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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Upside Down Apple Sponge with Demerara Caramel

I saw this recipe online for more than almost 2 years, and never attempted it because I could not find demerara sugar. And I finally got my pack of demerara sugar at Jusco’s organic shelves. Actually, the Chinese herbal shop which is walking distance from my house also had it!!! Darn! Stupid me.

First bite: So sweet!!!! Urgh
2nd bite: hmmm….the cinnamon is good… caramel is yummy
3rd bite: I’m in heaven………..
This is my ultimate comfort food. I really felt "uummmm" when I ate this, my mind just went bumping on the clouds...

That was me, only me.

Mike didn’t like it, due to the cinnamon, so did the rest of his family. The caramel was so good with the cinnamony apples…. 1 slice is not enough for me. I want to have more..but it was too late, those who ate the rest of the cake somehow scraped the top away…………Wasted!!!

I adapted the recipe by avoiding the ginger and cinnamon in the cake, even the cinnamon on the apples were too much for Mike’s family, but I love it. I only made half the caramel in the recipe, and it’s enough for me. I don’t know how to eat an overly sweet cake. MIL asked me to make it next time totally w/o cinnamon.  The next time I did it the same way, but she ate all of it.

Apple Sponge:
1 Tbsp softened butter
2 Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored, halved, thinly sliced
½ tsp cinnamon powder
120gm demerara sugar (pulsed to a finer grain, use 2 Tbsp of this to toss the apples)
4 large eggs
100gm cake flour, sifted together with ½ tsp baking powder
60gm butter, melted
1 tsp vanilla essence

Demerara Caramel:
125ml or ½ cup heavy/whipping cream
100gm or ½ cup demerara sugar
½ tsp vanilla essence
1/8 tsp salt (makes the caramel oh-so-much better)

1. Preheat oven at 180C or 170C (convection)
2. Generously butter a 9 inch baking dish with butter.
3. Toss apples with 2 Tbsp of pulsed demerara sugar and ½ tsp cinnamon powder. Arrange nicely on the buttered dish.
4. Beat eggs with the rest of the pulsed demerara sugar until thick and pale, abt 5-7 minutes on high speed.
5. Fold in sifted flour in 3 additions until no lumps are seen.
6. Fold in melted butter and vanilla essence.
7. Pour batter over arranged apples.
8. Bake for 30 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.
9. While cake is baking, cook on medium heat cream, sugar, vanilla and salt until it boils, and continue to cook on med low heat maintaining a rolling simmer until mixture visually looks thickened, about 6-8 minutes. Remove from heat and leave to cool slightly while waiting for the sponge to be ready.
10. When sponge is baked, remove from the oven, and loosen the sides with a sharp knife.
11. Overturn cake onto a plate and pour warm caramel over cake.

Serve cake warm.

The rest of the pictures are my 2nd attempt and only this pic is my first attempt with the cake. I didn't like how the 1st attempt pictures came out because I haven't discovered natural light photography :) The bounced flash were too much for the caramel.


  1. I'm in cloud 9 tooo! Drooling over the topping. Just imagine the caramel flavour kinda stuff! Enjoy & hope you're having a nice day!
    Cheers, Kristy

  2. WOW! Nicely baked upside down apple cake. Can I have a piece with a dollop of vanilla ice cream? It looks really yummy! Can the cake serve without the the demerara caramel?

  3. Oooh...! I luuurve cinnamon!! The smell whenever I pass-by those shops selling cinnamon rolls....mmmmm...make me float! If I'm your neighbour I'll certainly go over without asking...hehehe

  4. wuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.........i can do with some comfort food now hhaahhaa...

  5. Kristy,
    The caramel, the cake..everything makes me on cloud 9.

  6. Kitchen Corner,
    Yeah, you may do w/o the caramel, but the caramel is so so good!!!

  7. Mel,
    If you are my neighbour, be ready to be fattened up!!!! I'll just send half of my bakes over w/o even you asking!!!

  8. Manglish,
    Make one la. :)
    I'm sure it'll make you go "uummmmm""

  9. Wow, this looks fantastic, totally comfort food for me too! Oh, and have you ever tried using beet juice instead of red food coloring for baked goods? That sometimes works as a good substitute for all that red food coloring.

  10. Julia,
    Well, I've never used beetroot juice.
    I plan to use roselle juice, that's when I get my own garden and plant some. Roselle's red colouring stay very very pretty even when baked.
    I've made a roselle cake before and was very impressed with the intense red colour the flower gave.

  11. oh, this cake looks so good. I really can't believe that there is people in this world who can't stand cinnamon!.

  12. I wish I could lick my screen in moments like these.

    Um, this looks amazing and I have to bake this!

    Delightful Bitefuls

  13. Apple and cinnamon the best combi. Would love to try this someday.

  14. I don't like cinnamon too. Unlucky!

  15. Heidi,
    It's not common in the west, but it's common in the east :)

  16. Mary,
    LOL, the screen is all yours to lick.
    Do let me know when you've baked this, I'd love to see the cake.

  17. Edith,
    Yeah, I love apples and cinnamon too...
    Oh please do, someday :)

  18. Little Inbox,
    You can omit the cinnamon. No problem.
    I do that to quite a lot of stuff actually, cos my hubby beh tahan, he said he want to faint when he smells this.

  19. The dripping caramel sauce looks so good!

  20. I am not a big fan of caramel but you are definitely the Caramel Queen in my follow list... :D

  21. Oh My!!! that has to be the best looking apple cake I've ever seen. All that wonderful caramel sauce. I'm drooling over my key board.


  22. Shirley,
    Oh please don't give me that title.. Too heavy!!!
    If you have seen how I make caramel with sugar and water, you'll call me the Caramel Disaster Queen instead.

  23. Ann,
    LOL.. gosh, do you need tissue???
    Haha, you can make one, look right at it and drool no more.

  24. this looks absolutely gorgeous and yummy!! will try making this sometime with loads of cinnamon!!

  25. Wendy, I m drooling, it must b so yummy and sinful with the caramel...

  26. Bakies,
    Oh please do, if you love cinnamon.

  27. Jess,
    Hahaha, but with a sponge below it, it neutralizes the sinfulness

  28. Great blog you have, and lovely pics too. This cake looks yummy but think it can be a bit too sweet for me!

  29. Cheah,
    You can skip the caramel if want to cut on the sugar, but you can't cut the sugar from the caramel, cos it just won't work.
    But then a total of 220gm of sugar for an 8inch cake, is just about the sugar for a butter cake.
    It just depends on how you look at it.

    Hey, you're from Ipoh.. heheh, very near me leh.

  30. Hi Wendy, I made this cake.It was so yummy!!! especially the CARAMEL!!!

  31. yummylittlecooks,
    Glad you loved it, I too loved the caramel.


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