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Friday, October 7, 2011

Prawn and Mango Salad - Mango Week # 3

Mike's sis's in laws gave us a packet of frozen prawns, that were supposed to be very fresh because they always get their seafood supplies from the coastal areas.

I didn't want to cook it in a complicated way and so I made it into a salad that I once tasted at Monte's in BSC. It's simple and nice and perfect for entertaining. The version I had was served with Thousand Island sauce, but, I didn't have that at home, so I made my own. If you have tomato paste, it's even better!

Prawn and Mango Salad
Recipe source: Wendyywy
Inspired by: Monte's at BSC

As many prawns as you like
As much mango as you like

2 parts mayonnaise
1 part tomato sauce
pinch of salt and pepper

1. Bring a pot of water to boil. Season it with some salt and sugar. Put prawns in and boil until it curls and looks pink.
2. Drain prawns and dunk them immediately into iced water.
3. Peel prawns and set them aside (chill if possible)
4. Prepare your serving dishes. Place some lettuce on the bottom.
5. Peel and cut mangoes into whichever way you fancy. Place them over the lettuce.
6. Arrange prawns and tomato wedges and chillin fridge until time to serve.
7. Prepare dressing: Mix mayonnaise and tomato sauce together, season with some salt and pepper. Garnish with some spring onions or if you have chives, go with chives (not chinese chives!)
8. Spoon dressing over salad just before serving.


  1. I wish you all the best and good luck! Wish I could attend to give you my support too!

  2. Hi Wendy,

    I ahve been a silent reader at your blog. Just wanna say you're amazing and would like to wish you all the best tomorrow.


  3. Good luck Wendy, i'm sure you will enter to Final..

  4. Wishing u best of pray from ur 'kipas susah mati'..kehkeh

  5. All the best to you! Always love reading your blog and would laugh or nodding in agreement while reading your stories. Good luck!

  6. hope swee san or your hubby will do some video for yoau and you can show it to us later in the blog. Good luck!!

  7. Hey hey...I'm still here, all my best wishes to you...!

  8. This is appetizing. Good luck! Looking forward to here good news from you.

  9. Best of luck to you Wendy:) The prawn salad looks very appetizing and beautifully decorated.

  10. Wendy,
    macam segar betul nampak udang n mango salad tu..yummy.

  11. Best of luck to you Wendy. If you don't win, its their loss, coz to me you are one of the very best, you are can tackle anything with such gutso. I stalk your blog on a daily basis, you are not only a creative cook, but a very generous one, sharing all your recipes & tips in detail with us. Thank you so much and please continue blogging about new (and old) recipes.
    Warmest regards,
    Bkt Mertajam

  12. Wendy, Cheering for you from here! Wish you ALL the best! YOU CAN DO IT! Make us proud:D HUGS

  13. All the best n u do wonderfully well so dont worry

  14. Hi Wendy

    Have always been a silent reader of yours but I wish you all the best!! I'm sure you'll do well =)


  15. Jia u or as in korea, "Fighting!" All the best!

  16. Hi there, best of luck! No matter you will get through or not,you have shared so many good recipes with us!

    I'm a big fan of Masterchef Australia and I tell you Malaysians were doing very well in this Australia's version! In Season 1, Poh, the lady who migrated from KL made her way to 1st runner up & becomes more famous than the winner.She has her own tv show and has released a cookbook. In Season 2, even better, Adam, the Malaysian born guy took the Masterchef's title away + another Malaysian guy, Alvin placed in top 10.And in the latest Season(3), Billy boy from Ipoh made the 6th place! I just can't wait to see Masterchef Malaysia to release the dvd later!

  17. all the best!


  18. That looks fresh and light!

    Congrats Wendy and GOOD LUCK!!!

  19. Good lah. my mango tree start to flower got one mango only.....can't wait to harvest....make

  20. really happy for you. really hope you'll score this time big time!!!!!


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