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Monday, October 24, 2011

Black Glutinous Rice Chiffon - BGR Week # 1


Recipe tried out Nov 2010

Last year, when I went to Homekreation to ogle at her onde-onde pulut hitam made from black glutinous rice (BGR) flour, I mentioned I am looking for this BGR flour and she was so so so so kind that she offered to mailed me some. I was so so surprised at the offer, and of course, a bit shy to accept it. In the end, I still gave her my address and it arrived just before last year's Eid ul-Fitr. I was so so happy that I could finally try out this recipe that I saw on DG's blog loooooooooooooong ago. Thanks Roz for your generosity. She also mailed me a bottle of browning essence.

I'm not sure about what's wrong with the BGR flour, but this cake tasted grainy. Which is a bit wasted. Like bakes made with buckwheat flour. My hubby said, it tasted like cake with sawdust. I read on the internet that this cake is supposed to taste really soft due to the glutinous rice flour, but mine tasted like sawdust, u know what I mean. That gritty grainy feel. Roz, does your onde-onde have this problem?

Anyway, this could be due to a manufacturer's default. No blogger is to blame for anything. Try this out if your BGR flour is perfectly sticky and good.

Black Glutinous Rice Chiffon Cake
Recipe source: DG's Tested and Tasted

5 egg yolks (95gm)
35gm sugar
30gm corn coil
100gm coconut milk
1/3 tsp salt
67gm black glutinous rice flour
33gm cake /superfine flour
½ tsp baking powder

5 egg whites (190gm)
85gm sugar
1/3 tsp cream of tartar

1. Preheat oven to 160(fan)/180C. Prepare a 22 or 25cm chiffon tube pan
2. Mix egg yolks, sugar and oil together. Then put in coconut milk and salt.
3. Sift both flours and baking powder directly into the yolk mixture. Mix until well combined. Set aside
4. Beat egg whites until frothy, put in cream of tartar and beat until soft peaks. Add in sugar gradually and beat until stiff.
5. Fold ¼ of egg whites into the batter. Repeat with another ¼ of egg whites.
6. Pour batter into remaining egg whites and fold until well combined.
7. Pour batter into a clean pan and bake for 40-50 minutes.
8. Remove cake from oven immediately and invert to cool down totally.
Be patient and wait for cake to cool down completely before removing from pan and slicing.

Even the colour is not as black as it should be. Readers who have experience with the same brand of glutinous rice flour, is yours like mine?

Roz.. not your fault, Not DG's fault... Manufacturer's fault.


  1. Kak Cek tak penah buat chiffon kek...berhajat gak nak mencuba...kak cek amik resepi dulu ek...tq wendy kongsi2 resepi....

    ps...kak cek lama dah dtg lepak2 kat blog wendy...byk dah resepi yg kak cek cuba...paling kak cek suka kuih serimuka...emmm...memang yummmyyyy....thanks again Wendy....

  2. At one look at your post title, I thought what Boy girl relation you are talking about, lol! *kidding* you know I am looking for this black glutinous rice flour too! Have you found an alternative brand since this one is no good? Indeed pity that it has a sawdust taste, I presume all the other bakes will be the same if you use the same flour.  will let u know when I do find some.

  3. The look at photos everything seem so perfectly on this chiffon! Maybe it could be the quality of the BGR? Ive not really bake any chiffon cake; must try one day!

  4. I am certainly looking forward to your posts on BGR flour. :)

  5. This recipe looks very interesting. I would have never thought that you can make a chiffon cake out of black glutinous rice flour, not that I am that good in baking to begin with. Thanks for the tip to have the BGR flour being sticky.

  6. Hi there,
    I bought my BGRF from Giant in Subang and recently from Mydin, also in Subang.No problem whatsoever when baking or making kuih with the flour.Not sure what brand but you can get them in packets and also from the bulk bin where you weigh yourself.Hope this helps.

  7. Oh, I like the brown and even crumbs, how u unmould your chiffon? Very nice.

  8. Wendy, that's a long time ago when I first bake this :) Your chiffon texture really make me craving for this one again. I have the same problem, where I can taste of fine sawdust in the cake. Btw, the dark colour, maybe it's due to the brand.

