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Friday, February 3, 2012

Kumquat Almond Tea Cakes - Kumquat # 3

The moment I ate the first piece, regret hit me hard!

This cake is so delicious that I really regretted making half portion. I made half because I was lazy to butter too many tins. Hahahaha. I know I could’ve just lined it to save work, but I also wanted them to look pretty, hence, I made them bare on tins to show off all the pretty scalloped edges. This is a blogger's issue. Next time around, when I don’t need to blog about these, I’ll make them in lined tins, hahah!

But then again… the way I make it and the way yours turn out to be could differ, due to the compote. Mine could be moister or yours drier… it all depends on the compote. My puree was at the consistency of chilli sauce.

Kumquat almond tea cakes
Recipe sourced from Tartelette with some adaptations
Makes 18 pcs 2-inch cakelets.

35gm all purpose flour
50gm ground almond
½ tsp baking powder

60gm butter
50gm caster sugar (reduced to 2/3 of original ratio)
2 eggs (grade B)
60gm kumquat puree (recipe below)

18 pcs poached kumquat halves (recipe below)

1. Prepare 18 2 inch tart tins or 12 3 inch tins. Grease the tins with butter. Preheat oven at 150(fan)/170C
2. Sift flour and baking powder. Mix with ground almond, set aside.
3. Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
4. Beat in eggs one by one, beating well after each addition.
5. Put in (2) in 2 additions, mixing well after each.
6. Mix in kumquat puree.
7. Divide batter equally into prepared tins and top with a kumquat half
8. Bake for 12 mins (2 inch) or longer for larger tins.

Kumquat compote

20 kumquats

Weigh kumquats and prepare equal amount of water (in weight) and half amount of sugar (ratio: 2:2:1, kumquat:water:sugar, eg : 200gm:200gm:100gm)

Half kumquats and remove seeds. Put cleaned kumquats, sugar and water into a saucepan and cook (on med heat)until the kumquat looks glossy and soft. Remove 18 pcs of halves and puree the rest with some of the syrup. Unused puree can be eaten like jam.

I made a large one as a gift to my 2nd Sis in Law's family for Chinese New Year. I know my sis-in law loves kumquats and they all raved about it. It is really this dark, maybe due to a drier compote. Higher sugar content leh.... hmm, maybe I should bake it at a lower temperature. I baked this at the same temperature for 30 minutes. Dark it may be, but still as delicious!

How does it look like inside?

I'm running really low on Kumquats now and I am still hoping to find some and stock up and poach!
I'm addicted to Kumquats! Still have a handful of things I hope to try out..but then again, should I leave those ideas for next year?


  1. Yummy, I seldom eat kumquat dunno y lol but looking at ur cakes makes me drooling now :)

  2. if i dont want use kumquat.what fruit i can use?orange can ma?my house got alot of orange.

  3. Vera,
    It's hard to get kumquats, actually.
    I seldom eat too.

    If you want to use orange, then ... u sendiri cari jalan la, LOL.
    Nowadays mandarin oranges got coloured wax on the skin, u see properly, so thick.

  4. I feel I am getting addicted to kumquats too, with all your recipes I wish I had more... Or even better, a tree.

  5. You are one resourceful woman! I have to say those I have are normally left on the tree to slowly dried up and unattended to...never have I thought about using them! Okay okay...gonna poach them like you did and get them all yummy and good in all the bake goodies!

  6. Hmmm....looks like I need to look for kumquats.

  7. then i think i have to wait next year only can try the kumquat sad...

  8. hi wendy,
    plant few kumquat trees in your garden lah.
    then you can have kumquat suply all year round!

