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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Some Cakes that Were Never Posted n Something Special for my Readers

My dear readers,

Now, CSN stores contacted me for a giveaway to my readers.

Darn, how I wish the giveaway is for me to keep.
If I get the voucher, I'll get myself a Dutch Oven. Or a set, maybe
Darn it. So many of it is on offer.
This set, is going from $399.99 to $199.95. A Whopping 50% discount!!

But it's still a bit expensive for my means.
Then I saw another one that I like, and a lot lot cheaper. At just $49.95

But the coupon is for my readers, not for me. ;(
 I can't buy

So, what voucher did  gave me????
It's a one-time-use $65 gift certificate to use as they wish on any of their websites, including but only for readers with US or Canadian residents.
It's more than enough to get the 2nd Dutch oven.

How to enter??
Just visit any their sites and leave me a comment that includes
1. A link to the product that you would want to get with that voucher
2. What will you do with the selected product.
Anonymous comments will not be counted. I need a name at least

Any submissions without a link or your intention with the product will not be counted and I will be very strict with this. One submission per person.
When people give you free stuff, it's only fair that you really put the effort in and visit their sites.
If not why would they want to give you the voucher.
OK, so be nice and pay them a nice visit,
Go see what they have and tell me what u want and what you want to do with it.

Submissions will be closed on Sept 23 2010 12pm +8.00GMT
Results will be out on my birthday.
When will that be? You will know in good time
Let me warn you in advance,
The winner has to contact me after I announce it.
I won't be running after you to send you the voucher.
If the winner doesn't contact me after 48 hours upon announcement,
I'll select another winner in replacement.
No arguments about this!! You have been warned before hand before you even submit,..
This is to avoid giveaway scouts who go everywhere just to win giveaways.
I'd prefer my genuine reader to get the voucher and put it into good use.

Now for the main course.....

A showcase of the "never posted" pics of cakes
Actually there are a lot more but they have gone down the drain when my desktop burnt early 2009.

Moist Chocolate Cake with Condensed Milk Chocolate frosting. I always make this for gifts when I go to someone's house, because it doesn't need to be kept chilled throughout the journey and one can never go wrong with chocolate when the recipient has kids.

Orange Yogurt Muffin Cakes, made into cuppies, very popular with my neighbours.
Can be said as the most popular cake.

Marble All Butter Cake, adapted from Aunty Yochana . I made this cake a few times actually and there was once, I missed this cake so much, I can't sleep. I managed to catch a wink much later but when I woke up, I made this cake asap. Delicious!!!!

Apricot teacakes, adapted from Tartelette. Made ages ago, I think almost 2 years back? I loved the teacakes but I didn't post them

A failed chiffon experiment actually. Strawberry and lemon chiffon cake. I wasn't happy with the colour. Made early 2009

Jess of Bakericious, I wonder if you remembered told you, I made a similiar cake like yours??? This was it. Peach Yogurt Cake. Made for Father's Day 2009.

Easy Surabaya Cake. Made with lots of egg yolks, but with sponge mix :) A real spin off from the real thing. Lazy bum cake. Made late 2009.

Yogurt Peach Cheeescake. Adapted from Alex Goh's I forgot which book.
Made April 2009

A birthday cake for neighbour Maria's grandson. He can't eat anything chilled, so a Moist Chocolate Cake, topped with cute aquatic animals.
Made in 2009 too.

Pumpkin Cuppies. My own recipe. Made with some ultra wrinkled pumpkin, and it was so dried, the flesh was very concentrated in flavour. The texture was very nice and delicate. But I never posted it, because it won't be the same when made with fresh plump pumpkins. I can't ask you to purposely dry up some pumpkins. Made April 2009.

That's all folks.
I need to clean my photo bank.
Now that you've seen them, I can delete them.


  1. WoW Wendy, so many bakes, see until I got flower eyes leh :P, all looks very nice. I love the chocolate cakes, any chocolate cakes I will love it, I am a chocolate lover :). Orange yogurt muffin cake is in my bake list when you posted it previously. I baked Aunty Yochana's butter cake b4 but I burnt the top, I went to pick my daughter from her enrichment class and left the cake in the oven to bake, when reached home, the burnt smell was all over my house hahaha....

