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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Apple Crumble Cake

This cake, was made with an apple (yes, just one large Granny Smith) that has spent 3 months in my fridge, hahahah!! FYI, it wasn't wrinkly, but still smooth skined.
I just threw in whatever I wanted to make this cake. And it was really good.

Just one thing, the crumble was too little, but luckily I didn't make too much as it was sweet.
Feel free to add more flour and butter to the crumble mixture to bulk up.

The crumble softens the next day, so this cake is best eaten fresh from the oven when the crumble is still crispy.

Apple Crumble Cake
Recipe source: Wendyywy

80gm butter
80gm sugar
½ vanilla pod, seeds scraped
2 eggs
3 Tbsp grated green apple
150gm all purpose flour sifted with ½ tsp baking powder and 1/8 tsp baking soda
100gm diced green apple (abt 1cm big)

1. Preheat oven to 160/180C. Line a 8 inch square pan.
2. Cream butter, sugar and vanilla until light and pale.
3. Put in one egg, and beat until it is well emulsified (it’ll look like buttercream), scrape the sides , then add the 2nd egg and beat for another 30 seconds.
4. Put in grated apples and beat for 5 seconds.
5. Put in half the sifted flour and beat for 10 seconds, scrape the sides and put the the balance of flour and beat until well mixed and smooth.
6. With the mixer off, with a spatula, fold in diced apples.
7. Spread the batter onto pan and level it.
8. Sprinkle crumble topping on top and bake for 30 minutes until surface of cake is golden brown.

Crumble topping (Make more if you find mine to be sparse, of which is yes, but it’s just nice for me)
2 Tbsp brown sugar
3 Tbsp all purpose flour
15gm butter
And a bit of vanilla seeds from above (or substitute with ¼ tsp cinnamon powder)
Rub everything together until it resembles crumbs


  1. Great recipe, Wendy. Will try making this cake too with my extra apples this weekend :D

  2. Oh.. that's one of my favorite cake! It looks really delicious!

  3. Wow, I'm surprised your apple lasted that long. The cake looks like it easy to make it in a cinch. It looks so cute in that cupcake liner. :)

  4. Lovely cake. I missed many posts... they are all nice especially the celebration cakes.

  5. Hmm...simple and good. Say, you still don't have chance to test out your new Kitchenaid?...You can tahan? :D I always cannot wait to open up new toys and play with them!

  6. Zoe,
    Hope you'll love it.

    Kitchen Corner,

    Haha, fruits last pretty long in my fridge. Those oranges that I used to make my Grand Marnier fruit cake with, has been in the fridge for over 5 months!! Hahaha.

    Yummy Koh,

    Home Kreation,
    Thanks. Yeah, you have been busy right??? It's ok.

    Jess Kitchen,
    don't forget to tell me once u've tried it. Hate it or love it, I'd love to know.

  7. Shirley,
    Can tahan!!! Haha. No transformer yet, sure must tahan, if not spoil oredi cry lor.
    And I'm too lazy to lug it 3 storeys high now.
    Still waiting for my new kitchen. You will see its debut in March, by hook or by crook.

  8. I love your apple crumble cake! *^_^*

  9. Hahaha, looks like that 3 month old apple still did it's worth huh? I remember one of the first cake I baked was apple crumble cake and the crumbles were so much! Having it sparse might not be a bad idea because the freshly baked crunchy crumbles just ended up turning soft the next day...not good.

  10. Cathy,

    Haha, yeah. Can't finish one one day also ler.

  11. I love cake with crumbles, will try this recipe when I have extra apples in the fridge :)

  12. Wendy, did I read wrongly? apple in fridge for 3 months? won't it looks wrinkled up?

  13. wendy, that looks really YUMMY! my family love cakes with CRUMBLE on top (: (: thank you for always sharing such nice recipe (:

  14. Min,
    Sure :)

    Nope. My fruits always last me months in the fridge. Oranges can last half year, apples 3-4 months, strawberries 3 weeks, cherries and blueberries 3 weeks, blackberry 3 weeks, plums 2 months, kiwi 1 month sometimes 2. I tend to forget about them.
    If u read my peach griddle cookie post, the peach was kept in the fridge for months too, kakakaka.
    The secret to my long lasting fruits is, they are kept in those supermarket bags, but with a small hole. They wn't keep w/o the bag.

    No prob, Hope your family will love this cake.

  15. Wendy, I am surprised your fruits can last so long in the fridge, which brand which model are you using? I love crumble topping cake, apple crumble cake definitely taste great!

  16. I put all my produce in the green bag too. They lasted so much longer. It is a bit expensive but I think it is worth it. Like you I like buying apple but not a fan of it so it will end up old and wrinkly and I have to bake something out of it :)

  17. actually i wanted to ask you what brand is your fridge but after reading your replies, the secret is actually the bag. the apple crumble with cinnamon would taste good for me. btw, i've made the konnyaku jelly today..yeah, the one that i bought contains sugar but it's actually not sweet.Half the bag can make approx 36pieces..

  18. Jenn@ChasingFoodDreamsJanuary 11, 2011 at 11:51 PM

    oo.. you got a Kitchen Aid? Gosh.. I m dreaming about one too! :)

    This recipe looks really simple.. I m keeping this for my lazy days baking...

  19. WOW, what a fighter of an apple! LOL

    Lovely tecture onthis cake and crumble.

  20. Jess Bakericious,
    LOL, it's an old old brand, Kelvinator. But my fridge is just a few years old.
    Not many have heard of it.

    Oh, got something called green bag ah? Wait, I ask my MIL to get for me. kekeke.

    LOL. The secret may be the white transparent plastic bags, but then, my berries were still kept in the plastic boxes, only boxes, but it doesn't dry out too badly and rarely frost, unless the fridge is stuffed too full. The brand is Kelvinator, if you want to know.
    Ur 36 pieces is not the big sized mould hah? mine is the one mould 8 holes one. If one mould 14 holes will be smaller, plus if got fruits then can make more.

    I bought that KA becos it's cheaper than getting a Kenwood. No other reason, hahaha.


  21. can we reduce the diced apple to 50-60g instead

  22. Rahima,
    so little.... the cake will taste much less 'apple' for sure. And drier too.

  23. Thank you for this lovely recipe. It looks delicious.

    I invite you to see my recipe


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