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Friday, February 10, 2012

To-Full Blooms 花开富(腐)贵 - Vege Blooms # 3

Tofu (to-full) cakes with cherry tomatoes... that's what this is. I made this 2 days ago to fill up my themed week. I only had 2 posts in hand initially, and trying to submit to AB, I had to start this week's theme w/o a Full-House (3of a kind).

Chinese New Year is always about adundance and wealth. In Chinese the 富(fu, wealth) sounds similar to 腐. And being full is a must for this occasion. Rice bucket must be full, pocket also full (kids that is, with all those angpow), tummy full with all the food, and of course, playing cards also hoping for Full.. Full House, Full-Lo, full whatever. LOL. But no no.. not foo choon loong (hole in pants)... not this one.

I took the idea of making flowers in such a way after reading mainland Chinese blogs, no no.,.. not reading, but looking. My Mandarin is not that good to read, but look is good enough.
Pan frying this to-full makes it taste nicer, but baking is easier (but leaves turned dull). Choose whichever way you prefer

To-Full Blooms 花开富(腐)贵 (Tofu Cakes with Cherry Tomatoes)
Makes one 6-inch cake (baked) or  4pcs 3-inch pancakes (pan-fried)

120gm pressed tofu
1 large egg
¼ tsp chicken stock powder (add more if u prefer but I like to taste my tofu)
1 tsp cornstarch
1 Tbsp oil
5 cherry tomatoes or more
Coriander /parsley sprigs

1. Preheat oven to 200C (conventional)
2. Mash tofu with fork and mix with egg, chicken stock powder and cornstarch.
3. Put 1 Tbsp of oil into a 6 inch baking dish and swirl it all over to coat the base and sides.
4. Pour balance of oil in dish into the tofu mash. Stir to combine.
5. Pour tofu mash into oiled dish and level.
6. Half cherry tomatoes and arrange onto the tofu. Arrange coriander sprigs.
7. Bake for 20 minutes or until puffy and slightly golden.

*If you want to double the recipe, bake in a 8 inch pan
*If you want to fry, Just do step 2 and fry according to the picture above. Tomatoes sliced instead of halved

1/2 inch thick Tofu Cake
Editing these pictures were a PITA... the colours are all off..
Real thing looked better
The 2nd picture was the only one with "real" colour.


  1. My goodness, so beautiful decorated dish! The one who is eating it would be eating happily looking at this beautiful dish. Well done Wendy

  2. can't recall whether I inform you about this.

  3. Mel,
    Yeah, Lydia was, LOL.

    Thanks and you did. I left a comment there few days back and you even replied my comment :p

  4. 很佩服你,真有心思。很美,很美....

  5. You really very creative! Always impress by the dishes you created.

  6. i only want to say.....

  7. I never heard of tofu cakes. Looks so simple to make. Love the flower on the cake. I'm impressed.

  8. cherry potato,
    thanks! xie xie

    I got inspired and then the pressure of AB, hahaha


    It's not like a dessert cake, more like something in the cake form, like "fish cake".

  9. OMG, This is soooo cute! I love it. You are so creative!

  10. :) only you can think of such a delightful dish and with those cherry tomatoes and coriander leaves into a flower...great work!

  11. This is so pretty! Too bad AB for cny is over already. I feel like breaking the rules and add yours in. :)

  12. Wah! another wonderful dish from you. You really have billion ideal.

  13. Haha, at first i though it was a frittata. Very creative! I was gonna ask how you to keep the colours of the green and red intact and then i read your last caption. :)

  14. Belly Good,

    cute enough for small and big kids alike


    I submitted one already. It's ok, please don't break the rules.

    I don't have a billion idea, the internet has :)

    the red and green is almost as it is.
    the pan fried ones were vibrant, just the baked ones, the green turned dull due to long cooking time.
    It was dusk, and u know la, shooting at this time is not easy, the colours change here and there and it's so hard to make it look like what I saw with my eyes.

  15. You made the food look so pretty. Too pretty to be savored~~ Initially thought the red flowers is red chilli :P

  16. Wow...that's very pretty Wendy!

  17. who would hv thought of this idea! great creation!baking seems more easier, it may be a little challenging to flip over the tofu cake when frying with the flowers on top, right?

  18. yvonne,
    can use chilli if you want


    the small ones can still be flipped, but have to be very careful, right due to the "flowers".
    But baked is not as fragrant. Unless I have a die cast iron pan, fry the base then grill the top to brown. Then it will be perfect! Now that reminds me of that pan in Cold Storage!

  19. I'll try this for Cheryl...hehe! You are so good, wish you are my neighbour..LOL!! I'll sure got free food then hoh...;p

  20. Hi,I have been a silent visitor to your blog.But today this lovely dish has prompted me to comment here :).. Having lived in China for 6 years,we have developed a special taste and fondness for the country and its cuisine esp. Tofu.This one looks extremely cute and its something my Lil angel would love to have.Can't take my eyes off the click :)

  21. 哇!好漂亮咧,如此简单的料理也可以如此特别、好看!

  22. Pretty to look at and delicious to makan...what's not to like! Very creative, nicely done. 👍😊

  23. This look so pretty!!

    I've a blog award for you, please come and collect.

  24. Wow, you're soooooo creative!! So beautiful :)

  25. How gorgeous yet simple. You are so talented in breaking it down to make it easy for people to make!

  26. taht looks so pretty! I love that it's actually quite simple to make. I will probably just skip the tofu and make it like an omelette though ): I have to go all the way down to chinatown if i want to get tofu here.

  27. Another lovely creation from you!

  28. Very creative indeed, I love your creations!

  29. Very pretty. Looks like a piece of art :)

  30. Wendy, I like this one, going to be copy cat and make you proud! Will send you an email when I make this a get it right. No standard, I won't post, "nanti, malukan" my Kitchen Idol! hehe

  31. Wow, you are very creative. With such a beautiful dish, who has the heart to dig in and spoilt the lovely art? Well done again, Wendy!

  32. thank you for the recipe. my hubby loves it a lot :D


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