    I am entering the contest, wait for me to browse thru the website 1st ya.

  2. So many lovely cakes you've baked! How I wished there was internet 40 years ago, then I can post all my baking goodies and food! Sigh!

  3. Oh ya Wendy i remember the marshmallow cake tips you had shared with me too. Yours look so pretty and nice.

  4. HAhaha I cannot choose !! so many things
    1. canele copper moulds to make canele of course!
    2. Panini Press Sandwich Maker
    and a Kong toy !!

  5. They finally found you!! Ok, for the fun of it... I will play. I would like to have the panini press

    Le Creuset does not carry this in Singapore and I already have a Le Creuset grill pan so this would be a perfect compliment for my sandwich!

  6. Lovely cakes. Must keep on baking till it look as lovely as yours and hoping to hear my choosy eaters says " wow " too. Ha Ha.

  7. I would use it to buy the 'Georgia Boot Youth Romeo in Brown Soggy', for my kiddo because he's in desperate need of new shoes!
    Thanks so much!

    heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

  8. Hi Wendy,

    Thanks for sharing such a good website. There are juz too many stuffs to choose from. I spent almost half a day browsing thru all their products :)

    I would like to have:

    1) Nordicware sea Shell Teacakes Pan []
    They are so cute & I want to make some teacakes with it. Nice teabreak over a cup of coffee!

    2) Paderno World Cuisine Silicion Heart Sheet Mould []
    I will use it to make desserts like puddings or jellies. Also, I can make mini cakes for next Valentine's Day


    Cathy *^_^*

  9. Yummy!! Love the swirl on your marble cake.

  10. oh.. it's my dream to have a Le Creuset casserole that shown at this link
    I like it because it can be use at the hob for cooking half way then straight tuck into the oven for slow cooking just like cooking stew. It's solid, good quality and presentable which I could just serve my stew straight out from the oven to the dining table. Isn't great!
    I love to cook stew. So the first dish I would cook if using this Le Creuset casserole is beef stew follow by my favorite curried pumpkin soup and much more. Cheers!

  11. Hi,

    I would like to have:

    1) Carter's Ultimate Diaper Bag
    That will be very handy when I bring my 6mths baby out

    2) Sassy Cook'n Slinky cats 3-piece set
    The prints are cute & it's time to replace my oven mitt & potholders



  12. It's a lovely website with so many products to choose from. My wife loves to bake & so I would like to add on these items to her bakeware collection.

    Nordicware Holiday star Bundt Pan from this link,
    She can bake cakes or use the mould for jellies

    Padermo World Cuisine Non Stick Fluted Tart Mould 11" from this link,
    My wife is currently using a non removable base tart pan & is quite tedious when removing her bake from it

  13. A lot of cake recipes for me to learn. Bookmarked!

  14. What a parade of glorious bakes... tempting in deed :)

  15. Lets try my luck in this. I would love to have this Le Creuset and Canele Mould since I don't have it.

  16. For the giveaway entries, and those that qualify, now I give you your numbers. The list will be continued until the dateline.

    1. Swee San
    2. Shirley
    3. Cathy Ng
    4. Grace of Kitchen Corner
    5. Susan Ng
    6. Junxian
    7. Gert or ICook4Fun

  17. haha....I agree- you can never go wrong with chocolate for kids- the first cakes to go in a cake sale at school are always the chocolate ones. The marble butter cake looks really yummy too!

    You delete your photos after posting them???

  18. How can I miss this?! I think my top choice will be the waffle maker
    Mine was shipped over from States but due to power supply difference...I have to shelf it. :P
    Thanks so much Wendy. ;) BTW, I tried Yochana's butter cake but it didn't turn out good for me...couldn't remember what happened though, just didn't post it. But looking at yours like super nice woh!

  19. Hi Wendy,

    I am away overseas from 5oct onwards so I am not sure if I am able to see the results of yr giveaway..


    Cathy Ng

  20. Cathy,
    I won't tell you when it will be exactly, because I'm trying to avoid those scouts.
    But rest assured, I think you will be able to see it.

  21. Von,
    Well, those not that nice ones, I will delete, but some that are nicer, I keep.

  22. Tks Wendy for yr prompt reply *^_^*

    Btw, juz to share with 'Honey Bee sweets'...
    my waffle maker was also from the States & like what she mentioned there is a power supply difference. So, what I did was to use a transformer so that I can use my waffle maker in Spore.