  9. cik cek,
    Oh seri muka tu, memang sedap giler. My hubby punye favourite.

    I'm too old for that, LOL, and my girls are too young. LOL.
    I hope you find a good one.

    it looks very good, but once u bite into it.. aiyor..

    more on weds and fri :)

    U won't know it's sticky unless you've used it

    LOL. that giant tutup oredi.
    I passed by and saw it's like demolished.
    Mydin eh... what about KHAS? the place opposite Mydin. I malas go in Mydin la. Thanks for the info.

    Hmmm how ah? With plastic spatula I think, so long ado oredi, I dun remember.

    Mine is super light. I hope to get some that is really black.

  10. heard of it but never come across seeing that. Next time i check with those malay kedai runcit and see. So now have to wait for the rest of your posts and see what you're going to do with that :)

  11. Kristy sent me some of the BGR not too long ago and it is still sitting in my fridge. Don't know what to do with it. I thought of making some kuih with it. The cake texture is grainy. It is because the BGR powder is too coarse? Maybe try to grind it a bit more with a coffee grinder or food processor.

  12. lena,
    wedsday will be the grain itself, friday another post with the flour. i do hope u can find other fours

  13. gert,
    it's already very fine... passes the sift with no prob.
    if you've tried buckwheat flour, u'll get what i mean.. exactly like that

  14. Actually I wanted to buy BGR to make kuih kochi, now I know where to buy , giant Subang ..thanks to Shereen. This chiffon look like black sesame chiffon .

  15. are right...Subang's Giant is kaput but that was where I got my first bag of BGRF when I was back home last Sonia,pls don't go!
    Mydin Subang was where I got it this year..again when I was back home in May but don't know about KHAS ( only been there like 2 years ago as the Golden Churn Butter was cheapest there..hehehe).

  16. I have Al's wanted to try the pulut Hiram chiffon cake and didn't know that you can get pulut hitam flour... Interesting. From the photo the cakes look really soft! Couldn't tell that it is grainy...

  17. I know what you meant the texture is similar to buckwheat flour. When you make kueh using black glutinous rice flour it don't have the sawdust taste.

  18. hi, that looks nice! and I saw your batik cake, and I will definitely be making that this weekend because I love the step by step photos! I love this blog and will be back following you!

  19. Hi, can i know what is the tips to have a smooth surface on the cake when i demould it? i always ended up with the cake sticking on the pan

  20. Sonia,
    Guess it's been long since u dropped by USJ.

    Thanks for the info again :)

    Lately another Indon blogger also made a sponge using BGR flour. She also complained of grittiness.

    Happy Flour,
    I'm glad it doesn't. If not it'll be so wasted

    Swee San,
    If I have a blentec I will.

    Thanks, see you around :)

    Just scrape the cake in a circular motion carefully to release from the tin. If not you can see on youtube method to release chiffon cake from pan. There is one knifeless method. I used a scraper though

  21. Hi Wendy. Sorry to hear it did not turn out as expected. I posted the flour to you about a year ago, could the taste due expiry? Mine tasted really delicious with nice fragrant & I love it so much. The colour turned out dark after bake unlike yours - see my posting here:
    It is a bit grainy but tastewise I have no complaint.

    For your info, BGRF does not have the same content like the WGRF. That is the reason all the Malay kuih, added a small proportion of BGRF to WGRF (from 1/3 to 1/2). I notice you experiment your onde2 without adding any WGRF initially & that is why it is not springy but later was improved when you added tapioca flour. Hope this tips help.

  22. Home Kreation,
    the cake was done last year but posted now. LOL.
    the fragrance was there, but I cannot stand the grittiness.
    Since this is my first encounter with BGR flour, I have learnt something about it. Sometimes accidents makes us learn a deep lesson that we will never forget and it's good. LOL.

    this cake looks a lot lighter cos it only used 67gm of BGRF, whereas your cake uses a lot more, 150gm. I ran out out WGRF which was why I experimented with tapioca starch, and the onde onde turned out great,chewy and bouncy.

    Thanks for the 2 packs of flour, 1 is still unopened, LOL. I will find ways to use it up.
    won't expire one la, I see those Erawan rice flours with 5 years expiry date one ler. LOL.


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