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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Burdock and Red Bean Soup - Soup Week #2

I have 2 sticks of burdock in my fridge, due to a miscommunication between my MIL and aunt. Both helped me get burdock for my Miracle soup. But since Mike refused drinking more of the detoxifying soup after getting black stool, which was a good sign that it was working, I had to try using the excess burdock in another way.

My soup recipe book didn’t have a recipe for this, so when I saw Blessed Homemaker who loves making all sort of soups getting online in MSN, I asked whether she has one. She recommended me to this site . Ohhh... I don’t like pork trotters in soup, so I substituted it with pork ribs, something that I already have in my freezer, But her recipe is not all that complete with measurements, and I’ve measured out what I’ve used, so that you will know how much to put if you want to try.

Burdock and Red Bean Soup
Recipe loosely adapted from Retrenchee
150gm burdock /gobo (ngau phong)
25gm red dates
50gm red beans
2 candied dates
500gm spare ribs
2.5L water
Salt to taste

1. Soak red beans overnight in cold water or hot water for 2 hours
2. Wash burdock and slice, unpeeled.
3. Discard red date seeds.
4. Put everything into a pot and bring to a boil.
5. Lower heat to simmer for 2 hours and season with salt.


  1. So does this soup has detoxing function too? I wonder if the red bean taste will be strong? Will try this out when I get done fresh burdock. Thanks!

  2. Wendy I must ask my mum to get the gobo and make this soup. Curious to find out how this taste. Nice photos.

  3. Bee,
    I don't know about the functions.
    The red bean taste is not strong.

    Quay Po,
    I don't know how to describe the taste. Sorry, but it's nice and sweet, but got the burdock smell.

  4. I have not use red bean in any savoury soup bafore. This is something new to me.

  5. at least now i know what to make out of burdock. i often see it in vege stall but just no idea what to do with that. But sometimes i can mistaken it with fresh 'huai shan'

  6. little inbox,
    There's another soup with red beans that I've tried many many years ago for detox function.
    Red beans are actually nice in savoury soups too.

    Ya woh, looks similiar, but huai shan is fatter. And the vendors are willing to cut small, but burdock they never sell cut, have to buy whole.

  7. Where do I buy the burdock root. Any malay name for it? TQ

  8. Anonymous,
    I don't think Malay stalls will sell this. You have to ask the Chinese stalls instead.

  9. I've been to Korea recently, they ate burdock with reddish to cure cancer


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