  23. Hey Wan Yee,
    Nice post, as usual! love all the cakes. Hope I could try it one day. I baked for the first time yesterday. I tried Banana Nut Bread! =) Turned out not bad.

    Well, I want to take part in that contest too. This is what I like from the website:
    It's a non-stick Skillet with Lid. I will defintely make full use of it since I'm cooking my own meals everyday now. On top of that, it gives me a feeling of home and it reminds me of my mum's cooking. =)
    This set of measuring cup will be of great help as I start my baking journey. =)

    Hope all is well with you! Take care.

    Cheng Yee

  24. Hi Wendy,

    I love the texture of your cake. May I know what are the factors that can affect the texture? Mine are not consistent. Thank you


  25. Anita,
    May I know which cake are u refering to?
    Different cakes, different techniques.
    And different troubleshooting for different problems.
    Was ur texture too hard? Too crumbly? Spotty with wet spots?

  26. Thanks for replying, Wendy.

    I usually bake butter cakes. They are at times too crumbly even though I had used the same recipe. Pls advise. Thank you.


  27. Oh! This whistling kettle in cobalt blue is gorgeous! I would use it for coffee in the mornings and tea in the evening. And seriously enjoy looking at it. :)

  28. Anita,
    Butter cakes are best eaten the next one or 2 days. Keep the cake air tight after totally cooked at room temperature to age.
    Sometimes when fresh out from the oven, they can be quite crumbly.
    I'm not sure which recipe you used and what are the recipe proportions, as different things added in can yield different results.
    Butter cakes made with milk, yogurt, buttermilk or sour cream all yield different textures.

  29. Not that I have luck with lucky draws but since I'm here, for the fun of it, I'll participate too.

    I'll like to have a few things but the most essential would be a pastry mat. And what do I do with a pastry mat? Make pastry/cookies of course ;-)

  30. Aiyah.. I saw more things that I like? How? Oh well.. not that I will win the voucher... hahaha!


    I have been looking for a cookware that I would not have to replace for years, if ever. One of my friends bought a set of Calphalon One Infused Anodized 10 Piece Cookware. She told me it is worth the money,so i would like have one.

  32. Wendy, too many things that I wan, I see until got flower eyes so think I would like to get this, so I can make more grilling for my family ^^

  33. Ok, let me see...

    I think I'd like to own a set of mixing bowls coz I don't have even one...
    This set from Universal looks fantastic:
    But I think I'm satisfied to have this pyrex set :
    Even if I'm not doing any baking, I can still use these as bowls--can even store leftovers in fridge if use with the lids.

  34. delicious...congratulations for picture...from Romania

  35. The submission for giveaway ends now!!
    Thank you for participating!

    The final numbers given to those who qualify
    8. Honey Bee Sweets
    9. Cheng Yee
    10. Sharon
    11. Blessed Homemaker
    12. Ooi
    13. Jess Bakericious
    14. Meldylocks


    Making own ice-cream can control our health without losing the quality of live. Ice-cream maker of gonna make ice-cream!

  37. Jasmine,
    Sorry, u were 1 hour 39 minutes too late.
    Maybe next time, ok?

  38. All your cakes make me hungry now...

  39. cherry potato,
    quickly make some then

  40. Wendy

    Can I check with u, for the butter cake (marble cake) did u used a 8x3 or 8x2 round pan? Thanks


  41. Amy,
    Best to use 8X3. But if you have 8X2, then line the sides higher than the pan to prevent overflow. It might overflow during baking as the batter expands, but it'll shrink to about 2 inches when cooled.


Thanks for dropping by my blog.
All comments are greatly appreciated.

If you have tried any of the recipes and blogged about it, please provide a link so that others may have a look at it too :)

Please select profile and click "Name/URL" if u do not have any profiles on any of those listed, type in the name (leave the URL empty)

It's not nice to call you ANONYMOUS, so please leave a name.
From 15/11/13 onwards, I will NOT reply comments with no name.

Only comments on posts older than 24 hours will be moderated :)
You won't see them appearing immediately if it's not a fresh post.

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