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Monday, October 3, 2011

Mango Yogurt Mousse - Mango Week # 1

I first saw “ fake soft boiled eggs” on Sea Salt with Food. LOL. I told myself, I got to make these one day.
Then I saw this on Masterchef Australia. Marion was doing her celebrity chef challenge and she was making a dessert served in an egg shell. I was busy with my kids, but I saw how she cut the egg shells and how she assembled her dessert. But I have no idea what dessert it was as I wasn’t listening to the show, just catching a glimpse whenever possible.

I had some whipping cream, yogurt and mangoes in the fridge and so it came to my head that I want to create something visually similar. When the kids all went to slumberland, I quickly jumped into action.

Serve this for breakfast and notice the faces when they take a spoon of it. It’s ok, it’s yogurt and yogurt’s for breakfast : )
The mousse is very softly set, retains its form when spooned but creamy and soft on the palate. Utterly delicious.

To prepare egg shells, rinse eggs and saw with a serrated knife around the pointy end of egg. No need to get all the way through. If you can get the knife in just one spot, then gently pry it open. Pour away egg into a container for later consumption. Rinse egg shells thoroughly. Boil egg shells for a while and the membrane will seem to come off. Peel them and discard. Your shells are now ready for use :p

**Extra mango cubes and puree can be confiscated by the cook and be eaten without any qualms.
Yes..down my esophagus they all went.

So, how do you like your eggs?

Soft boiled? Half boiled? Or...
Sunny side up?

Muahahaha..... a fun way to start the day!

Have a spooon!
BTW, my hubby complained about the half boiled eggs, instead loved the sunny side up. He said, portions too little! LOL.

Mango Yogurt Mousse
Recipe source: Wendyywy

2 ripe Chokanan Mangoes (Or any other mango. Just get about 2 cups of flesh and it’ll be fine)
80gm whipping cream (please use dairy for best results)
1 heaped Tbsp sugar
160gm plain yogurt (I used Nestle Natural Set)
1/3 tsp gelatin
1 Tbsp water

1. Place a medium sized mixing bowl into the freezer.
2. Place water into a small heatproof bowl. Sprinkle gelatin over water. Let it sit for 1 minute and zap in microwave for 15 seconds or melt the gelatin over hot water. See method in this post.
3. Peel mangoes and remove flesh from seed. Select ripe and darker coloured parts and puree. (I used the parts nearer to the seed.) Strain mango puree to remove fibre.
4. Cut the other parts of mango flesh into small cubes, about 5mm in size. Spoon into prepared cups or moulds, as much or as little as you like
5. Remove mixing bowl from freezer and whip cream and sugar until soft peaks. Mix in yogurt and then the melted gelatin.
6. Spoon the yogurt mousse mixture over mangoes in the moulds.
7. Top with a dollop of mango puree. (I carefully piped on the mango puree with a small opening in my piping bag)
8. Chill for 5 hours before serving.


  1. Oh, this is so cute and INTERESTING! Thanks for step by step tutorials too. Bookmarked!! :))

  2. Oooh.... I love desserts! I don't think it is easy to cut the egg shell, isn't it?

  3. wow, looks exactly like soft/half boiled eggs!!!!
    Thanks for showing us how to cut the egg shell.

  4. wow i was fooled too! :) these really look like real soft boiled eggs! i saw this on masterchef too, how ingenious!

  5. Oh my, it looks like real egg.
    Anywayz, thanks Wendy for the tips on opening the egg. Hopefully I can use it for plant nursery + fertilizer.

  6. This sound interesting. Thanks for sharing the tips. One more thing, I will sure enjoy your mango week as mango is my favorite fruit. :)

  7. I saw this on Masterchef too!! been wanting to make a fake egg dessert with it, with the shortbread as toasted bread as well.. Ah... shall wait for the house to be completely done, then got time..

  8. So cute and yet so interesting...

  9. Oh gosh!! Really loooooooooooove lovely!!!!

  10. this is really nice! it will be lovely too to serve in the glass but serving in the egg shells would be so much fun and surprising!! how did you manage to get your eggs to stand so nicely on the cups? eh, so excited for you leh!!

  11. Wow... really creative and deceptive too! Almost thought it was a real egg!

  12. some many times want to leave a comment for you but it didn't get thro'. Hope this work.

  13. Huh! It get thro' finally :)

    I wish to have this Mango "egg" for breakfast too :) yes, one is not enough :)

  14. Oh my nice!! But seems like alot of work leh. Next time make for me hor...hehe!

  15. Belly Good,
    Thanks, hope u like it

    It's actually quite easy

    I learnt it from Masterchef, kekeke.

    Yeah, I found that to be so too :)

    LOL, too bad it's not April fool's day

    Oh no prob. The shells are good for slug protection

    For big and small ;)

  16. happy flour,
    more to come on Weds and Fri :)

    Swee San,
    I can't wait to see ur version

    Taste better than it looks, LOL

    Thanks. TV gave me the inspiration


    Can ah, the base of the cups are slightly caved in. If you put the egg lid on, it's even more surprising :)

    Surprise ur heros with this and I'm sure Liana will love this

    ah Tze,
    don't worry, I have that prob too. I tried leaving comments on ur blog, but that goes missing too

    Make for u, just sunny side up eggs, no soft boiled ones, LOL

  17. I was fooled ! LOL!!! Great idea to serve this for breakfast. Bet the kids were thrilled to bits :)

  18. elin,
    If u make these for sunday school, I bet the kids will squeal!
    Yogurt and mango is good for them

  19. wow, thats delicious and only by looking my saliva is dropping..your another brilliant creation..this will be my next mission possible or not possible, well dunno the result will be as good as yours or not..hopefully la.

  20. This is really kawaii... An interesting way of presenting food! :)

  21. Wah...such delicate work involved,...cutting egg shells, boiling and filling it so gently! But I have to admit it looks amazing, just like a real egg!

  22. Cooking and eating has always been visual! Presentation is everything! I love the sense of humor of this mousse dessert! Surely this will be a blast for breakfast!

  23. you saw the egg shells so nicely, not even a crack, i'm speechless...haha

  24. i tried to saw my egg this morning.. but failed :( i am amazed! at your skill and of course this great mousse!

  25. Christina,
    You have to use a firm but light hand when you saw it. Or you just do it the old fashioned way.. tap the top to break.
    Or just do it in dessert cups, like my sunny side ups :p


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