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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Oreo Chiffon Cake

I wanted to try out this new pan that I’ve got. I didn’t know what this pan was for, but the curved base attracted me to buy this. So, the day before I made this, I looked and looked at the pan, wondering if I can invert it after baking, the removable base was small and in the middle only and with a curved base, I can scrape the sides of the cake if I can’t get it out, and with a removable base, there won’t be condensation problems…

Hmm.. so what chiffon flavours can I try out this time? I lazy to get out and buy stuff.. Yeah!!! I remember I saw an Oreo Chiffon cake before in Cherry Potato’s blog, yeah!!! That’ll be it. And I have a tube of oreo at home. Perfect!!!

True enough, yup, the chiffon cake stayed put, and here’s how it looked like after I got it out from the pan. There’s an indentation there, but hey, that’s ok… compared to having a hole in the middle.. when one uses a tube pan. But I need to practice taking it out from the pan.

I then decided to mask its ugliness by giving it some makeup. Slather on some foundation and dabble on lots of powder, tadah!!!! Pretty leh!!!!

Oreo Chiffon Cake Recipe
Adapted from CherryPotato

65gm oreo (half a regular tube), lightly pulverized together with cream

5 egg yolks
50gm sugar
60gm milk
60gm corn oil
100gm cake flour, sifted

(C )
5 egg whites
½ tsp cream of tartar or 1 tsp lemon/lime juice
60gm sugar

1. Preheat oven at 160/180C.
2. Mix yolks and sugar together. Then put in the oil and milk. Then the sifted flour. Combine with a whisk until smooth. (Do not whisk or beat but just combine)
3. Beat egg whites until frothy, put in cream of tartar and beat until soft peaks. Put in sugar gradually and beat until stiff.
4. Fold ¼ of egg whites into (2) and then another ¼ of egg whites.
5. Pour egg yolk batter into the remaining egg whites and fold (no need to be too thorough).
6. Put in pulverized oreos and fold until well combined.
7. Pour into a clean ungreased tube pan (22 or 25cm will be fine) and bake for 45 minutes.
8. Invert immediately upon removal from oven. Wait for it to cool down totally before removing cake from pan.

Oh..... this is very delicious!!! Thanks Cherry Potato!!!!


  1. I'm number one today. Love the chiffon! Okay, think I shall make this for my lou kong's company bake sale next week. ;) Your pan is indeed very special le...first time see.

  2. Cute new baking toy! The chiffon looks really tempting and yummy .... Can I have a slice pleassseee ...

  3. Oh.. Oreo chiffon cake which is something new to me! I suppose it taste yummy! I always thought that chiffon cake must bake in a chiffon pan but here you are using different pan to bake chiffon and came out nicely! I'd like to give it a try!

  4. Oh...I love Oreo cookies and chiffon cake. Both in combination will be wonderful. I must try making this. Thanks for sharing :D

  5. wow its really pretty leh Wendy!! i want a slice!!

  6. It looks very nice with the foundation and powder. :) What type of frosting did you use?

  7. wow...........looks great and well done:)

  8. yay! i will try this out! thankkkks a lot

  9. Ur new pan is special I have never seen it before.

    The cake looks very delicious and I like your "make-up" a lot. The "foundation" is even and fine. haha.

  10. Yummy-licious! I also want a slice! *^_^*

  11. Oh! Oreo chiffon! Never thought of that! Should be good.

    Yup, practice makes perfect! Keep it up, 大家姐!

  12. Ohhhh, your chiffon cake make me mouth watering now....

  13. I have seen lots birthday cakes in this dome shape in the market. It looks pretty after you decorate it.

  14. Aiyo, you should have posted this earlier, so that you can join our Aspiring Bakers event. It looks so pretty with the makeup. And this is first time I've seen this special pan, it seems more difficult to remove the cake.

  15. You've successfully made over the cake. hehe...

  16. Bee,
    Try to scout at your bakery supply shop, they may have it. and I know you love anything oreo :)

    sure can

    Kitchen Corner,
    This pan can be inverted, which is why it can be used to bake chiffons

    Hope u like this

    Jess Kitchen,
    Sure can

    It's non dairy topping cream, same thing like Cool Whip. I had some in my freezer at that time, so used it.


  17. Aiwei,
    Hope u like this

    I pulsed the oreos finely in the mill.
    Haha, u want some of the foundation??

    sure, serve urself

    Haha, that pan hoh, can never release cakes beautifully. I've baked 3 times with that pan.

