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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Soda Cream Crackers

Sometimes when I buy the 1L pack of whipping cream, I can’t use it up. And sometimes there are recipes that call for just some cream, and it’ll be a waste to buy even a 200ml pack for that. So, whenever I buy that 1L pack, I’ll do a few things with it, and one of it will be cream crackers.

I got this recipe from here but I replaced the milk and butter amount with whipping cream, added some salt and sugar and voila!!! Home made cream crackers. I don’t know why hers are so puffy and mine are just like that… but anyway, the crackers are yummy and crispy.
I halved the recipe

225gm all purpose flour
½ tsp instant yeast (I recommend Saf Yeast for this recipe, cos Saf is sourish, you can read the instruction behind the yeast's pack to add some alkaline to the dough, and this yeast is just perfect here due to the addition of baking soda)
½ tsp sodium bicarbonate
½ tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
130gm whipping cream

1. Mix all the dry ingredients together and make a well in the center. Put in cream and mix. Knead to form a smooth dough.(Kneading is important to form the flake layers but too much will harden the crackers)
2. Leave aside for half an hour (The ori recipe didn’t have this step, I did 30 mins but I reccomend proofing it for an hour or until double for better flake layers)
3. Roll out dough into 2-3mm thickeness.
4. Cut with cookie cutter, (coat with caster sugar) and poke with fork.
5. Bake in preheated oven at 180C or 190C (if your oven has no fan) for 10 minutes.

These crackers get soft easily, so be quick to pack them into air tight containers once they have cooled down. When they have al cooled down, I put all of them in one tray, and bake them again at 150C for another 10 minutes to dry them further. Really crispy this way.

If ever they get lose their crispiness again, zap them in the microwave for a few seconds, leave to cool and you’ll be munching on crispy crispy cream crackers again.

Warning: Be careful with the baking soda amount. I threw my 2nd attempt away because I overdosed on baking soda and my crackers tasted very alkaline (like lye water). I didn't use Saf yeast for both atempts, but I only found out Saf is sourish the hard way when my steamed buns all became sourish. Then I read the yeast's packing and found out, Darn!!! Alkaline should be added when one bakes with Saf yeast. So, if you're not using Saf, please be very careful not to overdose with the baking soda.


  1. That's very lovely cream cracker! I've not try making my own cream cracker before. I think this is a good one to fill my cookies jar. Thanks for sharing!

  2. would love a try on this! wheeee, but never have time to bake huuuhuuu. mind to courier me some? *wink*

  3. Oh, I made crackers before. But hadn't started blogging that time. I think the the humidity here plays a part in softening up our crackers fast, 好似漏風咁。。。 Back in the States, my crackers became even crisper as they aged. Perhaps, this was due to the dry and cold weather there. Maybe I shall remake mine and see how they perform here ... Will let you know should that ever happen, K? Here are mine, I uploaded mine onto Flickr:

    Should these be called soda crackers or cream crackers nia? Come to think of it, "soda crackers" sounds like a direct translation from Chinese to me leh ... Maybe I should just call them "cracker" ... Sounds more appropriate hor?

    P.S. Rarely see me dropping comment during daytime leh ... 'Coz I'm on medical leave. I woke up with a swollen, pink eye!!! So cham ...

  4. Beautiful photos!
    Your crackers look good enough to package for sale. Very professional. I'm inspired to give this a go now. Have some leftover whipping cream from my Peach cake project.

  5. Lovely cream crackers. ;) Good idea to substitute the milk & butter with whipping cream. Will try that next time.

  6. Wendy, is this the cream cracker you were talking about?

  7. Wendy, I like the cracker topping with sugar :P

  8. Hi Wendy, very pretty looking home-bake cream crackers!Never thought of using whipping cream for cookies,such a great idea! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Have never done cream crackers. It will be on my to-do list. A good snack with some toppings! Yum!

  10. This is lovely...looks very inviting! Thanks for sharing. :)

  11. So pretty!

    I always dump the unused cream, not alot, about 1/4 pack. This recipe looks great! Will try it one day when I have excess cream.

