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Monday, January 17, 2011

Lemon Cloud Tea Cookies

Love these cookies!!! They are soft and fluffy, like clouds, but not like kuih bangkit that is dry and floury in the mouth. Very light and not cloying at all. One can easily down half a jar in one go. Hahaha.

My girls devoured them so quickly that I had to hide them. Hide them away so that I can have some too, hahahaha!!! Wicked Mother!!

Lemon cloud tea cookies
Adapted from : Technicolor Kitchen who adapted from Joy

105gm all purpose flour
55gm cornstarch
2 teaspoons baking powder
60g salted butter, softened
50g confectioners’ sugar
1 large eggs
1 teaspoon lemon juice (didn't half this)
1 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest (didn't half this too)

1. Preheat oven to 160°C/180C. Line baking sheets with baking paper.
2. Sift the flour, cornstarch, and baking powder in a bowl. Set aside.
3. Combine the butter and confectioners’ sugar in the bowl of an electric mixer. Beat on low speed with the paddle until well mixed. Increase the speed to medium and continue beating until light, about 2 minutes.
4. Beat in the eggs one at a time. Batter may look broken and curdled. Beat in the juice and zest.
5. Decrease the speed to low and beat in the flour mixture. Remove the bowl from the mixer and give the dough a few good turns with your spatula to bring it all together.
6. Arrange rounded teaspoons of the dough on prepared pans. Space the balls about 5cm (2in) apart. After all the cookies have been placed on the pan, flour a fork and press a crisscross design into the top of each mound of dough.
7. Bake the cookies until they spread and become golden, about 20 minutes. Slide the parchment paper off the pan to cool completely.

If your baking powder is fresh, I think the biscuits will be even puffier. But still, these are very good.


  1. seeing your description makes me drool! bookmarked!

  2. Very lovely, I think it's good to have with a cup of tea ^^.

  3. Bookmarked and will try it out. I can never go wrong with your recipes, hehe.

  4. Your recipes and pictures never fail. These look so dainty and tasty. My sister is a huge fan of baking with lemon.. I'll have to share this with her. Thanks =)

  5. Wendy, the cookies looks so nice and the way you described, must be yummy too.

  6. wahhh finally cookies goodies! i love lemon and with the added cornstarch resulted melt-in-your-mouth cookies hmmm. ok i was crazy enuf to sit down here counted n counted cookies on the 2nd pic. there're 52 or 53 (gosh i got blurry eyes now). you mean 20% gone to your stomach or what's left in the pic? woah talking bout 3 cookie-monter girls in da-house!
    there're big n small cookies in the pics so i guess big for mama and small for girl girl. from a distance, looks like 'polo pau' to me! why am i always imagining things *sigh*

  7. Looks very cute too :) I doubt this batch of cookies is going to last till CNY? hahaha.. I haven't started baking yet. I'm not sure if the cookies could last 2 weeks (untouched)!

  8. These cookies look so good, I am looking forward to more from you:D

  9. This looks so good! -bookmarked- Thanks for sharing.

  10. Jess Kitchen,
    U want tissue? LOL.

    good even on its own :)

    Belly Good Cooking,
    Wah, that's a very generous comment, thanks!

    Hope she loves it

    Jess Bakericious,
    Oh yes, this is very delicious

    Hahaha, you counted hah? You really tickle me pink la.
    Maybe this cookie is so light, you won't feel bloated or cloyed after downing a few, err... more than few. Hahaha. 20% gone into the tummies before the pics were taken.

    These were made months ago! I just happen to post them now. Haha.

    Yeah, more coming up.

    Hope you'll try this

  11. Wow, looks very nice, muz try out someday =)

  12. Oooh...I love these. I love lemony food. I bet they are very good. Would be gone very fast in my house :D

  13. Wow, so pretty and this must be really nice since it is snapped up so fast. Hehe...

  14. Cathy,
    Do let me know how it turns out that someday :p

    The problem was it's not filling or cloying, so we just ate and ate, hahaha.