    Cherry Potato,
    Thanks for the recipe

    Yeah, do try it

    Those dome shaped cakes hoh, I think is the way the frosting is done. I've seen some Chinese cake deco books teaching how to apply cream dome shaped. It's like doing clay work, pressing from the center top. Dunno how to explain, haha.

    Small Small Baker,
    Actually to remove this, is the same as using a regular spring form pan. Just that the pan's base is curved, one has to use a flexible spatula to scrape the cake out.

    Little Inbox,
    LOL, if not too ugly liao la.

  18. I like the cake pan and also the cake!

  19. Wow... both the cake and pan are so special. Thks for sharing ^_^

  20. Busygran,

    You're welcomed.

  21. This is just innovative! I love the oreo crumbs atop!

  22. That is an intersting looking baking pan. Never see one before. The oreo chiffon looks like black sesame cake :)

  23. yum!!! oreo and chiffon cake, two of my favorite things. i can't wait to try this recipe! What an unusual pan, I've never seen anything like it!

  24. Looks so yummy. Bookmarked the recipe. Thanks for sharing. =D

  25. Angie,

    Hehe, a bit blackish hoh. You can get the pan on ur next trip back here.

    The pan's made in China, hope u'll like the cake

    Don't wait too long to try it :)

  26. Oreo chiffon cake? This one looks fantastic and yummy. :)

  27. i bet this is really yummy..shall try one day too.

  28. This looks yummy. Can you help me a bit - how do you invert the cake when the tin does not have a hole in the middle to stand it - will it condense?

  29. Home Kreation,
    The pan is dome shaped. The curved sides of the base holds the cake while inverted, while the small hole releases vapour, so, there are no condensation issues.
    The curved base also allowed flexible spatulas to remove the cake, up til the hole. Then u can push the cake out and cut away the small hole part.

  30. wow, i like your site! all of you chiffon cakes are so wonderful to look at because you have the best photos! and the perfect recipes! i like your oreo chiffon cake!yummy!thank you so much for sharing! frm philippines

  31. Anonymous from Philipines,
    Thankyou. You're very generous with ur compliment.
    Frankly there are many blogs that has much better pictures than mine. I don't think I have the best :) but anyway, thankyou

  32. Hi Wendy,

    I have just tried this recipe. But my cake falls out when inverted, may I know what's the problem?

  33. cindyccl,
    If the cake is cooked, but falls, the egg white is overbeaten. Are your egg whites beaten until slim and pointy (like the rear end of a turnip)? The peaks should be still fat, but stiff.
    If your cake is falls, but is still "batter"y at the base, then it's underbaked.

  34. Hi Wendy,

    TQ for your prompt reply.
    I will absolutely try this recipe again:)My kid loves it!

  35. hi wendy,
    Today is my 2nd time make oreo chiffon but two times i make also there a few crack on the top. The crack is quite big also.Can u advise me ? And why every diffrence chiffon cake use diferrence ingredients like some had use flour, some will use cake flour,and some need to use sodium bicarbonate or baking powder but some no need to use it. Why?TQ


  36. Yvonne,
    If you check out all my chiffons, you can see my chiffons crack all the time. A cracked chiffon is no big deal, even the famous cookbook author Rose Levy Beranbaum's chiffons crack, and it shows in her books. Chiffons are served inverted, so, personally I don't see that as much of a problem.
    Currently I'm using a microwave convection oven and even all my butter cakes crack like Grand Canyon due to the strong upper heating element and the non present bottom heating system, but frankly, I don't bother much about it unless I'm selling the cake. Taste is all that matters to me.

    If you use cake flour instead of regular plain all purpose flour, the end result is slightly more tender. The crumb will be finer. If you don't have cake flour, can just use regular flour. I do that at times too. There are plain flours will different protein levels. Some are 9.0gm/100gm some are 9.6gm/100gm. You can check out the labels. I'm refering to local brands like Anchor, Lily or Kapal. If you want to substitute cake flour with all purpose, choose one with the lower protein %. It'll still work.

    Sodium Bicarb are used in recipes where it is acidic becos Sodium bicarb is an alkaline. If used in acidic recipes, it reacts with the acid and creates aeration. Bananas, chocolate, yogurt and fruits are acidic, so in such recipes, most of the time, sodium bicarb is used instead of baking powder. If the batter is too acidic, the end result will be dry and coarse. So the Sodium bicarb is there to do its job to neutralise it and the process will create bubbles that will make ur cake rise.

