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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fried Rice with Dried Scallops and Kailan Stems

When I was still staying in KL, Mike and I used to frequent this Hong Kong Culture (yes, this is the name of the shop) in Plaza Low Yatt, whenever he goes there for his IT shopping sprees.

I have a few favourites from this shop and one of them is this never seen or heard before, fried rice that is done with dried scallops and egg white that was dotted with broccoli stems. It was so delicious. I didn’t know how did they get the sprinkling of shredded conpoy to be so crispy. Did they steam and shred it? Or were they the remnants of the soup base for their noodles?

I never knew until I saw this at a herbal shop lately.
My eyes lit up when I saw this bottle of golden shreds. Immediately I knew what I want to do with it. Fried rice!!! Hong Kong Culture style!!! And Chinese New Year season, there are lots of Kailan stems around.

I did this during my Form 6 mates reunion at my house during Chinese New Year Day 4.

Fried Rice with Dried Scallops and Kailan Stems

(Serves 6-8)
½ cup dried scallop shreds
6 cups cooled cooked rice
3 stalks of kailan stems (peeled and cut into little cubes, about 2 cups. You may substitute this with broccoli stems)
12 egg whites (1.5 cups)
3 sprigs of spring onion (when finely sliced/chopped, should come to about one cup, white and green parts separated)
1 Tbsp chicken stock powder
1.5 tsp salt

1. Bring a saucepan of water to a boil. Put in kailan cubes and cook for 5 seconds. Strain and keep aside.
2. Heat wok and put in 1/3 cup of oil. Fry dried scallops shreds until golden brown. Dish up scallops shreds leaving behind oil in wok.
3. With the oil in wok, fry egg whites, scrambled until cooked, dish up. Do not overcook.
4. (use the same wok, unwashed, but make sure there are no egg whites left in wok) Put in 2 tbsp oil into wok and put in sliced white parts of spring onion. Saute for 3 seconds and put in rice. Toss rice for about 3-4 minutes until rice is very hot and evenly coated with the oil. Put in cooked kalian cubes. Season with chicken stock powder and salt. Taste and adjust.
5. When rice is nicely seasoned, put in egg whites. Toss until evenly distributed. You may add in fried scallop shreds and green parts of spring onion now or sprinkle them on top of rice later.
6. Serve hot 

My experiment result:
I was there!!! It tasted oh-so similar…. Now I can enjoy my favourite fried rice in Kuala Kangsar.

Now out of the 30 egg whites I had from Prune Layer Cake 2, 4 went to Strawberry Pavlova, 12 here, another 14 to go.... See my next post.


  1. Must be very delicious! I just love any fried rice but my hubby prefer kampung style!

  2. I like to use the asparagus (or broccoli) stems to stir-fry the rice. Fried rice sure tastes heavenly!

  3. I tried earlier with kailan stems too, but kids dont really like this, but I love it.

  4. My Little Space,
    It is very delicious!! Malay kampung style?? Chilli and bilis? That's yummy too.

    Asparagus.. hmm... Good idea!!

    Kid's taste buds are very different from adults.
    I'm sure they'll scrape off all the visible spring onions too.

  5. Yummy fried rice!

    I used to make tofu by mixing egg white and soy milk, and then steam it.

  6. SK Fong,
    Thanks for the idea!!!
    I'll try that next time.
    Usually I know it's whole eggs with soy milk to make tofu, but yeah, egg white hoh... so that it'll stay white.

  7. Hi Wendy,

    Do you have any idea where to get the dried scallop in KL? Can i reduce the quantity of egg white? Tks sifu

    Soo LF

  8. SLF,
    Try shops that sell 海味. I've never bought this in KL before, try chinese herbal shops la, like HErbs and Food. I dunno.. I didn't scout around KL whenever i'm there. I only go to bakery shops when I go out shopping in KL :)

  9. do u think i can find it in spore? *drool :)

  10. Alice,
    did u mean the fried rice itself or the scallop shreds? Try Pearl Centre in Outram Park.


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