  12. Kitchen Corner,
    Try it. Home made crackers are definately better than bought.

  13. Ai wei,
    Cannot courier la, nanti all jadi crumbs leh... cannot..

  14. Pei Lin,
    Soda Crackers is correct, recipes are all over the net. Refer here It's name is due to the baking soda in it.
    Cos I used cream to make this, hence the name soda cream crackers.

    In Wikipedia, cream crackers are typically squarish, thick about 8mm, also made with yeast.
    Both are acceptable.

  15. NEL,
    Please do try this, and let me know.

  16. Bee,
    Actually many crackers recipe call for cream, hence the name cream crackers, and I adapted this recipe based on reading other sites.
    I used cream for my aeroplane crackers too.

  17. Shirley,
    Yes. This taste somewhat like the old fashioned non oily Khong Guan cream cracker.

  18. Hearty Bakes,
    Actually it's not my idea. Cream is actually used in a lot of cracker recipes. I just adapted this based on knowledge gathered from browsing the net.

  19. Busy Gran,
    Hehe, make you own then, quick quick.

  20. Swee San,
    I made them too small to dip. Maybe if I cut them big and then can dip lor. These were smaller than oreos.

  21. Blessed Homemaker,
    Aiyor why throw them away. You can freeze them. Just that you can't use the frozen ones to whip, you can use them to cook and bake. So wasted la.

  22. Hihi......lovely....will try on it....btw, just want to share with you that my chiffon/soft pumpkin cake was finally successed due to your prompt reply that i stir it instead of fold it....thank you very muchie.....
    what is saf yeast ? is there a diff. with those dry yeast i use for bun making ?

  23. Yalor... forgot lah... then everytime want to cook creamy pasta, got to go buy a small pack of dairy cream :P

  24. Jaymie,
    Saf is a brand, like Mauripan or Angel brand.
    Same dry yeast as bun making.

  25. Those crackers look great! lovely photos :)

  26. hello! Quite a long time... i am not go to blogging world... now i come back! :D

    eat some biscuit then can start to gossip lo

  27. waaaa the 3rd pic really caught my attention...can oredi imagine the texture haahah

  28. ha Saf yeast, I learnt something new. I wonder whether this is easy to find in Singapore. Yours looks good.

  29. Thanks for sharing this recipe. Been looking for one. It doesn't puff like the original , can it be the whip cream you used instead of milk and butter?

  30. Jess,

    Why a man can be so 8gua and gossip one ah?

  31. Manglish,
    Hehehe.... nice hoh the layers?

  32. Edith,
    Saf brand yeast is pretty common, I think.
    The small packings are brown beige in colour.

  33. Elin,
    Could be. But hoh, I suspect is the kneading or proofing time. I read in other websites regarding cream/soda crackers, one has to proof it for a period of time, so that the yeast can kick into action. The original recipe didn't say this, but I proofed it anyway, but only for half an hour, and that was before I checked on other websites regarding proofing. My 2nd batch of cookies from 1st try out were puffier maybe cos they were waiting longer for their turn in the oven gua. Anyway, anything with yeast should be proofed right, sigh. That's why I put in parenthesis that to proof it for 1 hour, that's my note for my future try outs.

  34. this go well with a cup of coffee, sound good!

  35. Hi Wendy,

    These cookies look flaky and good. I cant use up my cream too whenever I buy the litre pack. So I will think of recipes to use it up. Puddings will make a good choice since most of them uses up whipping cream.

  36. No worries! I bet your girls going to finish them up by the next day. I think the texture looks fine. I hope I have a bigger oven for my bakings. Have a great weekend.
    Cheers, Kristy

  37. I looked for crackers recipe once but never tried it. Thanks for sharing! Looks cute & pretty but yeah I expect cream crackers to be puff but they are cute & taste nice anyway.

  38. Wow! These crackers look so good! I love how they have so many layers...I didn't know it was possible to make crackers like this! I'm definitely trying this one =] And it's funny that you mention cream because I have a some cream in the fridge I was going to use to frost a sponge cake only I don't have enough time to make the cake.....=[ Thanks for the recipe! I'll let you know how it goes ;)

  39. Sonia,
    Yup, goes well plain too :)

  40. Bakertan,
    I rarely make or eat puddings.
    Do you mean those dairy jellies or westerner's pudding?

  41. Angie,
    Ohhh... you love these too eh..

  42. My Little Space,
    They could gobble them up in one day, but I hid them so that they could have some more the next day.

