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Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Lyanne

Dear Lyanne,

Every calendar year is another year for you.
Born on the last day of the year, you will always the baby of the class.
I have always been worried about you entering 4 year old pre-school when you will only be barely 3. The baby of the class, always, forever.

Have been worried you won't be able to be toilet trained by school time.
Have been worried that you won't catch up intellectually due to late birth date in the year, you have to grow up faster

But this year,
You've been kissing me non stop at every opportunity
You've learnt to call me, papa, popo, Lydia and Ah-Mah
You've been welcoming me for every thankyou said
You've been recognising 1-10 by 21 months, even 1 and 10
You've been stacking stuff to everybody's astonishment, including the paedatrician's. It shows the concentration that you can give and the determination that you have.
You've been showing me you have good memory by finding your favourite page in a 200 page book, knowing whether you are too far ahead or too far behind
You've been singing songs on tune (very accurate!!, with just one or twice of singing), and it makes me want to start you on music class ASAP
You've been showing me how courageous you can be when you insisted to swim without the float!!
You've been showing me your social skills when you jumped into to join the crowd in Sunday School, not disturbing others, but following instructions and followed suit with the 5 year and above kids.
You've been telling me you want to ease yourself, not accurate every time, but at least you are trying
You've been sitting on the adult toilet and not feeling scared of it. Very brave!!!

I guess I shouldn't worry about you anymore
I know you can do it, even though you may be disadvantaged due to your late birthdate,
but I'm glad God has blesed you tremendously and reassuring me that you'd be well,
Young you may be, but I'm sure, you'd be able to make it.

Happy Birthday
God Bless You always my dearie

From Mommy

Happy New Year 2011
See you on Monday!


  1. your girl is soooo sweet! (: im sure she'll be a brave, strong, cheerful and courageous girl (: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HER (:

  2. Happy Birthday to your cute little girl! Wishing you and your family a very Blessed New Year! Happy New Year!

  3. Happy Birthday to your cute daughter! So many milestones this year. It's great that she has been progressing so quickly and is not falling behind. :) I'm so happy for you. When she grows up and reads your post she'll be sooo touched. Happy New Years!

  4. Happy Birthday Lyanne! she's so cute!

  5. Lyanne 妹妹! Happy Second Birthday! Aunty Pei-Lin 姐姐 will always sayang you, too! (Haiya, same goes to Lydia lar ... LOL!) 大過咗就會變成靚女囖!

  6. Happy Birthday Lyanne! You are such an adorable little girl! =)

  7. How wonderfully sweet. I hope that Lyanne has a magical birthday, and that you and your family enjoy the New Year :)

  8. Happy New Year ♥
    Moltissimi Auguri
    per uno splendido 2011

  9. Happy Birthday to Lyanne!

    And, i wish you and your family "Happy New Year 2011 and Gong Xi Fai Chai"

  10. Happy Birthday Lyanne!! Wishing you A Happy New Year Wendy!

  11. On behalf of Lyanne,
    Thank you all the Goh-goh, Jie-jie, Uncles and Aunties who wished her Happy Birthday.

  12. say 'hi' to lyanne for me, 'mummy's new blogger friend'..she must be a very brilliant, very soon she will ask you about flour, whisk, eggs..etc and ask you to teach her how to bake.

  13. happy new year wendy! have a wonderful year ahead!

  14. HaPpY B!rThDaY to Lyanne cutie!!
    ...and happy New Year to Lyanne's mummy!!

  15. Happy belated birthday to Lyanne again (thought I left my wishes earlier on). Happy New Year to you & family. Best wishes.

  16. 2011新年おめでとうございます
    Happy Birthday 2 Lyanne!!

  17. Happy New Year to you and family and Happy belated birthday to Lyanne! 31st of Dec, no one can forget her birthday, hehe...

  18. Happy 2011! Happy Birthday to Lyanne too!

  19. Happy New Year & Happy belated birthday to Lyanne.

  20. aaww Happy belated birthday Lyanne :)

  21. Happy Birthday to Lyanne and best wishes for every one at home for the new year!

  22. You should be a proud Mama! Happy birthday to your little one! So much love you pour out to her! It is really sweet to see Wendy! xoxo megan


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