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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tomato Cream

Ah.. tomato cream. Something that really caught my attention when I watched one of Anna Olson’s Fresh with Anna Olson. She just blitz cherry tomatoes with oil, season with salt and pepper.. voila!!

And I tried it… and talk about the taste. It’s like a very light tomato mayo…. For mayo lovers, you’ll be in heaven. But I’m not a mayo lover, but I love this.

I don’t mean that I hate regular mayo, but just that I’m not crazy to slather lots and lots of mayo over my sandwiches and burgers. I just put adequate amounts, and not too much, cos I hate anything to squish out from my sandwiches and burgers.

Tomato Cream (recipe adapted from Anna Olsen )

250gm yellow cherry tomatoes
75ml corn oil or any other neutral flavoured oils, put into a measuring cup or a pouring bottle or any container with a spout.
1/3 tsp salt and pepper to taste

1. Quarter yellow cherry tomatoes and put them into a blender. Put the lid on and blend until fine.
2. Loosen the lid and put the blender back on
3. When the blender is on, remove the lid carefully and put drizzle in the oil slowly in a steady steam.
4. When all the oil has been drizzled in, put in salt and pepper (place lid back on) and blend for another 30 seconds. Tomato cream is ready :).
5. You can sieve it if you want, but I don’t bother with it.

Few weeks later, I made another batch with red cherry tomatoes, and here it is. It tasted like a light thousand island sauce. But a lot lot healthier with minimal oil for emulsification.


  1. i must try this if you like this as i am not a mayo lover as well! looks oh so tempting!

  2. Jess Kitchen,
    It taste very light, not that heavy compared to regular mayo. Hope you'll like this.

  3. I saw this too!! But no time to try, thanks for the reminder.

  4. This is interesting. I never come across tomato mayo before. I too like very light spread of mayo on my sandwish. Sometime I just omit it all together. This look like a nice option to the regular mayo.

  5. wahh nampak sedap nih! akceli dah bape kali ntah ai tangguh2 nak wat tomato sup. sampaikan bli tomato berpuluh2 kali abis makan begitu jer.. tak terbuat2 jugak.. nampak resepi nih macam best! arap2 takde tangguh2 lagik! hahahaha...

  6. I am looking forward to the tomato season soon!

  7. Blesed Homemaker,
    It was very intriguing when I saw her making that.

    This might be too liquidy for spreading, but as a salad dressing it'll be perfect.

    Err.. ni bukan sup. Pakei macam mayonis, tapi cair lagi, sesuai untuk cicah sayur.

  8. I like that red cherry tomatoes, look beautiful.

  9. It's beautiful, would like to try this, because it's healthier compared with the normal mayonise.

  10. my impression of tomato soup is always red in colour.

  11. I love the colour of the soup. If I do make it, I'll cut down a little on the oil.

  12. This is perfect for my hubby! He's been eating apples for almost 3 weeks liao, can you believe it? But is 75ml oil consider little compared to normal mayo? And have to use cherry tomatoes ah? normal ones can or not?

  13. Woohoo..very nice tomato cream!
    I will try it!
    And i love the way you decorate..lovely~ ! =)

    Coraine @ Life is like a long journey

  14. Sonia,
    thanks :)

    True, that was why I wanted to try this as well.

    Edith and Busygran,
    No, this is NOT a soup.
    This is a dressing, and the oil is used to emulsify, like making mayonaise

    You won't want to know how much oil there is in regular mayo. It's like almost all is oil. I'm not sure about regular ones, but you can try.

    Hope u like it :)

  15. I'm one of those people that likes to load on the mayo, I also have a soft spot for the taste of tomato.. so this sounds like an absolute treat!

  16. My daughter sure going to love this, she just love tomato! My friend just share with me about the steamboat she ate in Taipei, tomato soup base, like your last photo. She said initially she felt disguise but after tried, she fall in love.

  17. Grace,
    It won't taste as rich as regular mayos, but it's definately healthier than regular mayo.

    Jess Bakericious,
    This one cannot use to make steamboat la. It's not soup, hahaha!!

  18. The one made with the red cherry tomatoes is very eye-catching. It is made using the same recipe, right? Just want to check before attempting because you wrote "minimal oil" in the last line, thanks.

  19. Oh wow! This looks gorgeous!! Lately, I've been buying lots of tomatoes and basil leaves from JB. Looks like the next time I go, I'll buy more, so that I can try out this Tomato Cream. I love it! :)

  20. HkChoo,
    Yup, same recipe.
    The amount of oil I used was based on testing on the tongue. I just used enough oil to I get the right taste that I want, which was lesser than Anna Olson's. And I followed that same ratio with my red cherry tomato cream.
    Do, some testing to decide the amount of oil you need. The more oil you add, the creamier it'll taste.

    Passionate about baking,
    Sure, hope u like it :)

  21. Is it possible to substitute regular tomato with cherry tomato?
    Is cherry tomato a genetically modified organism? It seems anything artificially modified things are unhealthy. Nevertheless, regular tomato is cheaper

  22. I forgot to ask how long can it last in refrigerator.

  23. Jasmine,
    U can try, but I've never done this with regular tomatoes.
    I'm not sure about whether cherry tomatoes are GM, and I've never made them to last longer than for the dinner itself, so I'm not sure how long it can last.
    Sorry, can't help u with the questions.

  24. I love cherry tomatoes... this is such a great idea! would definitely give this a try :)

  25. Anne,
    I do hope you will like this.

  26. Ok, I'm a mayo lover, and a tomato lover, and my favourite thing in the world is a good old fashioned Southern tomato sandwich--
    plain white bread, lots of mayo, thick slices of very ripe tomatoes, salt, and pepper.
    The reason that this is so good is that the tomato juice and the mayo sort of fuse together to make this amazing creamy, salty, tomatoey goo that usually runs everywhere and you have to lick it off your fingers.
    Imagine how much better that runny tomato-mayo love would be with a big old dollop of this sexy tomato cream in the mix, gettin' all jiggy.

  27. Joey,
    Haha, I love the way you described your favourite sandwich.
    This will be a lot lighter than regular mayo, maybe you would like to add in more oil to get the creaminess you prefer.


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