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Friday, December 10, 2010

Dulce De Leche Ice Cream

Oh yes... I made this again. I mean, I made Dulce De Leche again.

This time I used Sweetened Condensed Filled Milk, of which is inferior than Condensed Full Cream Milk, but definately better than  Condensed Creamer. If you ask me to compare the taste, definately the real thing tasted better. This looks like it, but taste wise.... hmmph... not there. Maybe 70% there. But better than nothing. Oh ya, if you want to know what brand I used, F&N's Sweetened Condensed Filled Milk, so far, I've only seen it in supermarkets, grocery shops don't seem to carry this. Even "The Store" has it.

Actually I made the DDL for this cake, a request from Lydia's nanny, so the balance, I made into ice cream.

Dulce De Leche Ice Cream, No Maker Recipe

140gm Dulce De Leche
3 egg yolks
200ml whipping cream
250ml fresh milk
1 empty vanilla pod (or use ¼ vanilla pod or 2 drops of vanilla extract)

1. Bring milk whipping cream and empty pod in a saucepan to a boil on medium heat. Let it sit for 5 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, beat egg yolks with sugar. Put in DDL and mix until well combined.
3. Fish out vanilla pods and pour ¼ of hot cream mixture into egg mixture. Whisk it immediately to prevent cooking. Pour in another ¼ and whisk. Lastly pour in the balance of cream mixture and whisk.
4. Sieve mixture back into saucepan. Cook on medium low heat until mixture thickens and coats the back of the spoon (I measured and it was 75C, definitely hot enough to kill salmonella). Do not bring it to a boil or else you’ll get gritty ice cream.
5. Pour everything into a bowl, let it cool down. Put in freezer.
6. When a ring of ice has formed, bring it out and whack it with your hand held mixer. Put it back into the freezer.
7. Repeat the whacking and freezing a few times until the ice cream is very thick and creamy,
8. Spoon ice cream into freezable containers (Tupperware freezermates) and freeze until hard.

The warm wind was blowing hard when I was taking pics on my window sill, and darn!!!
My ice cream started to melt in a blink of the eye.

I blinked too much that day anyway, cos the wind was blowing straight into my face while taking pics!!!


  1. Wendy, I wanted to make DDL ice cream too, I miss the Haagen Dazs Ice Cream that I ate in Taipei. Too bad that we are not able to make it to meet up in KL, if not you will have many cans of DDL :P.

  2. Your cake decorations/ piping skills are awesome as always. :) I love your finishing touches of the chocolate pieces on the cake.

  3. Oh my, the cake is extremely nice.. I would really wan to taste it :)

  4. I find the DDL ice cream has it very unique taste. Add in some nuts or chocolate chips even nicer :) Beside, I like your cake very much. It's beautiful! Look simple and classy! Very nice presentation!

  5. WOW! The cake looks gorgeous! Very beautiful decor and must try to make this ice cream. Looks so yummy!

  6. the ice cream and the cake look fabulous. beautiful piping!

  7. your ice cream still looks amazing despite the darn wind! :)

  8. The ice cream looks so very creamy and smooth! Love the cake too...

  9. Jess,
    Yawoh, next trip ok!!!

    Thanks, get a turntable, it helps with the frosting work. Ikea's lazy susan works well for me.

    Haha, sure

    Kitchen Corner,
    Thanks a lot for the suggestion.
    I'll definately try choc and nuts next time!!

    Hope you like it


    Haha, was darn lucky to get a decent shot with all that wind, ahah.


  10. that sounds like a super nice way for using up dulce de leche, other than just eating it plain on the spoon. thanks for the lovely suggestion :)

  11. So about how long does it take for the ice ring to form? And about how long between mixing/freezings?

  12. cutekittypunk,
    Thanks. There are many ways with DDL that one can use.

    How long will depend on the temperature of your freezer. It may take 2 hours.
    In between mixing time also depends on ur freezer. But the earler few rounds can be 1 hour apart, and the later ones, 30 minutes apart.
    Just allow 6-8 hours from the first mixing to the last. It may take a long time.

  13. Hi Wendy, I just made a atch of French Vanilla ice cream. The DDL looks wonderful! How much sugar is in the recipe? Also, how would I convert the DDL measurement to cups? ( which is what we use to measure liquids in NY? The ml's are easier to figure out. Thanks!

  14. MamaDentist,
    There is NO sugar in the recipe. DDL is sweet enough for me.
    I could NEVER agree that mls are easier to figure out compared to reading a weighing scale. Top bakers, pattisiers will always go by weight and not by cups.
    140gm of DDL is about 1/2 cup (125ml)

  15. For the Dulce ice-cream, your steps 2 says beat egg yolks with sugar? how many gram?


  16. Irene,
    I think you'd kill me. Lol. I forgot how much. No one asked me before this. If I'm not mistaken it's either 30 or 50 gm. Not any more than this. But you can skip the sugar and whack it with the DDL. It's still sweet enough for Asian taste buds


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