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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Pizza Cake

This is Lyanne's 2nd Cake for her 2nd Birthday. Read about it from yesterday's post.

Please find your own way to make the pizza more realistic. I have failed big time when even Lydia cannot figure out it's a Pizza Cake. Hahaha.

Pizza Cake
Recipe source : Wendyywy

“Tomato” Sauce (Can be done few days ahead)
200gm strawberries (hulled weight)
50-100gm sugar (depends on how sweet your strawberries are)

1. Slice strawberries and put into a saucepan, put in 50gm of sugar(add more later after tasting if strawberries are sour) and on low heat, cook until strawberries turn mushy.
2. Cool to room temp and pour into a container and keep chilled until time of use.

The “Pizza crust” (if using 10 inch shallow pan, please reduce the ingredients by 40%, say use 3 eggs, 48gm sugar......)
5 eggs
80gm sugar
80gm cake flour
20gm corn starch
½ tsp baking powder
50gm melted butter
5 Tbsp milk
1 tsp vanilla extract

1. Prepare a 14 inch round baking pan (3cm tall only). Line the base and do NOT grease the sides.
2. Preheat oven at 170C (fan)/190C.
3. Beat eggs and sugar until ribbon stage (for hand mixers, beat on the highest speed for 10 minutes minimum), then slow down the mixer to beat for 1 minute. Put 1/3 of beaten eggs into another bowl and set it aside.
4. Sift flour, baking powder and cornstarch into eggs into the remaining 2/3 of eggs and fold using a large balloon whisk, fold, do not whisk or beat.
5. Combine milk, melted butter and vanilla and put in a few tablespoon of the batter (no.4) into the butter mixture. Mix (no need to be gentle) until well combined.
6. Pour mixed butter mixture back into batter and fold.
7. Pour back the earlier reserved 1/3 of beaten eggs and fold.
8. Pour batter into prepared pan and tilt it left and right and all around to let the sides of the pan get as much batter as possible.
9. Bake for 20 minutes.
10. Remove from oven immediately and leave on rack to cool. Do not loosen the sides of the cake. The center will sink, leaving a ½ cm thick crater in the center of the cake.
11. When the cake has totally cooled, carefully peel off the lining paper and place the cake back onto the peeled paper. Place cake with paper underneath on either a pizza box or a decorative tissue lined large square pan (like mine)

200ml whipping cream
1 Tbsp sugar
1 tsp gelatin
1 Tbsp water

1. Place water in a heatproof bowl (ceramic rice bowl will work fine) and sprinkle in gelatin. Let it sit for 2 minutes. Melt gelatin(refer here for method) and let it cool down.
2. Freeze a ceramic/glass mixing bowl or a minimum of 10 minutes or prepare a large bowl of ice water and place your stainless steel mixing bowl in it.
3. Put cold whipping cream into prepared mixing bowl and beat until soft peaks, put in sugar and whip for 10 seconds, then pour in cooled gelatin mixture and beat until stiff.

To assemble
1 Red Dragon fruit (Pepperoni)
2 Green Kiwi (Capsicum)
2 or 3 Canned Pineapple slices
10 Black Grapes, impaled with a chopstick (olives)

1. Place cake onto cake board(then no need for the paper to be underneath) or pizza box or large tray.
2. Spread a thin layer of “cheese” over pizza crater.
3. Spread “tomato” sauce over “cheese”.
4. Place remaining “cheese” into a plastic bag, snip of a small corner, about 3mm in diameter.
5. Then squirt the “cheese” all over the “tomato sauce”.
6. Put cake into fridge to chill, while you prepare the toppings.
7. Peel and half kiwi fruit. Discard whitish core and slice it lengthwise.
8. Run a chopstick through the grapes and slice it about 5mm thick.
9. Cut pineapple into chunks.
10. Peel and slice dragon fruit thinly, about 5mm thick. Cut with cookie cutters if preferred.
11. Remove pizza from fridge and arrange toppings starting with the largest to the smallest.
12. Chill until time of serving.

This seemed to be a big slice of cake, but don't worry, it's not filling at all.
It was delicious, those who ate said so :)


  1. lol!! you are an innovative mum wendy!!! although lyanne can't figure it's a pizza cake but i think she still loves it alot!

  2. You are so creative! I don't mind having mine with some 'mozzarella' topping! ;)

  3. Jenn@ChasingFoodDreamsJanuary 6, 2011 at 11:49 AM

    I think its just kids.. cos it sure looks like Pizza to me! I admire your creativity....

    Can't wait to try this recipe. :)

  4. Hahaha, this is too cute and I love the colors!so tempted to make this for my niece birthday this month, see how it goes. Thanks again for the recipe!

  5. Very creative, Wendy!
    I think it looks like a fruit pizza, cos of the kiwis.

  6. so cute! It looks a real pizza with a twist. The grapes look like olives...

  7. Very creative and looks delicious too... I don't have the patience for such an elaborate cake:P Happy birthday to your girl:)

  8. this is definitely a gorgeous cake. don't get too upset if the girls can't recognise long as they know mommy bake the cake with lotsa love.
    hmmm at first i thought those black grapes were blueberries and i was like, this is a b***** healthy cake. i can eat more than 2 slices without worrying bout the cholesterol thingy. ok my mistake, blueberries are small enuf to be able to even dissect it into half plus pricey le! i guess is better to have the cheese at the bottom n if it's at the top, those cream will be smudged by the fruits...stains on cake ain't pretty!

    again well done Wendy ^^

  9. Pizza = yay! Cake = yay! Pizza Cake = YAY YAY!
    Love the colors - so beautiful.

  10. Carinissima questa tua idea, complimenti

  11. What a beautiful cake! From the thumbnail I thought it was a real pizza :D

  12. that slice of cake that you cut out looks perfect to me..though it was unrecognisable as a pizza cake, this is still very creative..nobody can get this elsewhere..this is all home made with 100% pure love and devotion!

  13. OMG wendy! this looks extremely CREATIVE!!! definitely worth giving it a try! you're really a sweet and lovely mummy (: (:

  14. Jess Kitchen,
    She just called it pizza yesterday, when she saw me posting yesterday's post. Haha.

    ai wei,

    Any ideas how to make some chewy stringy toppings?

    I hope it looks much better than mine, haha.

    I hope it goes well for u. Let me know yeah.

    The kiwis are supposed to take the place of the capsicums :p

    Thanks, I felt they weren't dark enough, then I added blackberries :p

  15. Jeannie,
    It's one of the easiest cakes that I've ever done. Deco is done in just 15 mins which included all the peeling and slicing

    If you can get large blueberries you can split them. These black grapes aren't that cheap as well. Got a small bunch for RM8 plus.




    Oh, LOL.

    Yeah, the cake cuts very neatly by using a very sharp knife ;p, not my knife, hahaha, but my hubby's aunt's knife. I dn't have such sharp stuff at home. I'm no good at sharpening

    Thanks a lot. Let me know when you've tried it ok.

  16. Nice! Could add in more "cheese" with white choc gratings. Hehehe.. if only my Mom can bake, maybe I should learn to bake for her instead ;)

  17. Sue Nice,
    I've thought of that too,but then I'm not too keen with the taste of white chocolate on it.

  18. This is nice birthday pizza.

    Why not take a photos with Lyanne?

    Again, Happy Birthday to Lyanne.

  19. Voon,
    Ada, go see the "previous post".

  20. Hi Wendy, can we make the "pizza crust" one day ahead? i

  21. MaeKum,
    I think you can, but you must find a place to keep the cake free from ants. 14 inches is not easy to keep :p


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