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Friday, October 1, 2010

Baked Chicken Cordon Bleu

My hubby loves Chicken Cordon Bleu. And it's the fried version.

When I saw a baked version on Angie's Recipes, I knew I just have to make this very soon.
I had a hard time trying to secure the ends, with a few time almost poking through my fingers.

I served this with a serving of salad with tomato cream and baked garlic fries. My husband said this tasted better than the local cafe that he frequents for this dish, saying this tasted like chicken. Not that the cafe didn't use chicken, hahaha, but the chicken was coated in so much batter and crumbs that the chicken doesn't seem to be the main star.

Here's what I used

2 Boneless Chicken whole legs
Salt, pepper and oregano
2 sliced of ham
2 slices of cheddar cheese (each broken up into 4 long strips and stacked)

1/3 cup bread crumbs
1 Tbsp finely grated parmesan
1 Tbsp butter, melted
2 Tbsp chicken broth (I used instant noodles chicken flavour seasoning, just 1/2 tsp mixed with water)
1 clove garlic, finely chopped

1. Preheat oven to 180/200C.
2.Lightly flatten the boneless whole legs with the back of a cleaver or a meat mallet.
3. Sprinkle some salt, pepper and ground oregano onto chicken.
4. Put a piece of ham, then a piece of stacked cheese onto each chicken leg.
5. Roll up and secure ends with toothpicks.
6. Mix broth with garlic.
7. Mix bread crumbs and parmesan
8. Roll chicken into chicken broth and then the breadcrumb mixture.
9. Drizzle melted butter over chicken.
10. Bake chicken for 20-30 minutes or until chicken looks golden and crispy.
11. Remove toothpicks before serving.


  1. I like to make chicken de bleu too especially for weekend. The ham and cheese make it so yummy!

  2. I want to make this too! Baking! The method that I prefer. The color looks so nice. Some serve in restaurant are over-fried.

  3. Wendy, I love this too but never think of making. You and Angie are tempting me, I should go get hold of ingredients and make it this wkend or may be next lah since my husband is not feeling well :). Wendy, I am hungry now, can share some with me leh...

  4. Your hubby is right. Home cooked food is always the best food, especially from our loved ones. :)

  5. This is SO SO SO yummilicious. Your posts are always so interesting! Hope I can try this soon

  6. I've only tasted the one from Secret Recipe, it's so...erm...I don't know...maybe too meaty or what...can't be able to describe it. Yours looks smaller. rite?

  7. one of my favorites! but stopped eating this to watch my weight haha i guess a baked version would be my excuse for indulging in this!

  8. Wendy!
    I just finish my lunch, now you make me hungry again :) Like to see the cheese portion melted out with the meat ... yum yum ...

  9. This looks like the kind of thing my husband would absolutely love! Thanks for the recipe!

  10. Kitchen Corner,
    Oh you make this quite often?
    Can share with the the tips on wrapping the ham and cheese?? I really need to improve on that

    Little Inbox,
    Sometimes those from restaurants smell rancid :(

    Jess Bakericious,
    Sure, the screen is all urs to eat from, hahaha!!
    Eh, ur hubby not well ah. Then dun make this first. Heaty leh!!

    Belly Good Cooking,
    Haha, wish that he's say that for all my cooking, ahah! :)

    Thanks :)

  11. Meldylocks,
    Mine is like at the size of a sausage bun looo.
    Long.. I really need to improve on the wrapping part. Very very worried about the cheese oozing out.

    Jess Kitchen,
    Haha, oh yes, a lot friendlier to the waistline.

    Same goes for me.
    Anything with cheese, the best part besides eating it, is watching it ooze

    U're welcomed :)

  12. oh i love love chicken cordon bleu too!! there's 1 place that serves pretty a pretty good one.. I shall make, when I'm..... through the "to make" list Hahaha

    did u use panko or the normal bread crumbs?

  13. Swee San,
    Err... what's panko?
    I bought mine from the bakery supplies shop, and it's like very small bits of broken up bread, not like biscuit crumbs.

  14. I like chicken cordon bleu, but haven't tried making it myself. I like those with a lot of cheese inside :)

  15. i'm just imagining tough rolling up the chicken with the ham and cheese slices but you rolled it up very nice and balanced.

  16. I saw this in a Chinese program (can't rem which one though) and it's also a baked version. I didn't have time to copy the recipe then, so glad to find it here. I've got all the ingredients at home, just need some motivation to start cooking.

  17. hey wendy,

    this is golden, crispy and cheesey.. yummy! I am a chicken corden bleu lover and this is definitely a great recipe for me. whats more, its a baked dish and it gives me yet another excuse to use my oven =]

  18. Min,
    I love it with lots of cheese too :)


    I only showed u the nicer one, the other roll, wasn't done all that nicely.

    Blessed Homemaker,
    A good alternative to the hated deep frying leh ? Hahaha

    Haha, ovens are meant to be used, so use them!!
    But electricity bills hurts:) Hahah!!!

  19. wow Wendy...I must say that yours looks so much more pleasant and delicious than mine! I am so glad that your family enjoyed it.
    I wish you a wonderful weekend!

  20. I bookmarked this too! Have to make this soon!

  21. This looks delicious! I love that it's much easier than frying!
    Beautiful photos, too!

  22. My children love this. We normally ordered from Secret Recipe. Never thought of making it myself... may be I'll try one day after seeing yours... you are always been inspiring

  23. Angie,
    Haha, no way!!!! Yours is definately much much better.

    Hope u and wildboar will like this :)

    I do prefer baking more than frying for this.

    Home Kreation,
    It's not too hard to make, but every easy to finish up. Sometimes I do feel, haiya, just go out and eat this, Hahaha!!

  24. Wendy, of course la! Those sold outside sure will have less meat! Siapa mau rugi? Nothing beats home-made! Good stuff, always.

    Agreed! Chicken cordon bleu sounds like a good one. I hope I'll get down to make the dish someday once I'm settled down. Your green curry first though. You know how many recipes I've bookmarked!!!??? Argh!

  25. PeiLin ah..
    Those outside look double of mine.
    They contain the same amout of chicken, but heavily coated with battter and crumbs. You will need to eat 2 of mine to have the same "fillingness" compared to one from the outside.

  26. baked version, sound better than fry one, i must try this soon.

  27. Sonia,
    Don't forget to let me or Angie know if u like this

  28. Just want to let you know I tried this and love it a lot. Terima kasih for sharing :)


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