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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Kumquat Marmalade - Kumquat # 2

Delicious! Fragrant! Yum yum yum! It's more fragrant than orange marmalade, but minus the bitterness. Isn't that a good deal?

Kumquats are still available in Tesco, so go grab them while you still can! (Medan Ipoh Branch no more, last Sunday!!, but I still saw them in Kampar on CNY day 3. Saw 2 patheric punnets in Jusco Ipoh) Or just get them off your tree, ahahah! No no... if it's a newly bought tree like mine, please wait for the next batch of fruits.

You can use this as a spread on bread, or make cakes or desserts with it. I chose to use rock sugar to make this marmalade so that... hmm... it won't be too sweet due to the absense of lemon juice. Kumquats are full of rind and almost no flesh, so it's full of pectin.

Try this out unless you want to wait for next year.

Kumquat Marmalade
Recipe source: Wendyywy

500gm kumquats
500ml water
250gm rock sugar

1. Half kumquats and remove seeds.
2. Place all kumquats in a pot. Put in water and sugar.
3. Bring to a boil and lower to a simmer for 15-20 minutes. Check on kumquats. If they have softened. Turn off the heat. Let it cool down a bit.
4. Blend kumquats coarsely or finely (up to you) and return it to the pot. The kumquat puree will look opaque.
5. Meanwhile sterilize 2 jam jars.
6. Cook the puree on medium low heat until it looks glossy. (you can do the wrinkle test, it will form)
7. Pour hot jam into sterilized jars and cover it immediately. When it cools the safety seal will go down. Do not open jars until time to consume.


  1. Thanks for this post of Kumquat marmalade. I know this marmalade would be soo soo yummy! I just loves kumquat after my last bake of cheesecake. Kumquat is not available here in anywhere in JB anymore.... I should plant kumquat...

  2. I love kumquats, I had some this evening. Thanks for the recipe.

  3. Homemade kumquat marmalade~ I never had kumquat before, don't really like citrus family. But you managed to tempt me with this. Yummy with bread!

  4. i love kumquat very much.plan want to buy the tree this year but i late.all kumquat tree sold out.seremban tesco also sold out before cny.

  5. Thanks for your kumquat marmalade recipe,
    I love it!

  6. hah, CNY now kamquats are available....makes really good drink

  7. I have never tasted kumquats before..should buy some next time I'm going to Tesco or Jusco :)

  8. I love kumquats...great as a snack or as a drink. Love how you turn it into jam. That would be so nice on toast....mmmm. Great as a gift too. Thanks very much for sharing this. I have not seen any kumquats here yet. Hope I'll see them soon.

  9. TQ for posting the Kumquat Marmalade. I grow Kumquat inside the house during winter and it is still growing well. I will have plenty to make this marmalade.

  10. Hi wendy, we can swap this for normal oranges right? If can't get our hands on kumquats?

  11. just bought a bunch of kumquats couple of weeks sitting in the fridge together with the cranberries. Hopefully i can make something out of it from your kumquat posts this week!

  12. Wendy,
    Are Kumquat the same as those round one(Kat Chai)that we made chilies with garlic for Steam Chicken)? As i see from your pic the kumquat is more oval shape than my Kat Chai Plant?
    Happy CNY to you and your family.

  13. I need a glass of kumquat drink right now, weather is so hot lar..

  14. Mel,
    try nurseries. But it's pricier than lime tree

    Nice to eat them after dinner

    U had some before, u dun realise it only. haha.
    There used to be some preserved "lime" sold in 10 sen packets when we were kids. It didn't taste like tangerine peel and had lots of seeds... if you remember those

    I don't think Tesco has this tree. It's big la.
    You have to try nurseries

    Are u making some?

    Eat this with bread la...

    The next time should be ASAP. It's running low on stock

  15. hankerie,
    thanks! I got the idea after making kumquat compote to further cook it until it jams up

    small kucing,
    making soem too?

    I hope u do see them

    I hope you like the jam

    Noooooooooo... it's not the same. Process different.

    I hope you really do :)

    nooo.. totally different. this one you eat the whole fruit, skin also eat. very nice, sweet. Kat chai cannot eat skin la. Kumquat no juice, no flesh.

    seeing ur comment, sharon and lena's... i hope to make some kumquat thingy for our potluck.

  16. Love your kumquat marmalade post. Another hit for you! Congratulations!

  17. Oh, didnt know it can grow here, thought the Kamquat is imported from China.Will check it out.

  18. Dear Wendy,

    Good day! One silly question, which rock sugar you using? There are white and yellow... wonder which one should I use.


  19. Mabel,
    I think they label the yellow ones as cane sugar, if i'm not mistaken.
    I'm using the white one.

  20. Hi Wendy,

    This is so refreshing... :) Do you keep the jam in fridge or room temperature?


  21. thanks hun, i got the white oreadi. I am living in canada and they also label the yellow one as rock sugar instead cane sugar. I got confused.


  22. Jo,
    Unopened jars can be kept at room temp

    Oh, ok

  23. hun, the taste is superb and the aroma is so great. love love love it so much. tqvm hun


  24. So ancious to try out the jam, the end product is a sticky paste, even thicker in fridge, not as smooth like yours. Should I put more water? Thanks for sharing.

  25. esther,
    the end product while hot is something at the consistency of chilli sauce. After chilling, it should set like store bought jam (but not like pineaaple jam for cookies, not that thick) that is if it's cooked until setting stage


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