    Baking powder is a leavening agent with both dry acids and alkaline agents in it.

    So, it pretty much depends on the ingredients to decide on the leavening agent to be used.

  37. I'm looking for a basic sponge cake recipe, is that means i juz nid to omit the oreo biscuit?
    can i use self raising flour on this recipe?

  38. cindyccl,
    This is a chiffon cake.
    I think it's best that you refer to other recipes in this blog for a basic sponge cake.
    The oreos here added sweetness and structure to the chiffon and just by simply taking them away will not do.

  39. Hi Wendy
    "65gm oreo (half a regular tube), lightly pulverized together with cream"
    Are you using non dairy whipping cream? Do we need to whip this while mixing? And about how much we need to mix? Can guide me on this step? Yr chiffon really yummy and my boy sure like this...Sandy

  40. Sandy,
    There is white cream filling inside the oreo right? That is the 'cream'

  41. Thanks Wendy....Sandy

  42. Can I bake cupcakes using this recipe?

  43. Anonymous,
    Should be fine, but, use rigid cups. Not those paper ones.
    Bake for 15-20 minutes, about that.

  44. Hi Wendy, thanks for your advice. I bake into mini cupcakes and my kids love them. Now I plan to bake as birthday cake. Please advice if I should use a 9" or small round pan.

  45. Anonymous,
    This recipe fits a 9 inch round pan.
    If you want to bake it smaller, then adjust the recipe accordingly.

  46. I tried baking this but unfortunately the chiffon cake didnt rise and was pretty hard :(

    I guess because I over whisk the egg whites and I used normal flour instead of cake flour :(

  47. Haute Diva,
    I hope you have folded in the whites instead of stirring.
    Over whisking the whites will not give you a dense cake, instead it will still rise but will collaspe during cooling.
    The flour content here isn't much, so whether you used normal or cake flour won't make much of a difference.
    So, I am suspecting either you didn't whisk the whites long enough or you stirred (hence deflated batter).

  48. Hi Wendy. If zi want to bake a 3 eggs cake with 18cm tube pan, roughly how long is the baking time? Tq for your time.

  49. Nicole,
    35-40 mins should be sufficient, but then again.. depends on oven. My oven 35 mins should be done.

  50. Tq Wendy. Question again. If I wan to make cocoa flavour chiffon can I use this recipe and just change the oreo to cocoa powder?

  51. Nicole,
    No you can't do that this way. Oreo and cocoa powder is not the same.

  52. hi! in the step 2, mixing all the ingredient of B together, u mention just mix don;t beat. Do u mean, that we just mix using a normal spatula, and don;t use any whisk or any electric beater?

  53. Hui Hoon,
    Yes, never beat the yolk mixture for chiffon cake.

  54. It came out to be great result....and gd taste...thks for the great recipes

  55. It's a great cake!
    I've made it and it turned out wonderfully
    You can see the result in my post -
    and of-course I gave you credit with a link to your post
    Thank you so much!!

    P.s - my post is in Hebrew, but you can use the translator (top left side-bar)

  56. Hi Wendy,

    I was very excited to make this cake and expecting it to turn out like cookies and cream for some reason, but it didnt. I find that its just a sweet cake with no oreo taste at all. Is it meant to be this way? I followed the the instructions except i didnt process the oreos finely. I put it in a ziploc and crush it with a rolling pin. Also, i notice that only your oreo chiffon has this dark grayish colour while mine and (the rest of the pics found in the internet) were more yellow. I suppose it's due to the finely crushed oreos?

  57. c.linda,
    No, it's not very 'oreo-ey'. Quite mild.
    I do find oreos manufactured in different countries do look at bit different, colour wise.

  58. This is my first time i visit here. I found so many interesting stuff in your blog especially its discussion. From the tons of comments on your articles, I guess I am not the only one having all the enjoyment here keep up the good work

  59. Can I have the topping cream recipe on the cake?. I like the decoration

  60. Kate,
    there is no recipe for it.
    you just get a carton of it, and whip it up. Just like that.
    No need to add sugar or anything else.
    It's easily found at *baking ingredient stores, with brands like Rich or value pride

  61. I just bake and no oreo taste too. Taste more like 'ji dan gao' mix oreo lol n also didn't get that nice grey colour :(


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