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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Chicken with Leeks

This post is older than a year :)

Leek is my dad’s favourite veg. I hated it when I was small. My late dad likes to put those Chinese New Year leeks into almost everything he eats, from noodles to his bowl of rice. I only found the wonderful flavour of leek when I did my mushroom soup, which was just months ago.

I used China leeks, as it is said to be more aromatic, but my mom also said the best leeks are around Chinese New Year , which is right after winter. The melted leeks in this dish is oh so yummy. That’s what makes this dish so nice. I added in the green part of the leeks at the end to add some colour to the dish.

500gm chicken whole legs, cut up and marinated with ¾ tsp salt for half an hour
150gm leeks (abt 3 stalks, white and green parts separated, sliced)
50gm ginger (peeled and smashed)
1 ½ cups water
½ tsp cornstarch +1/4 cup water
Cooking oil

Heat wok and put 1 Tbsp cooking oil. Saute ginger and leek (white parts) until fragrant and slightly golden. Dish up.
Put in another 2 tbsp oil and wait until wok is very hot, put in marinated chicken and fry until meat is slightly browned. Put in cooked leeks and ginger and continue to stir fry for another 2 minutes. Put in water, enough to cover over chicken. Put on wok lid and let it simmer on medium heat for 20-30minutes, until meat is tender and leeks have melted away. Remove lid and let gravy reduce. Put in green parts of leek and cornstarch solution. Taste, if not salty enough, add salt and dish up.


  1. I also started to love leeks when I were in my 20s. I remember how the house smell of leek during CNY. hahha!

  2. my kids hate leek but I love it! I love this dish.
    ya, let me know if you would like me to buy some enamel plates for you.

  3. This looks yummily good and definitely very delicious to go rice!

  4. My way of cooking leek is stir-frying with roasted pork and fried bean curd. I just had it last night. :)

  5. Looks great...I think I will try it with cut up boneless thigh meat.

  6. I have only recently begun eating leeks - maybe two years ago - and I think they're delicious!

  7. I adore the leeks. Usually have them stir-fried with eggs or pork belly. Chicken is definitely a great alternative.

  8. Somehow I never appreciate leek though my mom does cook this.

  9. I love the oniony flavor to the leeks but I don't think I ever cook it here as we can't get the regular Chinese leeks here. All we can get is the local leeks that people make soup out of it. By the way, great idea cooking it with chicken. I remember my mom used to cook it with leftover roast pork and tofu.

  10. I always use leeks for stews! Hvae to try this way next time, looks so good!

  11. I dun like leek leh but I will definitely help you to finish the chicken :p

  12. Rose,
    LOL, yeah, those days

    Oh, thanks, but no need for that.
    Let me scour through my kampung house first.
    BTW, in this dish, the white parts of the leeks are all melted, they'll never know there's leeks in there.

    Yes indeed

    Little Inbox,
    I wonder if the style with beancurd is Hokkien, as my family only does it with roasted pork only.

    Boneless thigh meat sounds absolutely delicious to me. I hate breast meat.

    Indie Tea,
    Enjoying leeks is an acquired taste, I'd say :)

    Pork belly????? Oh, now u got me salivating in my brain. The thought of the belly frying in its own oil with leek is so good.

    Haha, one day you might love leeks.

    Hmm,... chinese leeks are stronger in flavour I guess, but basically they are the same gua. With tofu too? Same as Little Inbox's above.

    Try this if you love leeks

    Jess Bakericious,
    You can't feel the leek in here leh. So, you won't hate it. It's all melted.

  13. Wendy, you were like me, I never liked the taste of leek and hated it when I saw it lying around the house during Chinese new year. I still have not acquired a taste for it....

  14. Woo...I love leek! But the funny thing is I only started liking it in these couple of years. I guess it's related to the age, lol! I actually made a similar dish last week, but has yet post it...hope it won't get archive till a year old!

  15. Love this chicken with is my favourite too ! time to cook some too :)

    Thanks Wendy for the birthday wishes :)

  16. Shirley,
    I also do not like it on its own, but once melted with the chicken, it is fabulous, just like how nice it is in stews or mushroom soups.

    It's not only you, A lot of the feedback I got were the same, its an acquired taste!! Haha, post more often then it won't be archived for more than a year.

    You're welcomed.

  17. Leeks is indeed an acquired taste. Grown to appreciate it not too long ago. Bet it sure tastes great with the chicken!

  18. Cheah,
    It's a grown up vege :)
    Haha, it seems so many of us have only grown to like it later in our lives.


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