  9. I don't think kumquats are nice if eaten raw? The skin is too thick to have any flesh left to eat! Your cupcakes looks too enticing not to try out, I think I'll go search for some kumquats, if can't find, then have to wait next year:P

  10. Don't see kumquat very often here and usually quite pricy.
    Those tea cakes are almost too pretty to devour them.

  11. Marina,
    Oh please get a tree, ;)

    I think you can slowly collect them over time and poach them. They do last quite long in the fridge

    yummy little cooks,
    Look, go and look for it

    small kucing,
    wait til you taste them, LOL

    I hope you get some within this year, next year neck can grow too long oredi

    just bought one tree. I tried throwing some seeds to the ground. I hope they grow :)

    Kumquats are very nice when eaten raw. There's no flesh to eat, you eat the whole fruit, skin, rind, pith, membranes, except the seeds. It's fragrant, sweet and tangy at the same time.
    Come to the potluck, I made some to bring

  12. Angie,
    It's only available here once a year, it's rare too!

  13. Your floral cupcake tins look lovely, may I know where u bouht it, must try ur recipe,looks yummy.

  14. Your floral cupcake tins look lovely, may I know where u bouht it, must try ur recipe,looks yummy.

  15. Your floral cupcake tins look lovely, may I know where u bouht it, must try ur recipe,looks yummy.

  16. Your floral cupcake tins look lovely, may I know where u bouht it, must try ur recipe,looks yummy.

  17. Your floral cupcake tins look lovely, may I know where u bouht it, must try ur recipe,looks yummy.

  18. Your floral cupcake tins look lovely, may I know where u bouht it, must try ur recipe,looks yummy.

  19. Your floral cupcake tins look lovely, may I know where u bouht it, must try ur recipe,looks yummy.

  20. These tea cakes I am sure taste real delicious!! I just loves Kumquat so much now; unfortunate that we can only get this little fruits during once a year!

  21. Sem,
    LOL. Chang Tung, Tmn Megah. Comes stacked in 12 pcs.

  22. Mel,
    Yawoh, why China never produce more other times of the year hoh?

  23. time if I see this in Jusco I will buy and make like yours :)

  24. Oops,not sure why it was posted so many times,tho I only sent once.:)
    Thanks for info.

  25. i like the smaller cakes, they look so cute and also looks like a kind of flower! there were no kumquats in jusco this afternoon..maybe someone taken up all to make your recipes..LOL!

  26. oh my! these looks yummy, would love to try these when I get hold of some kumquats :)

  27. Hi wendy

    may i ask, if i want to make a big cake like what u did for your sis in law, do i follow the same quantities stated in your recipe and what tin size should i use?

  28. Hi Wendy

    may i ask, if i want to make a big cake like what u did for your sis in law, do i follow the same quantities stated in your recipe and what tin size should i use?

  29. octopusmum,
    I doubled it, and baked it in a 9 inch tart pan.
    The batter couldn't be all filled into the pan, and I made them into 6 small tea cakes.

  30. Kumquats are still available at Jusco Ipoh today, 11 Feb, at RM3.90 per box. Stock up, if you need.

  31. HI Wendy

    thks for the reply! regards octopusmum

  32. wendy, is kamquats the same as limau kasturi?
    i'd love to make these tea cakes .

  33. Anonymous,
    No they are not the same.
    Kumquats can be eaten whole, skin and all, put into the mouth and chew. There is no juice at all in kumquats and it is sweet.
    Limau Kasturi is Calamansi and is sour, and skin is astringent and bitter.
    Kumquats are available for sale only from Jan-February.

  34. okay okay so going to make the Kumquat Compote. Saw Elin's shout out reminded me of it

  35. Are kumquat plants the ones tht nurseries well during CNY. I always thought they were only for decoration and cannot be eaten! Does the plant last long after CNY. D y plant it into the ground or leave it in the pot it came in? I must look out for one next CNY. I couldn't find it in the Jusco nearly home. Thanks.

  36. Unknown (pls leave a name),
    It's still in the pot, after more than a year. I've been lazy.
    Easily available during CNY, but could still sold.... the leftovers from CNY :)

  37. Any pics for the mould ?

    Thanks , Wendy


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