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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Saba Shio @ Salt Grilled Mackerel - Easy Japanese Fare #2

I love grilled saba and I do order this quite often whenever I eat at Japanese restaurants.

It's actually a lot cheaper if you grill this at home. When I dine at the restaurant, I get 1/4 of  the fish, but if I cook at home I get one whole fish for the same price. Wow, isn't that very "dai" (means worth it in Cantonese)

This Norwegian blue mackerel is easily available at major supermarket at the frozen division. Cost me around RM16 for one pack. Sometimes there's 3 pieces, sometimes 2 bigger pieces.
I always keep a pack in the freezer as it is one of the easiest dishes to whip up.

Saba Shio @ Grilled Mackerel

Mackerel flesh
Sea Salt

Rub mackerel with a little bit of oil. Place it on top of your oven's wire rack, skin side up. Sprinkle salt over. Just a bit will be fine, just to season.
Place a pan underneath the wire rack to catch the drippings.
Grill in oven at 200C until the skin looks golden.

*You might need to flip the fish to grill the flesh. My oven has the function "Grill with fan", so I didn't flip it.

I am submitting this to Asian Food Fest Japan Month


  1. Hi Wendy,

    I bet you caught lots of dripping underneath it! :)

    I too use this makerel as it is more oily and the skin is oh so crispy.

    With just salt alone, it is so tasty and very good with rice.

    Thanks for sharing Wendy.

  2. Wendy, I have seen this frozen mackerel but never buy because I wasn't sure if it was good. Well, you have confirmed it and I will buy to try!

  3. Now I think I will have a look out for this mackerel to try out.

  4. I dun really fancy saba, but DH does. Since it's that simple and does do some savings, I should give this a try, see what he'll say :)

  5. Wendy, you made this saba shio looks so simple but yet delicious. I've never seen this in the local supermarkets here, now I think I'm tempted to make this so I have to open my eyes really big to find this :)

  6. Grilled Saba is one of the must-order dishes when I visit any Japanese restaurant for its taste and the fact that there is no or little bones due to the way it was sliced. Ideal for kids!

  7. A less messy way to cook fish, looks delicious too! I love to order this dish whenever I get the chance to eat Japanese and also the tempura prawns:D

  8. hi wendy... tried this recipe 3 days ago. superb. however i cant get the nice grill as yours.
    tks for the recipe!

  9. Tried making this today. Absolutely delicious! Thanks for sharing out the recipe

  10. Do u have any tips bcoz the mackerel that i baked in the oven is always too dry..


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