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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A shortweekend and a long meeting

I was away last weekend, you all knew right??? Because I didn't post anything on Friday and Saturday.

Just went to KL to spend the weekend and do some shopping. I bet those of you who read Swee San's blog already knew I met up with her and Pei Lin.

On this trip, I didn't do any clothes shopping, but mostly for my blog. Bought a heck lot of flours; buckwheat, kamut, spelt, millet, cornflour(not starch, it's finely milled cornmeal), wholemeal bread flour (not regular wholemeal flour), balsamic vinegar and grapeseed oil. 

Don't worry, my blog isn't going to turn organic or into something else that you find "alien" with all these funny ingredients. I only planned to buy kamut flour on this trip. Just so happened that I saw the rest, and got curious on how they taste like. I'll gladly buy any flour that is not certified organic because organic products are pricey, but sadly I could only get them at organic counters. But for those of you who would like to know, after scouting a few places during the weekend, I found that the cheapest spot for white spelt flour and other flours will be BMS Organics(one branch in Ipoh), cheapest Bob Red Mills flours will be Jaya Grocer and Just Life (Mercato and Cold Storage is expensive), best selection of flours will be Jaya Grocer. If you want to know the location of the outlets, please google for them. I'll link them here if they $$$ me, hahahahah!!!!

And I also found something at Jaya Grocer that Pei-Lin had been looking for ever since she came back to Malaysia. I wanted to called her immediately, so that I can make her scream, but then I chose to SMS her and let her scream on her own. You'll see that later in my blog or even Swee San's blog, cos when I told Pei-Lin about it, Pei-Lin told Swee San about it and Swee San quickly went to grab some for herself. Grab first, think later!!! Hahahaa!!!

Now, about my meeting with these 2 ladies. I'm meeting Swee San for the 3rd time and Pei-Lin the second time. The 'date" was on Sept 11, 11am at the Curve as usual. Went Daiso to buy stuff for our blogs and me being the naughty one was trying to "sabo" Pei-Lin to buy this buy that. Hahaha.
She really did buy quite a bunch, but not due to my magic. I just bought a few items.
Then we went to have lunch at Tony Roma's. Yakking non stop while eating.

After that we went shopping again, for ingredients.
Went Cold Storage and Just Life, and Pei-Lin needed to go to Ikea to grab some stuff. Then my dear Mike called, telling me to have dinner on my own. Then my dear blogging buddies accompanied me for dinner. So so nice of them. Poor Pei-Lin arrived home at 11.10pm. The meeting was more than 10 hours. Crazy!!

So, what are these? The squarish stuff were from Swee San, and they are passion fruit marshmallows. Homemade ones taste so so super compared to store bought ones, and not as sweet too. It's very very soft but smell a bit eggy. Cos it's got egg whites, and store bought ones are just sugar and gelatin. Nothing beats home made stuff.  And Pei-Lin made some coconut cookies and chocolate granola for us. She gave me 4 packs of cookies, Mike, my 2 girls and me, so 4. You can only see 3 here, cos we already ate 1 pack while in the car. Really yummy and taste like Kjeldsens coconut currant cookies, if only there were currants.
I can't wait for them to post up the recipes!!!!!!

When we arrived home on Sunday night... it was tiring, but it was a really fun weekend.

By now, we are already planning for the next meeting, and the venue is already confirmed at Empire Shopping Gallery. Simply because of the selection of ingredients that we can get there and our next adventure will be to try out as many breads as possible from "The loaf". I've seen a palm sized bread there going to about RM22, about that. Wondering how nice will the super expensive palm size loaf taste like.
Leave that to our next meeting.


  1. Wendy, you gals really enjoyed alot and shopping alot too hahaha... hope I am able to join in next time :).

  2. Jess,
    Hahaha, and we anticipated we'll tear down the roof together if you're here with us, hahahah!!

  3. still remember the waitrose's grapeseed oil in plastic bottle lol.. bad packaging lol..Actually apart from Jaya, Village Grocer also have quite a selection of imported veges.. almost the same as jaya..

  4. Swee San,
    Then Village grocer got the same selection of flour or not leh??? Where is it ah?

  5. Sounds like a lot of fun! I was wondering why I didn't see your post and now I know. The marshmallows look so good. I never knew that passion fruit marshmallow could be homemade. In fact, I didn't even know they existed.

