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Monday, November 22, 2010

Nantucket Blend Granola Bars

There's another 10 days to the closing date for Sponge Pancake giveaway contest. So far response has been very cold. With just 4 entries.

I was hoping to see lots of creativity flowing in from fellow readers, but so far I've only seen 4 versions... sigh..... Is it really that difficult?

How to enter:
1. Prepare sponge pancakes with creativity (but please abide by the rules). You can submit more than one entry. One variation per entry.
2. Blog about it, and send in the link via comments section here, or
3. If you don't own a blog, take pics, do a simple write up in Microsoft Word, especially on the recipe and email me at wendyinkk[@]yahoo.[com] (remove the brackets when you type the email address), I'll help you post them here in this post.
4. Open to readers with Malaysian or Singaporean address. If you are overseas, and will be back here for a trip, can enter with any suitable local address.

Rules, Just make sure
1. Your pancake is a version that I've never attempted before
2. Your pancake is not cut more than once (except for photography purposes to show the inside)
3. It is cooked over the stove, no baking, no steaming
4. Recipe goes by the ratio of 1 egg: 1 Tbsp sugar : 1 Tbsp flour, with additional ingredients for flavouring allowed

1. One Candy and Deep Frying thermometer for Most Creative entry (I'll be judging)
2. One Cake Leveler for a lucky entry (draw lots)

Closing date: 2 Dec 2010, 12pm GMT+8


Back to the post......

Ooh… I still have quite a lot of mixed fruit and nut from the Nantucket Blend that my MIL got me. What’s the next best way to finish them up other than making granola :p

Well, I still can’t finish it, I think I’ll do a cake with the balance, since I’ve done cookie and now breakfast bars…. Wait, gimme some time.

Nantucket Blend Granola Bars
Recipe adapted from 2 recipes: Anna Olsen and Ina Garten

2 cup rolled oats (I used quick cooking)
1 cup nuts and seeds, lightly toasted and chopped (any nuts or seeds that you like), this time I used almonds and pistachios
1 cup dried fruits (any fruit you like), a mix of cranberries and raisins
½ cup sweetened coconut flakes (angel flakes), lightly toasted
½ tsp salt

100gm soft brown sugar
50gm honey
80gm butter
2 tsp vanilla
1 egg, beaten

1. Preheat the oven at 160/180C. fully line a 10 inch square pan (a 9 inch square will be fine too), with overlapping sides
2. Mix oats, chopped nuts, dried fruits, toasted coconut and salt together.
3. In a small saucepan, heat butter, honey, brown sugar and vanilla until melted.
4. Pour(3) into (2) and mix.
5. Mix in beaten egg.
6. Pour everything into prepared pan and level the surface. Press the surface (maybe with a flat bottom glass or a layer cake press)
7. Bake for 30 minutes, cool in pan for 20 minutes and put the whole thing into the fridge to chill for 2 hours.
8. After chilling, lift granola out from pan with the overlapping paper and cut into bars.

And I wrapped them up... so that one can just take a piece and eat, anytime :)


  1. Wendy, these are very good and tasty bars and they are so full of goodness, butter aside!
    Perhaps, bloggers are waiting for the last moment to be inspired to take part in the pancake contest. I would love to participate but at the moment I'm busy junking stuffs and spring-cleaning.

  2. The bars looks much healthier and tastier than those from the store.
    About the pancake, let's see if I able to make it. I have too little time to spend at home.

  3. my favorite bar without the raisins =) will be submitting my spongecake entry soon hopefully by tomorrow!

  4. Busygran,
    No butter no fun woh. Hahaha.
    Maybe ler... I do hope u'd join in too.

    Yeah, I can't stop with just one

    Little Inbox,
    Store bought ones are very very sweet. These are friendlier to our tastebuds. Hope to see your entry soon.

    Jess Kitchen,
    Thanks for the support.
    You can just put any dried fruits you like :)

  5. That's a perfect bar and sounds so healthy.
    Being tight up with the boys school holiday, hope I really got the time to submit the entry.

  6. Healthy and good!! I used to make this for Carlos but now a bit lazy as we can get the store bought kind easily and there are so many type to choose from too.

  7. I used to bring these bars to school when I was in primary school, really very filling, yours look better than those sold outside :)

  8. Good energy bar before I exercise

  9. This is a good snack. Very nicely cut, just like store-bought.

  10. wendy gimme 1 more day for the entry!! can i check with you will preparing the batter a day before deflate the whites?

  11. Anncoo,
    Thanka and I do hope you can find the time :)

    Store bought ones are too sweet for me. But I think it's just nice for him, right?

    Try making some. You won't regret it. YOu can bring some to work :)

    Oh yes!

    The tip is to chill it. If not, it won't be so easy to cut. Really.

    Jess Kitchen,
    YEs it will deflate. Actually it doesn't take long to prepare the batter, if you beat egg whites first then add yolks. It only takes about 2-3 minutes to do it, that is if you do only 2 eggs.

  12. Actually I did mine already, a few days after you posted yours. But it was a total flop la... so pai-say to post it...

  13. Meldylocks,
    Ohh... Why not u try again

  14. Hmmmm..... missed this the previous time round. Few more days for me to try for the pancake giveaway. Why did you end on a Thu by the way?

  15. Ronni,
    The giveaway has been running for a month.
    It will end exactly after 4 weeks.

  16. Will try this! It looks simple enough. We always buy off the shelf as snack before gym but those from boxes are WAY too sweet.


  17. Anonymous,
    Don't worry, this is definately not as sweet as those in the boxes.

  18. Hi Wendy, how will this bar taste like? soft? hard? because my friend made 1 which i think it is too soft and not able to hold it properly.

    Jamie (fancy, if you still remember me ..hehe) :)

  19. Jamie,
    It must be kept in a dry place to avoid humidity, Malaysia is humid and the driest place is the fridge. The humidity will soften the structure and it will turn soft, but still this recipe won't be crumbly. When fresh it's crispy on the surface. If left at room temp for 2 days, it will probably turn chewy but not crumbly la. Not that I remember


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