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Monday, February 28, 2011

Chinese Chives and Dried Krill Fritters - Seafood Week #1

I am a teacher. Still am. I am just on leave. I have not resigned. I teach Living Skills in school, or Kemahiran Hidup as called locally. In Living Skills, there are 4 electives to be chosen, something like a minor thingy, namely home econs, technical studies, agriculture and accounts.

When I was teaching in PESS, I was given 1 class with home econs as an elective in the subject.
The class was split to 2 for the subject and the other teacher sharing the class with me was Meldylocks. Home Econs consist of sewing and cooking basically, but the school didn’t encourage cooking. Yes!!! You heard me. So, it was all talk and chalk. Both of us were like “Huh??”How can cooking class be just talk and chalk?

I have taught Home Science for 2 years in Selancar and there will be cooking lessons for every chapter. I have never encountered a situation like such. Our subject form supervisor in PESS told us, there was no budget, and that she was told by the subject supervisor that we just explain, no need to do practical work. Meldylocks and I just couldn’t bring ourselves to teach this way. In the end, we used our own money and bought some ingredients to teach our students about “Batter”. This is the recipe that I made with them to demo “thick batter”. It was a nice experience with the students and I left the school the next year and came to where I am now. Ex 1-Teratai of 2007, if you happen to read this, I was happy to conduct those lessons with you gals.

Jicama and Krill Fritters (cucur udang geragau)
Source: Wendyywy

1 cup all purpose flour
½ cup water
1 egg
1/3 tsp salt
¾ cup dried krill, 虾皮
½ cup chopped Chinese chives
½ cup grated jicama (sengkuang)

Pouring chilli sauce
Every 2 part of chilli sauce, mix with 1 part water.
Make as much as u need.

1. Put dried krill in a sieve and rinse under running water for few seconds. Drain.
2. Mix water, and egg together. Pour into flour and salt, and mix until well combined
3. Put in rinsed krill, grated jicama and chopped chives and mix.
4. Heat some oil for deep frying.
5. Put in ½ tablespoon of batter and deep fry until golden. Repeat until batter is finished.
6. Serve with pouring chilli sauce.


  1. This is my hub's favourite. I used to make these with fresh 'geragou' as called by my hub. But it's hard to get fresh ones nowadays! Yours look so tempting that makes me want to make some again! Won't my hub be delighted!

  2. Jenn@ChasingFoodDreamsFebruary 28, 2011 at 12:03 PM

    soo. delectable looking.. :)

    So nice of you to go through the effort to teach the students and I m glad there are teachers still like you out there!

    Btw: where can I get dried krill? I have never seen this before. Is it a dried prawns?

  3. Wendy, you mentioned that u teaching in PESS is it the one at jln pudu. I'm a former student from PESS.

  4. i remember last time during my year the school allowed to cook. I'm from commerce class. my fren from SRT i remember she needs to buy vege for cooking.

  5. Wendy, can i use plain flour instead of all purpose flour? What's krill?

  6. Oh you make me so hungry leh. This look so tempting..:) I like chives kueh, and this reminds me of those I made too..haha!
    Thanks for the recipe..:)

  7. when i learn home econs in school, i always look forward to practical lesson. we even have practical test! (: you're such a thoughtful teacher to conduct pract lesson for them (: anyways, the fritters look crispy and delicious! (:

  8. busygran,
    Oh, we can still get fresh ones here.
    I'm sure ur hubby will be delighted if you make him some again

    Those dried are sold in packs in supermarkets.
    Very cheap stuff. It's not like the usual dried prawns. It's much smaller, with no meat. But very high in protein.

  9. Jes,
    Haha, yeah, that PESS.
    Now cannot buy own vege to bring to school, cos they are worried about the fridge at ur house. Religious issues. Plain flour is all purpose flour. The picture u see in the post is krill lor, the small prawns used to make cincalok, but this is in dried form, easily found at supermarkets and wet markets.

    Hehe.. old school snacks hoh :)

    It's not easy to go against the school sometimes, hahaha!!!