    It taste and feels pretty light, which is why it's easy to chow down a lot.

  15. Hi,
    How long can we store the cookies before it lost the freshness or crispness?

    I have not attempted the cookies yet, so trying to decide how fast i have to devour the cookies to prevent it from turning flat and soggy


  16. Sounds like great cookies for tea or snack. They look good too! Are they the melt-in-the mouth type?

  17. mmm, this would make good cookies for CNY! Very attractive looking cookies!

  18. This one can be served as afternoon tea, I love cookies which are soft and fluffy. Can bake as CNY cookies as well :)

  19. I think I will love this, as I don't like dried kuih bangkit.

  20. Great cookies and your pictures are great too.... Makes me want to bake them too . Have bookmarked them.

  21. i shall give it a try after i buy my oven^^
    tq for the recipe!

  22. wendy, i love the designs of this cookie,,there are more cookies to come right? cookie madness week??

  23. Lily,
    Since I'm not sure where are u from, it's hard for me to advise you on this.
    From where I am, in tropical Malaysia, all cookies are kept air tight. Totally air tight, and they can retain their crispiness for a long time. But I'd also say it depends on the container used. Mine are Tupperware's One Touch range, and they are super air tight.
    I've heard from my US friends, they just keep their cookies in a cookie jar (not air tight) and it gets crispier by the day due to the dry air in their country, their problem is to prevent chewy cookies from turning hard and crispy.

    I won't say totally melt in the mouth, but it's fluffy.


    this is not soft, but crispy and fluffy.

    Little Inbox,
    Yeah, kuih bangkit is very dry in the mouth.

    Hope the oven comes soon!

    Yup. This was actualy done months ago, actually queued up for 2 weeks back, but then I decided to put them all in a week, to make it a themed week for fun.

  24. Your cookies are perfect! So beautiful, Wendy! And I'm really glad to know your girls liked them, yay! :)
    Thank you for letting me know!

  25. They are adorable and even better with tea or coffee...or wine! LOL

  26. I will have to try the recipe too! They look irresistible!

  27. Hi Wendy - Beautiful! Love the post.....funny that you just got around to posting them now!

    xoxo megan

  28. Thats so sweet, I would really like to have those cookies to eat durng my tea time.. :)

  29. hello Wendy, you indicate in item no. 2, putting salt, how many teaspoon of salt? Half?

  30. Anonymous,
    So so sorry!!!
    Because I used salted butter, I skipped the salt.
    and I forgot to edit the intructions properly.
    I'll make the changes right away.

  31. Jenn@ChasingFoodDreamsJanuary 19, 2011 at 10:17 AM

    Oo.. these certainly look really light and mouth watering.. I had stop my cookie production for CNY but then may have to reopen due to this recipe! :)

  32. Delicious, crispy but fluffy, definetely can complete my cookies collection. thx alot WEndy. U are a sifu ^__^



  33. Hi Wendy,

    I just tried making these cookies. My husband who is usually the first person to sample it liked it a lot. I however like things a bit more buttery and more lemony. LOL...nonetheless, this was really nice!

    But some of mine cracked a little and the criss cross design didn't really appear well after the cookies spread. Any idea why?

    Appreciate your advice on this. Tks much!

  34. nel,
    Actually mine is not as puffed as I wanted. My source's look pretty puffed and the criss cross wasn't prominent too. I guess it could be due to the baking powder. Mine has been opened for qutie some time. Is yours fresh?
    And yes, this cookie is not supposed to be buttery as the amount used is not alot. Maybe you can add in more zest and juice if you want it to me more lemony. I've oredi used double of the original recipe's amount and yet, I find the taste just nice for me. I just needed a hint of it.

  35. Hi Wendy,
    thanks for replying to my comment. hmm...baking powder..Actually i used 1+1/2 tsp of baking powder. mine isn't too fresh either but it is a double action one. would that make any difference?
    anyway, definitely would try to make this again. the first batch is almost wiped out!

  36. hi, can i replace cornstarch with potato starch?tq


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