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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hot and Sour Tofu Slices -Tofu # 2

Recipe created in July 2011

Remember I had a bird's eye chilli plant in my garden? It was very HAWT when my FIL bought it. As time went by, it was no longer as HAWT.

The HAWT compound in the chilli is capsaicin and the amount fluctuates depending on the weather. If day is hot and nights are chilly, then the chilli will be HAWT. If the night's temperature is still warm, or not much different from day.. then that's it la... no more HAWT HAWT. So, if you ever go to Cameron Highlands, don't buy flowers for goodness sake. Buy chillies, bird's eye chilli, that is if you like them HAWT. Taste those grown uphill and notice the difference.

It's not only in Camerons that you can get HAWT chillies. My friend used to have a pig farm in Simpang Pulai. During our Form 6 days, we will always go to the wild ponds near his farm to fish. After fishing we will cook the fish and eat fat fat Kangkung harvested from his farm's ponds. Ponds that are well nourished from the pig's "ahem", hence the fatness of the kangkung. We take very good care not to touch the water. He had bird's eye chillies in his farm too and I plucked 3 to cook the kangkung. I tell you, the heat was very very intense! We were coughing while we ate it, but it was so good! It's a rare occasion and we truly savoured the moment. Only 3 pcs of inch long chilli sent us chilli freaks coughing. His farm, being away from town and near the limestone hills, were chilly at night.... no joke, there's no fan at his house. Don't even think of air cond.

My chilli plant, after 8 months at my house... is withering now.. saplings are sprouting out from those that dropped.
Dear Chilli plant, RIP. I will always remember you, although you weren't as HAWT as before.. it's ok. You didn't mean to.

BTW... HAWT is just my fun way of spelling Hot, LOL. Just like Oh my gawd!!
Hot and Sour Tofu Slices
Recipe source: Wendyywy

6 pieces of tofu (2x2x1 inch size)
40ml / 2 Chinese soup spoons of lemon juice (can use lime or calamansi)
½ tsp salt
1 heaped Tbsp sugar
1 Tbsp finely chopped shallots
½ Tbsp finely chopped garlic
2-3 bird’s eye chilli, finely sliced
1 Tbsp chopped coriander

1. Slice each block of tofu into 6 slices.
2. Heat a non stick pan and put some oil in. Fry tofu slices (in a few batches) until golden. Dish up and drain on paper towels.
2. Prepare dressing. Combine everything else (except coriander)and stir until the sugar dissolves. Taste. Very very slightly oversalted, hot, sour well pronounced and well balanced with the sugar.
3. Toss tofu slices with dressing just before serving and sprinkle chopped coriander on.


  1. 这个很好料。可以要求加饭吗?:) :)

  2. Beautiful brown tofu you have cooked here. It must be real hot tofu this dish! Don't think I can "tahan" this!

  3. Joceline,
    Can can, one bucket also can, LOL.

    Eat some hawt stuff once a while is good, promote perspiration. LOL

  4. Colorful and looks appetising :)

  5. Mmmm...yummeh. I can feel my saliva all coming out. Love spicy & sour food.

  6. 我看中了辣椒仔。。很吸引人的辣椒仔。。

  7. Angeline,
    Yeah, :)

    Oh very ;)

    Poh Lin,
    I have a weakness for this flavour combo too

    Tracy Low,

  8. Drooling...awwww this is one tofu I will want to make this weekend...yummy and I can't wait to go marketing this weekend. Tofu my favorite :))))

  9. i like the tofu very tempting, but i scare of your hot hot bird’s eye chilli, later my ears will be on fire...

  10. I can't decide if this looks more yummy or more pretty but it sure made me drool! I thought I could even smell it!

  11. Elin,
    Haha, hope u like this one.

    Like that only nice ma...

    Extra virgin Chef,
    wow, smell it? Can I have ur computer then?

  12. May I know what type of tofu you are using? Soft silken or the taukwa type?

  13. i love hot and sour tofu, thks for sharing :)

  14. Anonymous,
    Not silken tofu. Sorry but I don't know what is taukwa. It's a Hokkien term and I don't know Hokkien. It's pressed tofu, moderately firm, but not dry.

    U're welcomed

  15. nice! sure i will love this one..especially the dressing. btw, what is hawk? abbrev?

  16. Gorgeous looking dish! :) love tofu, shall try this version next time!

  17. lena,
    HAWT- hot la, hahahaha.

    Hope u like it ;)

  18. This kind of bird chilli plant, very hot de.
    BTW, hot and sour tofu, ada kik!!

  19. HI Wendy

    i made the nian gao with taro rolls but the spring rolls were soft after about 30 mins in the open. may i know how you kept yours crispy, assuming yours were crispy for a long period of time bf consumption? any tips to share?

  20. octopusmum,
    I'll greatly appreciate for this question to be posted on the related post. :)
    I've transfered your question there.

  21. Hi Wendy,

    Do you have pic of the tofu that you used for this recipe?

  22. Love2Cook,
    sorry I didn't take pictures of te tofu. It's just the usual white tofu.

  23. It is difficult to grow another cili plant. What a waste.

  24. Jobless Girl,
    No it's not. Chilli thrives here. Just throw some seeds and they'll grow, but it takes some time. It's not really a waste. Chilli is an annual, their life cycle is about one year.

  25. Wah, the recipe is so simple yet looking good to my eyes. And agreed by my tummy. All of a sudden, it croaked! Hahaha...

  26. Yummy! Your tofu dish looks so nice I too want to eat them:)

  27. Don't give up on the chilli plant as yet. Mine here in Perth will have their leaves drop every year and look as if they are dying but give them a good hair cut and water them daily and new shoots will emerge and they become happy again.

  28. Yummy recipe... will try this recipe after my sore throat gets better

  29. I'm so gonna try this!

    Wendy thanks for posting this up :) It helps alot! Quick and easy cooking (Hehe I'm a student and stay abroad, means away from my parents!) Keep up the good work!

    Melle - Melbourne

    Visit my site for Shopping Oversea (USA/UK Sprees) -

  30. I scare of your hot hot bird’s eye chilli, later my ears will be on fire...
    Kitchen Countertops Long Island


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