  10. This is really yummy. Crispy on the outside and tender inside. Love it!

  11. oh ya already mentioned there..sorry..:oP

  12. This is like cucur udang, my favourite snack!

  13. I love to attend cooking class in school. I were so proud to bring home the food. My mom was so happy with the food, hehe...Cuz I never cook at home before that.

  14. Anncoo,
    Yes :)

    It's ok



    It is, just using udang geragau :)

    Little Inbox,
    Yeah, all kids feel proud with their own food.
    My students in Selancar will only take one small bite and bring the rest home to show their moms.

  15. Oh, I like cucur with chili sauce. I never see this type of little shrimps in fresh form here. They do sell the dried kind. Can I use that? I remember during my school years I look forward to cooking class more than sewing. We get to learn to make curry puffs, kuehs, sandwiches :)

  16. Sorry, I just notice you used the dried geragau.

  17. what?? home science only theory and no practical?? Unbelieveable! Pity the students! hey, thanks for introducing this prawn shell to me..i'm not familiar with this this the same type of shells that some use in the popiah?

  18. Any fried snacks, my favourite :) This look good & yummy.

  19. Wah, homescience cikgu, no wonder you cook very well. Home science teachers very fierce wan leh, I always kena marah at school for 'kacau ing' the home science students when we passed by the kitchen...ha ha ha!
    I love geragau fritters.....long time didn't fry liao!

  20. Gert,
    Oh yes... that was fun right?
    It's the dried one, cheap and nice :)

    Yawoh... nowadays many schools also like that.
    I'm not familiar with those used to make popiah. Sorry.

    Hehe, perfect tea time treat.

    Yalar, home science teachers have to be super fierce, if not how to control the kids when they are handling knives and hot pans. It's really nerve wrecking one leh.
    I'm not a full fledged home science teacher actually. My training is for the Agri elective for KH.

  21. Did we teach this? I've forgotten liao...I've only remember sharing some onions, eggs, vege and others with you to teach that class... for what I've forgotten also...I think it was fried maccaroni, really fun least something for the girls to cook!
    Haiz...! I really missed PESS lah! Those 4 yrs there were one of my best experience in teaching! But imagine a Mandarin n Eng teacher teaching KH!! Hahaha, needless to say, I learnt so much from you la! Heehee, those were the days! (Now in Klang no more KH fun leh)

  22. This definitely is a yummy snack that I love!

  23. Meldy,
    The macaroni thing was not in our class la, I think it was some competition.
    You remember ur girls looking at me whack the batter or not? and I left the whitered kuchai for u. Yeah, I loved those 2 years there, sadly had to move here. You're not longer in USJ12 meh? Manage to transfer to Klang ah?

    Me too

  24. hi wendy,
    all this time i don't know u are a teacher.. what a noble job~ all ur recipe really inspire me.. i'm a stay home mum with a 4 yrs boy and now is waiting for my little girl coming this june..

  25. Janetan,
    I'm expecting in June too.
    It's just another job that will pay the bills :)
    Every job as long as done with passion is good enough. Teaching doesn't make me a better person that the next. But anyway, thanks for the compliments.

  26. Ya, ya, I remember you whacking the, your memory very good la, mine's terrible!
    I've got my transfer in 2009 lah...remember I told you it's SMK Batu Unjur? It's in a new up-coming part of Klang--Bukit Tinggi, so called "one-of-the-best-schools-in-klang" but I feel it's nothing near to PESS, even "further" compared to USJ12...But then, teaching is something you can't really compare from school to school right?(except personal preference) and treat each different student as a challenge. Ah, still have to go on...

  27. Meldylocks,
    Oh no, now that you said it, it shows how bad my memory is. I totally do not remember you transfering to Klang. Hahaha.
    PESS is one school that will be hard to compare with. The only school I left with a teary eye.

  28. Dear Wend
    Thank you very much for sharing your recipes.You are God's gift to cooking world.I enjoy reading and trying your recipes, never failed.

  29. hi, i like to cook this ,but i don't hav sengkuang, can i use celery instant???

  30. anonymous,
    Sorry, what is celery instant?
    You can try it with daikon or turnip or other radishes.


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