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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Fresh Apricot Almond Tarts

Remember I said I saw some more apricots going alot cheaper, at RM8.90 for 8 pcs. Did I buy them??? Of course I did.

This time, they are a bit sweet and very slightly tart only. Hahaha....

I saw this recipe on Tartelette and I’ve got tart cases in the freezer, yeah from the galette and some extra from egg tarts. So I halved the recipe and made this. And loved the fact that she used honey here and most recipes I’ve seen before uses sugar.

BTW, do you know that sugar is hard to come by now??? Read here.  Many grocery stores are no longer selling them, due to government restrictions. But I can still get honey everywhere..

The original recipe called for cream, but to open up a carton for 2 Tbsp???? Nah, a bit wasteful right? Unless I'm doing other stuff, but nope, not that that time. So, I replaced it with milk
Anyway, with honey (and not sugar) in the filling mixture, it's runny enough and the filling almost couldn't hold my apricot slices up.

Fresh Apricot Almond Tart
Makes 8 tart

8 small cold tart cases (any recipe you like)
55gm softened butter
55gm honey
1 egg
2 Tbsp milk or cream (I'll omit this next time)
50gm ground almond

4 ripe rosy apricots, sliced

1. Preheat oven at 170/180C
2. Combine softened butter, honey, milk, egg and ground almond together until combined. Do not whisk too much.
3. Pour into prepared cold tart cases and top with sliced apricots.
4. Bake for 30 minutes (I baked for 23mins)
5. Sift icing sugar over baked tarts and serve warm.... yummy.

Oh.. the smell of the tart baking in the oven is just heavenly. If only I could fleet and float, I will fleet, float and fly to sky

The taste, yeah.. what do you think? Butter, honey and apricots..... simply marvellous. My kids shared and ate 4 tarts that evening, 2 at 6pm, another 2 at 9pm. They wanted more, but I had to stop them.
The tartness of the apricot seemed to have intensified after baking, but it was still much better than the galette. My kids didn't bother about the tartness of the apricots cos they are lemon suckers. Apricots are nothing compared to lemons :)


  1. Nice! Tasty! Hmmm... Yum! Apricots have this distinctive flavour and scent. I love the scent in my shower gel.

  2. mmmm these apricot tartlets look so pretty and delicious!

  3. Busygran,
    I love the smell too..but the fresh ones here are so sour!!! Dried one are so sweet.

  4. Angie, they are delicious despite the tartness

  5. Oh yes, I remember reading that sugar is on 'ration'... your sugar is heavily subsidised by the government.

  6. Shirley,
    Yeah, and people are hoarding sugar now as the muslim fasting month is fast approaching. There was no sugar at the supermarket yesterday, the shelves were sweeped clean of regular white sugar. Luckily I bought a few packs of fine sugar before this craze started so my bakes are still using sugar I bought weeks ago. I don't scout supermarkets for fine sugar and only buy when I see them. So, if ever my supply runs out... hahaha, I have to use the more expensive castor sugar which is not subsidized.

  7. These are very yummy tart indeed! I can smell it and taste it from the screen! Very tempting!

  8. Wendy, the tart looks pretty and yummy. I am using castor sugar for baking cos once I tried other type of sugar to beat with butter, I beat for more than 1/2 hr but stil unable to beat till creamy, the sugar just cant dissolve so from tat time onwards, not dare to try other sugar liao :P.

    BTW, I hardly can find castor sugar in JB, is it cos of not subsidise tats whi not many places selling?

  9. Lovely tarts! Would be nice with any summer fruits. :)

  10. I too bought some fresh apricots the other day and they were sour. I thought of making it into jam but making little tarts sound like a better idea.

  11. Kitchen Corner,
    Wah.. so geng ah... never knew smells can travel through the net :)

  12. Jess,
    No la, castor sugar's easily available at the bakery dept of hypermarts and supermarts.

    I don't use regular granulated sugar, I'm using the finer one, which is very slightly bigger than castor, but for half the price. :)
    Have you seen my email?

  13. Honey Bee,
    Yeah, any fruits will be great.

  14. Icook4Fun,
    What??? Even when you got it over there it's sour???? Aiyoyo.. no wonder those that flew here were super sour.
    I'm hoping for late season fruits... hope that those will be sweeter.

  15. Please ship two to sandiego stat!

  16. very scrumptious looking tarts! I like your mini version. Very cute! Hope you have a nice day!
    Cheers, kristy

  17. My Little Space,
    I'm no fan of large tarts, I try not to make large ones.

  18. I told myself that I must learn how to make tarts. I'm not a good baker like you.

  19. Hi Wendy, Do you think dried apricots will work as well too? because it's quite hard to get fresh apricots here....:(

  20. Little Inbox,
    YOu are a good cook, and I'm sure you'll pick up making tarts.

  21. Mumto4Angels,
    Dried ones... a bit too sweet for this, I'm afraid. If you can't to use the dry one, you have to recontitute it before you use and please reduce the sweetness accordingly. Actually you can do this with plums, or fresh blueberries. Canned or processed fruits tend to be too sweet and you definately have to cut the level of sweetness of the filling.

  22. They look really pretty!
    I must add that the recipe calls for 1/4 cup of cream and not 2 tablespoons which makes a difference to the texture believe it or not. Being on a budget, I am not one to be wasteful so I use the rest of the cream promptly in other desserts, ice creams, custards, etc...

  23. Helene,

    I halved the filling recipe, so the 60ml was reduced to 30ml, hence, 2 Tbsp :)
    Normally I'll try to use cream, but at that moment, I do not have anything in mind to make with cream, so I substituted it with milk. Cream is very expensive here.

  24. These look delicious! I have some apricots I need to use up.

  25. Kirbie,
    If you're making these, let me know the outcome yeah!

  26. How do you keep your icing sugar from dissolving in out humid weather?
    Even when I sift icing sugar over a cold cake / tart, it always dissolves after a while. Any tips to share?

  27. NEL,
    A cold cake? A cold cake has moist surface, therefore the sugar melts.
    I do it over warm cakes and tarts and it stays nicely snowy until much later, when the cake/tart's surface start to get moist later, the icing sugar will melt.
    Fresh bakes tend to have dry surfaces, which s why freshly baked cakes have a nice crunchy top and overnight cakes have a moist crust.

    For this tart, the icing sugar stayed on... for 5 hours, I think, cos I went to sleep after that. The next day, it was melted.

  28. You are probably right. I never thought of cold cakes having moisture. I just always focused on the heat from warm cakes, thinking the the warmth will melt the sugar. haha. Thanks for the tip :)

  29. NEL,
    Heat won't melt sugar, unless it's very very hot, somewhere past 200C.
    Even when I bake my cookies with sugar rolled on, the sugar remains as sugar cos there was no moisture.

    But if you put just 1 tiny drop of water into sugar, it'll melt straight away, which is why some people put water in last minute when they make caramel.


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