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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Thank you and now it's Giveaway time!!!

First and foremost, I want to thank one person.
Swee San.

It was Swee San who messaged me one morning, telling me to join this contest.
Before this I sort of knew there's one Masterchef thingy of which is not the real thing going on with Nuffnangers..but I never take note of it. I didn't bother about it. Swee San urged me to join, saying that.. I've got a huge chance to win it.  I was like.... ok. But both of us were clear that the prize was indeed attractive, but it's something other than the prize that is what we are looking for.

Swee San helped gather lots of info for me, from other contestants entries for submission, to screening the first round of semi's information. She helped me forcast and find recipes. She was my utmost support for this whole event. She even ferried me to the Semis and was there through out the Semis and Finals, taking pics for me, video cameraing me.. and she even compiled a video in Youtube for me.

What else can I say, but THANK YOU. Thank you so much Swee San.


There was a part in the competition where the semifinalist who created the most buzz will win another prize,
THE MOST BUZZ MASTERCHEF BLOGGER, but unfortunately, I didn't win that. LOL.

But I'll still do a giveaway in appreciation to all who supported me via my blog's comments. I'm so sorry about those who supported me via FaceBook, but it's so hard to know the order of LIKEs and it won't be fair to count only the comments. So, it will only be on this blog.

Part of my prize includes RM100+500 worth of petrol vouchers. And since petrol vouchers are so easy to mail out, I'm going to share them with 12 lucky readers, each of you will get RM30 worth of petrol vouchers.
The rest of the petrol vouchers have been given out to my good buddy who went to support me at the contest location and to my ardent all time supporter Swee San.. don't ask her how much she got, but it's definately a lot lot more than you all, LOL.
Winners will be selected from all the posts regarding Blogger Masterchef until yesterday's Finale post, with last comment at 10am.

If you are not from Malaysia, I'll get you an Amazon gift card of almost similiar value. But if you prefer the voucher to be given to someone who might be residing in Malaysia or Singapore, you may definitely opt for the petrol voucher but give me the address you want me to send to.

For Singaporeans, you can keep the petrol voucher til June 2012 :) I'm sure either you or someone you know will drive into Malaysia to shop or for a short holiday, so keep it.

And the lucky few are...
please let me know if I named the person wrongly.

1. Malaysia's First Ever Blogger Masterchef for Nuffnangers (30 comments)
Sharon of Feast of Feasts

2. Mango Yogurt Mousse (26 comments)

Reese of ReeseKitchen

3. Thai Mango Rice Sushi (30 comments)


4. Prawn Mango Salad (28 comments)


5. Blogger Masterchef, the SemiFinals (62 comments)
-- 2 winners

Fong's Kitchen Journal

Shu Han

6. Peek into the Semi finals Kitchen (23 comments)

Lena of Frozen Wings
(Hey you always seem to have luck on my blog, LOL)

7. Prawns on Lemongrass and Caramelized Pineapples with Lime (43 comments)

Jes's Deli Corner

8. What others did during the Semi Finals (9 comments)


9. Forecast for Blogger Masterchef Finale (46 comments)


10. The finale.. and I won it? (90 comments)
---2 winners

Echo's Kitchen


Please email me with your mailing address within a week, that is until 25th October 2011, or I will pick another winner.

Mary Ng of Singapore, sorry I still owe you vanilla beans! I didn't forget.. LOL.


I look soooooo silly with that lopsided hat. But hey, that happens in every beauty pagaent :p

And I know some one you wanted to know what I did with my gifts..

Ipad 1: Taken hostage by Lydia for Angry Bird.
Hampers: Rumaged by the kids and some of the items shared with relatives
RM3000: To be used in treating friends and family, those of you waiting for the feast!!!
Petrol vouchers: All given out to my readers and supporters, except RM10.
Induction cooker: Now.. who wants to help me with this?

Picture from Panasonic's website

As you all know, I've just got a new house, a new kitchen. And I've got a stove in it. I have no use for another stove. It can be used as a counter top or a built in stove.
It's worth RM2799..but I hope to sell it off at RM1800, a 999 discount :p
Information about this stove is available here
Any takers? Email me. It's still in the box unopened.


After every giveaway winner has responded, I will remove most of the Masterchef related posts. I have already removed the inserted parts of the Mango Week. For those of you who chatted with me personally, you know the reason why from the very beginning and that reason has never changed even until I won the hat.

I'm feeling a bit uneasy when my face appears in so many places (The problem is i don't know them) and when I was asked to snap so many pictures after winning, that's when I remember my husband's words, "monkey show".

It's all over and let's be over with it.


  1. Lydia and Lyanna rummage gift box!

    anyway, it's my pleasure :)

  2. congrats again Wendy!! and also congrats to all the winners of your giftaway! It's so kind of you to share out your winnings!! :D

  3. It's so nice of you to share your winnings with your readers.

    Once again, congrats.

  4. Congrat again. Nice of you to share out your winning.

  5. It is so kind of you to share your winning gifts to your wonderful followers! Your family, relatives, friends and your follower bloggers are proud of you.

  6. It's so sweet of you Wendy to share your winnings. No wonder you're so blessed ;-)

  7. Wendy, you are so kind sharing your winnings. Congrats to all the winners.

  8. Wow! at the prizes you brought back :D and so thoughtful of you to share them with your friends, family and fellow bloggers.

    Congrats again!!

  9. Wendy, u inspire me. Congrats !

  10. U have so many great prizes..worth it to share with your best buddies, ur readers and family members at home!

    so happy for you

  11. I'm in your lucky happy and tq for sharing the gift.

  12. Wendy, how can i email my address to you? Can i have your email add pls?

  13. Congrats to this big hearted cook ! You deserved the day.

  14. Jes,
    Aiyor... my email is in my "About" ler....

  15. Congrats to those winners and blessed your kind heart Wendy for being so generous.

  16. Congrats to all the winners. Although I'm not one of them, but I'm so glad that you share all the happiness with us.

  17. hey, thank you!! Keep it for me first, ok?

  18. I got no luck on your blog ;p But you're really generous for sharing in your prizes :D

  19. Oh thank you Wendy...:) I'm also entitle for the feast ho...hehe!

  20. Congratulations! you deserved it!!!

    You are kind to share your prizes with others. and I'm glad to follow you for this while:). good day and bless you.

  21. Wah Wendy,you shared so much of your winnings!! And I can somehow understand why you wanna remove some of your post regarding this competition...anyway, congrats again!

  22. Congrats to the winners and very generous of you to share your winnings, Wendy! GBU!!

  23. becos of blogger masterchef colleague dh tau about my blog..well..i cuma boleh senyum bila dorg join blogger masterchef..u ade blog?phewww...dah tak boleh nak sorok rahsia lagi .. :p

  24. Congrates again, do enjoy all the gifts you won cuz you certainly worth it!!!

  25. All,
    Thank you for the kind comments. It's fun to share to joy.. keeping it to oneself is no fun :)

    no prob, u come collect when we bake, save me postage, LOL.

    sure la.. if we ever meet up again, u don't fight the bill with me

    I wouldn't have blogged so much abt the competition if not for the Buzz contest, some more since my readers already know and want to know, so I mai just blog abt it lor, but it's over now and let's be over with it.

    Patutla. Blog tak yah nak sorok sorok, yang baik biar di kongsi:)

  26. I knew the winner for this Masterchef Malaysia blogger. Congrats to you!!

  27. Awww gee...was that me winning a prize? Thanks a lot Wendy for sharing some of your joy with us:D

  28. Jeannie,
    that's u la, email me if you want the petrol vouchers :)
    Don't want also email me to notify, LOL


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