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Monday, November 1, 2010

Steamed Fish with Preserved Black Beans and Green Chili

Had some green chilies and well, let's try something new....
May not look appetizing, but Mike says it's nice.

This fish is rather small and is enough for Mike and me. Please increase ingredients accordingly if you plan to cook a larger fish.

1 whole fish, about 300gm, rubbed with some ShaoXing wine
1 shallot
2 cloves garlic
1 inch ginger, peeled
¾ Tbsp preserved black beans, rinsed
2 green chilies, deseeded, thickly sliced
1Tbsp light soy sauce
1 tsp sugar

Preserved Black Beans and Green Chilli topping
1. Pound shallot, garlic and ginger, or process them in a food processor or mill.
2. Heat wok/pan on medium heat, put in 2 tbsp cooking oil. Put in processed ingredients.
3. Fry until fragrant, put in preserved black beans and cook for 10 seconds, and put in sliced chilies. Cook until the chili is fragrant. Then season with light soy sauce and sugar.
4. Dish up the topping.

You can either
a. Pour the black beans and chilli topping over the fish and steam the fish for 7-10 minutes
b. Or steam the fish for 7-10 minutes , then pour the toppings over.


  1. A comfort home cooked dish. Usually I put sesame oil, light soy sauce, ginger strips, bird's eye chili and calamansi juice.

  2. Wendy, my husband loves such cooking of fish but I can never cook fish, I scare of handling fishes :p

  3. Mmm, I think I'll prefer to steam the fish 1st, then pour the toppings later...

  4. It is difficult to make steamed fish look appetizing in photos but we all know how good they taste.

  5. I like to steam stuff with preserved black beans! Makes everything so tasty!

  6. Little Inbox,
    I came up with this out of curiosity and one can steam fish in many many ways. But chilli and calamansi juice sounds nice, a bit on the Thai side, right?

    Jess Bakericious,
    I don't clean and gut fishes, never do. I always ask the fishmonger to do it for me. Then when I bring them home, just rinse them clean.
    Steaming fishes is not too difficult la, at least no popping hot oil to handle :)

    Frankly, since I'm not a huge lover of black beans, it was just so so for me, but my hubby liked this.

    Yeah, more fragrant

    The black beans' fault la. So black and some more the green chillies also turn black, hahaha!!!

    black beans is an acquired taste :)

  7. This is healthy, easy and tasty! So many ways of dressing the fish when steaming.

  8. haven' tried cooking fish this way...looks good!

  9. mr pineapple man,

    yeah, steaming fish is one of the most versatile ways of cooking fish

    maybe u can try one day

  10. That's quite a creation, black beans with green chillies, may try it one day!

  11. Tiffany,

    Just a sudden idea



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