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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

2 cakes and some rumblings......

 I made this cake for my mother's 63rd birthday earlier this year in January. It took me so long to post this up cos I was waiting for the cut up pic from my brother.

This is a white chocolate macadamia cake. It's quite a horror doing this. I made the white chocolate ganache just the way I do my dark chocolate ones and it just wasn't right. Later I found out that, I actually should use less cream when it comes to white chocolate. I had a bad time trying to coat the cake with it. My dining table flooded with the ganache. I tried chilling in the fridge for few hours, but still it's very liquidy. Sigh, should've just made a cream rim and poured the liquidy ganache in the center. After pouring onto the cold cake and letting it set overnight, the texture felt like sweetened condensed milk.. sigh... lesson learnt, use 1 part cream 3 parts white chocolate, and not 1 to 1.
The cream I used this time is a compound cream, dairy cream stabilised with some non dairy compounds. The brand is Milac. Flavour wise, ok. But not as good as real dairy cream but better than non dairy. I mixed some of the ganache into the cream to give it some white chocolate flavour. I also slightly overbaked my macadamias, making them, brown. But with all these headaches, the cake is still nice to eat.

One thing that I'm really happy with this cake is, the sugar paste flowers. They stayed on very well, not bleeding at all onto the white chocolate ganache. Last time, during Lydia's 1st birthday party, the sugar hearts on her cake bled and stained her cake the next day.

And this is one cake that my cousin requested me to do for her mother in law's birthday, which was on Christmas. I was also waiting for the cut up pic to show u guys, but..... it didn't come by. This is a rainbow yogurt layer cake. Well, the feedback I got is that, the cake taste very yogurty, means sour. Well, as I said in the earlier cake post, I've mentioned that u need to be a yogurt lover to love this. Altho I adjusted the recipe with extra cream in the yogurt, plus more sugar, it's still too sour for her kids. Sigh, hard to please huh.

I haven't been doing any other cream cakes lately, except for one Japanese Strawberry Shortcake for an order. Well , the lady gave a free hand to do her a birthday cake, any cake, any price, as long as it's nice. So I chose the most popular cake. Sometimes people just love those emulsified cakes,cloud soft, melts in the mouth that needs no effort to chew. Cos the feedback was just an "OK", so I guess the cake is not as soft as bakery's. Because everybody who has ate this cake before raved about it, especially the filling. Headache..... I hate it when people gives me a free hand.


  1. These are both very good looking cakes. You have some great skills. I wish my cakes looked this good.

  2. Both cakes look very pretty! I love the chocolate swirls on the Strawberry cake, you are a talented baker!

  3. Both cakes look fabulous and nicely decorated. Happy baking. :)

  4. Hi,

    You have lovely blog... I can spend my 1hr lunch break juz to read your blog...

    I'm curious if you buy or make your own peanut nibs ? - coffee cheesecake. Do you toast it ?

    Have a blessed week.

  5. Mark,Sonia,HBB,Happy Flour, DG,Irene.

    Thanks. The cakes look presentable to me, yes.
    I was just rumbling... about the process and feedbacks

  6. Kim,
    If I'm lazy I'll buy. If u're from Klang Valley, I buy them (baked and chopped)from Bake with Yen, but the problem is they come in 1kg packs, nothing smaller.

    I make them (just enough for the current thing) if I don't have any near future plans for anything with toasted peanuts.

  7. Very pretty! Esp. the strawberry one.

  8. Hi there Wendy...

    Your cakes look lovely. I bet the taste are yummy as well!

  9. Angie and MamaFami
    thanks for the compliments

  10. hi. thank for all this recipes, just i want to ask you if it is possible to write the recipe for the sponge cake for thoes cakes thank you


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