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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Upside Down Individual Pineapple Cakes 2

This one is a keeper, that one was a down-the-drainer. I will never ever cook that caramel ever again!!!
What changes did I made for this one?

I baked the caramel in the oven, together with my fresh pinapple slices, added cinnamon and totally changed the cake to a yogurt tea cake.

I remembered when I used to make pineapple jam, a cinnamon stick will make enhance the pineapple’s fragrance and flavour. It will not overpower, just enhance. Definitely it did, or maybe because I used just a bit. And butter cakes with this is a bit too much for me. I prefer this with something lighter. And Tartelette’s recipe suddenly came to mind, cos I did make that before, and was very very glad with the result. It was lighter than a butter cake, heavier than a sponge, definitely a perfect cake to used for this.

So, here’s what I did this time

8 slices of pineapple (1/3 inch thick)
4 glace cherries, halved
50gm butter, melted
80gm brown sugar
1/3 tsp cinnamon
1. Mix melted butter with sugar and cinnamon.
2. Arrange pineapple rings and cherry halves into baking pans.
3. Dot (1) over pineapple rings.
4. Place in oven.
5. Set to preheat at 170/180C.
6. When oven has preheated, sugar mixture would have melted and look bubbly.

Cake Batter4 large eggs
90gm sugar
110gm butter, melted
120gm plain yogurt
120gm cake flour
1. Combine melted butter, yogurt. Mix in cake flour until it becomes a smooth paste.
2. Beat eggs and sugar until thick and pale, for about 5-7 minutes.
3. Add 3 tablespoons of egg mixture into (1), with handwhisk, slowly and gently combine.
4. Add 5 more spoonsful and use a hand whisk to slowly combine.
5. Pour 1/3 of remaining egg mixture into batter, and fold with a spatula.
6. Repeat step 5.
7. Pour batter into remaining egg mixture and fold. Batter will deflate quite a lot.
8. Ladle batter over baked pineapple when the sugar is no longer bubbly (about 2o seconds upon removal from oven)
9. Return baking pans into oven and bake for 20 minutes or until surface is golden brown.
(If baking in 9 inch round pan, increase baking time to 40 minutes. Baking time takes longer than a regular sponge due to the high moisture content of cake)
10. Flip the cakes and remove from pan immediately, if not it won't come off nicely.

Verdict: A lot lot nicer :) 


  1. I would like to have one for coffee break. :)
    I like that your cake height is just nice for the fruit so that with every bite, there's fruit and cake together.

  2. reminded me so much of my secondary school life - home economics.

  3. This looks so pretty and delicious, can I have one?

  4. I've been waiting for you pineapple upside-down cake for so long, finally you post it... gonna try it soon ^_^

  5. great idea to prepare individually, this cake look moist and good.

  6. Oh.. it's so pretty! The pineapples just sit nicely on top of each cakes that had presented flowery effects. I suppose it'll be yummy to served warm with a dollop of vanilla ice cream.

  7. This is really popular in the US. Do you know that Nordicware has a special bundt pan just for pineapple upside down cake?

  8. Busygran,
    Oh yes, too high and no fruit :)

    Haha.... those days

    sure can

  9. neeyeeloh,
    Oh, let me know how it goes ya

    yup, I've always liked the rings to be this way, rather than one whole cake

    Kitchen Corner,
    Fresh pineapple gave it better effect than canned ones.

    I don't think I'll make this often,and I don't think I need a pan for it. Hahaha!!

  10. The classic upsidedown pineapple cake. What not to love :) Great idea baking it individualy. They look so much nicer than whole.

  11. Wendy, the cake is so beautiful. I like the red cherry at the center of pineapple, well presentation!

  12. such lovely bake! I love simple recipe and they look so cute. Just perfect for gathering or parties. Hope you're enjoying your evening, dear.
    Cheers, kristy

  13. Gert,
    I love small cakes, quick to bake and easy too eat.


    I think the portion is a bit too big for parties, one cake can take up quite an amount of tummy space. Hahah!!

  14. Hi Wendy,
    Ur mini pineaaple cakes looks really lovely. Die-die must try recipe! I think fresh pineapple definitely will make a difference - sigh! but Fresh pineapple is soo...expensive in Oz!:(


  15. Upside down cakes are always so pretty to look at! well done!

  16. Susanna,
    Haha, pineapple is so so cheap here.
    Anything imported are expensive. Strawberries are so expensive here, even locally growns ones are expensive.


    Yup, it's very pretty, but taste wise, there's nothing very fantastic about it. I don't think I'll do another upside down pineapple cake now that I've succeeded.

  17. wahhh gud idea wat comel2! leh try nanti... dah lama teringin nak buat. thanx wendy!

  18. I love individual cakes and this looks great as it is moist too. Can you change the base to say add, banana, or peaches instead ? Looks absolutely YUMMY!

  19. Joudie,
    I'd say, up to your preference.
    There are many upside down cakes around and you can even use apples.

  20. Very Nice and it's a good idea to bake individually...:)
    I haven't try baking Pineapple Upside Down cake yet, cos the caramel thing always gives me a feeling that the cake will be very sweet :)

  21. Mumto4angels,
    I won't deny some recipes call for a heck lot of sugar for the caramel.
    But what I've done here is fine. A lot lesser than a lot of other recipes.

  22. I love this idea. Cute little pineapple upside down cakes :) count me in.

  23. grace,
    It's easier to serve compared to a large cake :)

  24. Hi Wendy,

    I tried the recipe last night. oNly One word to "SUPER"!!!! :)

    Thanks for sharing your recipe. Appreciate it :))

    Elyn Teo

  25. Elyn,
    So glad you super liked it :)


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