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Monday, July 19, 2010

Winners of Ginger Milk Curd Giveaway, announced earlier.

All the entries

The box of fate

The process is fun, they're used to drawing stuff from the box

Now, they've got a name each, who are they?

Galronni,  please email me your mailing address.
Mel, sms me can oredi la.

See, more entries more chances. Galronni had 3 and Mel had 4 entries. Proved my point.

A big thank you for all who tried and submitted their results.
Thanks to all who tried in silence too


  1. Hey, congratulations to the winners! Yahooooo....

  2. Congrats to the winners! They are deserved to this gift!

  3. Congrats to the winners, it's a good learning process indeed :)

  4. Wow wow... seldom win stuff and now I've won! Will email right away! Thanks Wendy for the fun time. :D

  5. Eh, eh, I've won! I'll sms my add to you!
    Anyway,just like Ronni said: This is super fun! She even suggested Breastmilk to me! Who knows...maybe i'll try it! (A bit crazy, i know...But I don't really think it'll work well baby's oredi 9months, protein content not much liao right?)LOL....

  6. Kristy,
    Why didn't u join in the fun la??

    If you submitted more, you might have won too :)

    I'm glad your curds turned out good finally and maybe you can the brands the other used and make firmer curds than using Dutch Lady fresh milk.

  7. Ronni,
    Looking forward to your email, and good for you to suggest to Mel about B/M. Hahaha, that's a good one. She has lots to spare.

  8. Mel,
    When will you be trying out GMC using breast milk?
    Hahaha, can't wait to see the results!!!!! Super interesting!!!

    But then, who will consume it? Your kids or u yourself, or Huat?

  9. Congratulations to the winners.
    I had tried this but failed 4 times :(

  10. Anncoo,
    You should've emailed me the results, if you didn't want to post them in your blog.
    Any attempt is fine, failed or worked, you'd still be in the running.

    Maybe next time then.

  11. ohh i missed it ar? organize again leh hahahahahahaah

  12. Congratulations to the winners.
    & Wendy, Thanks for the fun time.

  13. Congrats to both of them. By the way, your method to select the winners applied the probability maths. Fair enough.

  14. Hahahaha .... This is fun. I don't like Ginger & Milk, that's why I never take part on this.
    Congratulation to the winners :) Yeahhhh !!!

  15. Manglish...
    wait, wait for another recipe that I am eager for everyone to try and do, then I'll do another giveaway.

  16. Annann,
    You're welcomed, and I should thank you for participating.

  17. DG,'s ok. It's very logical to not try stuff that we don't like. And I will never ever attempt any bittergourd recipe :)

  18. Hi Wendy,
    Sorry for the delay, I've posted the gift up on my site. Take a look. :D

    Thanks again.


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