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Monday, October 21, 2013

Crab Curry with Pineapple - Pineapples #1

I happened to see some crabs at the wet market near my mom's place and so I bought some.

I learnt during MFF Kedah and Perlis that seafood can be cooked with pineapple. So I tried it out myself.
The pineapples added a lovely flavour dimension to the curry. We loved it.

Crab Curry with Pineapple
by WendyinKK

2 large flower crabs, cleaned and cut into pieces
2 red chillies, thickly sliced
2 lemongrass, base smashed
100 ml coconut milk
Half a large pineapple, halved and sliced
Salt to taste
1tsp sugar

Grind to a paste
3 red chillies
10 dried chillies
5 shallots
3 cloves of garlic
1 inch ginger
1 pc of belacan , pinkie sized

1. Heat up wok and put in 3 tbsp of oil. On medium heat sauté the paste until it smells really good and takes on a glossy look.
2. Put in 3 cups of water and lemon grass and let it come to a boil. Lower to a simmer for 10 minutes.
3. Crank up the heat and put in coconut milk, give it a good stir and bring it back to boil.
4. Put in crab pieces, pineapple and sliced chillies. Bring everything back to a boil and cover the wok. Let it simmer on medium heat for 10 mintues.
5. Taste and season with sugar and salt. Remove from heat.

was lazy to dish it up to shoot, so, in the wok it stayed ;)


  1. samalah wendy
    smlm masak ketam ni jugak
    resepi yg lebih kurang sama since orang rumah mintak nak makan ketam
    masak guna resepi chef hanieliza tu
    hmm..sedap jugak letak nenas
    selalunya kalau masak lemak cili pagi ikan masin je yang buh nenas
    tpinya ade orang kate lagi sedap kalau masak ketam yang kari masin tu
    ye ke?!tak pernah pula cuba

  2. thanks for sharing, would love to try this...

  3. Sidratul,
    Wendy kureng sikit..kalao gulai yang pakei ikan masin. Bau tu..susah ler

    Hope u like this

  4. Wendy , this is also good ideal for shooting ~ like.

  5. Hi wendy, can u advice me what is the paste called? Can i get it from the wet market itself instead of grinding it by myself?

  6. I bet this must be very very appetizing. I was craving for crabs recently and been urging my other half to buy fresh crabs for me (I tak pandai beli itu lah....).

  7. Kam sedap!! Come to think of it, Long time I didn't eat crabs!

  8. Sandy Hong,
    There is no name for the paste, it's DIY paste

  9. Wendy, I very lazy to peel the crabs. But I will enjoy the curry and the pineapples!

  10. Your posts are always so attractive and cause me mouth watering.
    Love eating crabs but never think to cook it myself because i feel that the process of 'kill' and cut the crabs is too difficult for me...:P


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