  6. Look like all of you had a lot of fun in this meet up. Nice to see you in the group photo, I supposed the middle pretty lady is you, hehehe..

  7. You ladies really went crazy shop hopping...:) Looks fun though! I hope the timing of my next trip to KL will be convenient enough to do something like this with you girls.

  8. Hey, Pei-Lin left me a comment in my blog earlier that you did mention my blog to her. Hehe, thanks a lot.
    How nice if I can join you all.
    I can see it is a fruitful shopping and fun gathering.

  9. wah.. got back lots of good stuffs hur!!

  10. Esther,
    One day Swee San will post the recipe, then maybe you can try making it.

    Hahaha, the middle is the oldest and that is me lor, ahah!!!

    The shops that we went to are all at the same place. So, it's pretty easy to go and see the stuff we want. I can't wait if you ever were to come and join us.

    Little Inbox,
    It'll be great if you can join us. Hey, can give me ur email, you can send a "hi" to my blog email, wendyinkk at yahoo. So that you can be added to the mailing list if we ever have any meet ups.

    Kitchen Corner,
    Haha, so so la.Hahaha. Trying to get the cheapest stuff, cos not everywhere is selling cheap.

  11. I like those marshmallows...homemade somemore? Double WOW!
    Oredi planning for the next?? Whua! don't forget me har...wondering if I'll miss it again? I've oredi missed the gatherings twice!
    But 10hrs is so long...with my little ones, I might not able to follow you all for such long hrs...

  12. Mel,
    You can chow earlier.
    I was without my girls that day, which was why I could stay that long.
    If you came that day, u'd be bringing home the cookies and marshmallows and some cute canisters from me too

  13. Wendy, I can be reached at

  14. They have 1 in BSC and in Giza but i'm not sure if they have the same selection of flours, cause... I don't look for these stuffs hahaah don't pay attention to it. Since the one in Subang is newly opened, they would get more things..

  15. Haiz, seems like I'm always the slowest to blog ... HAHA! I read this at work already, but didn't dare to sign in to my a/c and comment. Takut kena tangkap by my big boss. HAHA! SHHH ...

    大家姐, I performed quite well that day. At least, I still could think rationally while I shopped. Except I admit I did lug a haul of ka-changs back from Daiso. HAHA! I'll put them to good use! Those IKEA stuff are 正經 stuff. For my whole family one ... Nothing to do with my indulgence. LOL! IKEA was on our way nia. So, I mai 順路 bought some household items lor. Luckily, didn't get sabo by you too much. HAHA!

    I think the funniest part was we didn't realize it was 9.30 p.m. jor at Kim Gary. HAHA! We just made another record!

    I did scream lor. I jumped out of my seat when I saw your SMS. Dammit! So we go loiter at Empire Shopping Gallery the next round ar? I want my share! It's OK one, can use my backlog from summer 2009. HAHA!

    Yea, yea. I think SS's marshmallows are freaking good, though, I can still taste something eggy. But hor, the passion fruit flavor is authentic and intense. Not as sweet as store-bought punya. Good!

    Glad to see Ms. Lydia in person. TOO FRIENDLY. HAHA! SO CUTE! K, will cari you and your family in KK. Can play with the girls more. Already missing them. SO sweet to witness how they wiped out the remaining the cookies lar. My heart melted ... HAHA! Two at one go: one on the left and one on the right. HAHA!

    See ya soon!

  16. On a second thought, can try Village Grocer also, besides Jaya Grocer. Both good places to shop for Mat Saleh stuff. We shall talk about it. Swee San, hor? HAHA! I'm so greedy ...

  17. Little Inbox,
    Ok, then, that is easy to remember. Just like mine, blogname @ yahoo. hahaha.

    Swee San,
    okok. I hope to go to Village grocer one day.

    Next time I add more mojo to sabo u.
    Darn, should've called u and hear u scream. I was being too nice.

  18. How nice you girls get to meet up so often. Wish I can join all of you :(

  19. Lovely post! I'm amazed at how long you girls spent together....haha. You must have enjoyed it very much :).

  20. Can't wait to see your bakes using special flours :)

  21. Gert,
    When you get back, we will sure meet up with you!!!!

    Yup, definitely super!!!

    I'll be turning to your blog for the recipes :)

  22. How come I missed this entry? Wow! It's so good to be on a girls day out. I wish I have someone to bbsit my kids so I can go yakking with my friends. Fat hope.


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