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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Noodle Pancake

Another recipe taught to me by Ainur, my Malay Minang housemate back in JB. I wonder when will I do a version of her masak lemak cili api.

She told me her mom always makes this for breakfast when she was still schooling. You can put anything you like in it, no rules!!! Just one rule, be patient when you do this. No high heat, if not the center won’t be cooked when the base is golden. And when you slowly cook it, the pancake will be very crispy.

Noodles Pancake Recipe
2 packs Instant noodles of choice
100gm bacon or sausage
1 small carrot, grated
2 sprigs of spring onion, sliced
4 eggs
2 slices of cheddar cheese, chopped
1 pack of noodle seasonings(from the pack)
Cooking oil or butter

1. Boil a saucepan of water and cook noodles until they just loosen up, no need to be soft. Drain. Snip noodles to shorter lengths (just chop the noodles a few times, or use scissors and snip snip snip)
2. In a pan, fry bacon on medium heat until golden. Dish up.
3. Divide bacon, carrot and spring onions into 2 parts.
4. Combine one piece of noodle with half the bacon, carrots and spring onion. Put in chopped cheese, ½ tsp of seasoning and 2 eggs. Mix it all around.
5. Heat pan and put in oil or butter.
6. Pour the noodle mixture into pan and cook on medium low heat. Cover the lid.
7. When the egg in the middle looks cooked and the sides are golden, flip noodle pancake and cover and cook again until golden.
8. Repeat step 4-7 with the other piece of noodle
9. Serve warm with sweet chili sauce or any other sauces you prefer. I could just eat it like that.


  1. omg! looks so yummy!! nice combi of noodles and pancake! like those jap food (:

  2. Wow that looks really good. My mom used to make this for breakfast too but in different method. She baked it in the oven, almost like Mac n cheese.. :)

  3. OMG i swear we are on the same wavelength...seriously!
    i love making this when i'm on one-of-a-so-so-mood, perk me up.i especially like it when top it with generous amount of mayonnaise (yeah give me Kewpie ^^). this is the food that one would make on raining days...this is hardcore food <3

  4. I like it! I think I will even make this tonight. I don't have any bacon/sausage, so I might add a small tin of salmon instead though.

  5. Very good as a meal on it own! Looks so delicious that I want to eat a piece!

  6. Heehee, instant noodle pancakes! How unique! Must be really crunchy, yum! My kids likes to eat instant noodles, but I never cook for them because of the msg. Now I guess your version is a much healthier and tastier too. ;)

  7. sedapnyerrrr.....dah la tgh lapa nih sejuk2... tp megi aku tinggal 3 bungkus laa huhuhuu

  8. hahaha.. This is so special, I would never thought of something like tis before.. I'm sure it must taste real good :D

  9. -Drools- You make me crave for instant noodles. But now I want the noodles to be prepared this way D=
    Thanks for sharing.

  10. Wow, looks very delicious. I gonna try this someday. *^_^*

  11. i like your blog, this is 1st time i see the kind of noodles can make like this, thanks for sharing^^

  12. So looks so tempting, want to try this recipe also :)

  13. This really has a strong local touch! Bet you don't get this any where else!

  14. I don't eat noodles that often, but have to admit cooked this way, I would eat them often. I like it more because it is golden and crispy.

  15. Interesting maggi mee recipe....LOL!

  16. This pancake recipe sounds lovely! I just made Korean pancake yesterday, I can imagine adding noodles could also add a certain kick! Thanks for sharing :)!

  17. I've tried this years back but without bacon of course....

  18. Jess Kitchen,
    LOL :)

    Oh, I've never tried Jap version

    Confectionary Queen,
    I'm too lazy to bake, it takes too long :)

    Yeah, mayo will be great with this

    Add anything u like to it.

  19. Busygran,
    True, this is my lazy meal :)

    Totally skip the seasoning if u prefer it MSG free. But I think bacon does contain some :p

    3 tak cukup untuk Hana sekeluarga.
    Takpe, lain kali balik, masuk stok secukupnye.

    Taught to be my a friend, it's nice, try it.

    I hope u like this variation

    Sure, just add anythng u like, except to keep the eggs.

    Janice Hcc,
    I hope you try this :)

  20. Min,
    Add in anything u like, tuna, lap cheong or whatever, no rules, except to keep the eggs

    Oh that I wouldn't know. Someone commented it looked Japanese :)

    Only the surface is crispy. Inside still feels like noodles :)

    Make for breakfast la

    Cooking gallery,
    The noodles make the pancake super filling

    When Ainur taught me this, she just used sausages, onions, chilli and eggs.
    It's pretty much a freehand on what to add in.

  21. Che bella idea sono sicuramente gustosi, ciao

  22. looks great! i might leave out the cheese if i make this one day

  23. This is an interesting combi! I have never seen nor heard of this before... hmmm def in my to do list. Thanks for sharing.

  24. I tried this once, bought from Giant's but it was soggy, hahah...but like you said, it was filling.
    Just a question, how big was your pan for this, don't mind? I like the crispy surface...

    Once way instead of cutting the noodles is to crush it a tad while still in its unopened packagingk I sometimes like to do that, so one less utensil to wash :)

  25. HKChoo,
    HAHA, yawoh, very filling. My pan is 9 inch, I think.
    I dun want to crush the noodles, cos I'm not cooking just one noodle. I prefer fishing the whole pieces out, and for easy portion allocation. By the way, I'll wash another utensil, the strainer, haha, cos when broken, it's not that easy to fish out.

  26. my kakkak used to make these for me! It's crunchy and delicious!

  27. My kids love the crispy noodles..I like the balance combo. Great idea!

  28. Thank you for sharing LOTS of food recipe with me...


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