  43. HomeKreation,
    They are puffy like those sold at kedai runcit, but not as puffy as the recipe origin.

  44. Von,
    great!!! don't forget to let me know.

  45. Hi Wendy,
    The whipping cream called for in this recipe is it 'heavy cream'? or no-dairy whipping cream?
    Btw, do I need to add alkaline to the SAF yeast as you suggested? Thanks for sharing, I wish to try this out soon.

  46. Momto4Angels,
    It's definately dairy whipping cream or heavy cream and not "non dairy topping cream".
    I'll rarely use non dairy, besides for outer cake deco.
    The baking soda is the alkaline component.

  47. Hi Wendy,

    The puddings I meant are custards like creme brulee, panna cotta, bread and butter puddings etc. all very vanilla-ish and are suit our asian palate well.

  48. Bakertan,
    I guessed so. That's what I rarely eat or bake. And I don't think I'll make panna cotta, too rich!!!! And I don't own a blow torch, so no creme brulee plus my bake ware can't take the oven's broiling, besides those diaposable aluminium wares. Bread pudding is a once a while thing, just made it twice.
    I have very angmoh tastebuds but not their level of sweetness, love everything that smell and taste dairy.

  49. Hi Wendy! I made these today eventhough I had heaps of homework (which is why it'll take me a while to post it up on my blog)...tehehe- they look too good! I actually had thickened cream, not whipping cream (we can't get that here anyway) so I needed to add more milk to get a dough but I was too scared of adding too much milk so the dough ended up a lot drier than I think it was supposed to be. Perhaps this is a reason why they didn't turn out as flaky as yours (I left it to rise for a couple of hours actually, because it was so cold today)? But there were still layers in mine- just not as defined as yours =] I'll definitely be making this again- it's so fun and delicious! Thanks for the reipce

  50. Von,
    Glad you found them delicious.
    Cream goes by different names in different countries. Or you can get pure cream, which has not thickeners added.

    Maybe it could be due to the flour as well, here in our humid weather, the dough was just nice. No wrong adding more milk if you find it too dry. Or you can add some milk and some butter, that way it'll compensate for the fat in the cream :)

  51. Hi Wendy, just want to update you that I tried this and I like the ones with sugar sprinkled on top better as it is saltish sweet at the same time.

  52. HKChoo,
    Glad you liked it.
    I also prefer the sugared ones.

  53. Your crackers look delicious. Thanks for warning us about adding too much bicarbonate of soda which makes the cookies taste bitter.
    Using too much yeast or over proofing the bread dough or the temperature of the dough is too hot can result in yeasty sour breads.

  54. Hi Wendy, i try to freeze whipping cream. I thaw it overnight before use, but the result was a funny consistency, the butterfat won't incorporate with the water no matter how hard i shake it. Now i had half liter of frozen whipping cream and don't know what to do with it :'( i plan to bake your whipped cream cake with it. Any advice why this happen ? Thanks wendy..

  55. Grace,
    Whipped cream cake needs the cream to be whipped, and hence, can't use any pre frozen cream, as thawed cream can't be whipped.
    I have frozen my cream many times, and so far, I have been able to reuse them. I thaw it in the fridge. If the cream has separated, don't discard it, just strain the butterfat, and that will be butter. Try whacking it with beaters, with the bowl seated in icy cold water, and the clumps of butter will be easily removed. Drain the clumps of butter and spread on bread or use in bakes.

  56. Ya lor, I'm so happy when I browse around David Lebovitz blog and found information about freezing whipping cream, immediately went to bought a liter of cream when stock up my pantry supplies. Afterward i found that uht whipping cream can't be freeze, mine is anchor uht cream, so maybe that's what cause it ya. Wondering can I still used this seperated cream in your nutella bread pudding ? Since it require the cream to be heated ? I'm not a big fan of bread n butter..


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