ngem kam yun) second attempt ... maybe i let the rice sit slightly more than 30 min after cooking... it's a little sticky and the bottom turned brownish. water 1-1.
    overall very nice to eat but i still not vary satisfied on the rice texture. how can i get round puffy fragrance rice.
    i used rice cooker.

  6. Rebecca,
    All Japanese rice needs much lesser water than regular rice.
    Regular Rice cookers can cook it, but it won't give you optimum results unless, you buy one made specially for Japanese rice, like Zojirushi, and I heard it costs a 3 digit number in Singapore.
    Steaming will givegood results, but you need to know how much water to use too, of course


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