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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sponge Pancakes and 2 Giveaways

I said I'll do the cheese pillow wallet again.. I definately did.
And now it's my favourite sudden thing to cook for my kids, if the food for dinner wasn't suitable for them

Well, you may think, "What? Feed your kids cakes for dinner???"
It depends on how you look at it. It may be sweet, but 2 Tbsp of sugar for 2 eggs?
I don't mind that, and I always put in lots of fruits when do the sweet version, that really feels more cake like than omelette like. And it contains eggs, 2 eggs is really nutritious for kids and come on, I don't feed them this everyday. It's like once in 2 months. And they really enjoy it.

So, I've done 2 versions here,
One is chocolate banana. The other, blueberry.

For the chocolate banana, after I put the batter into the pan, I arranged sliced bananas over and cover with lid to cook. When it's cooked, I put on a few pieces of Kandos Kiddies or any chocolate you like and folded the pancake over.

For the blueberry version,
After I put in the batter, I sprinkled rinsed blueberries onto the batter and cover with lid to cook.
When It was done, flipped the whole pancake onto the plate, Dusted it with icing sugar.

My kids super heart both versions.

It's pretty easy to do,
So, now let me give you a simplified version of the batter recipe, no weighing scales involved

Sponge Pancake

2 eggs
2 tbsp sugar
2 Tbsp all purpose flour
A bit of butter for frying

1. Separate the eggs and beat egg whites until frothy and add in sugar and beat until medium stiff peaks (egg whites has a very droopy hook and doesn't slide off the bowl).
2. Put in egg yolks and mix.
3. Sift in flour (just use a coffee strainer) and fold into the eggs.
4. Heat a 9 inch pan on medium and put in 1/2 tsp butter. Swirl it around to coat and pour the excess into batter.
5. Lightly fold the batter to incorporate.
6. Turn heat to medium low (very small fire on outer ring or just use low) and pour in all the batter. Put fruit toppings as desired.
7.Cover with lid and cook until sides look golden, and center of pancake is cooked (doesn't stick to fingers)
8. Flip into half or just flip onto plate.

And now.... I want to do two giveaways.
It doesn't come free from me, as always. I need some effort from you.

This time, the gift is much nicer. A Candy thermometer that can be used to measure the temperature for deepfrying too. You can clip it onto you pot to check the temperature while deepfrying, and it comes with a stainless steel casing that protects your thermometer from direct contact with the pot. It's actually a gift from the online site I always buy things from. So I'm giving this away to the most creative person who tried to make this sponge pancake. Whatever you do to the pancake, you can cut it the most into half (no trifles or lamingtons or petit fours or cookie cutters with this). It should still look like a pancake, folded or open face. Rolled up ones should be ok too. Just don't cut it small. I don't care how much pancakes you want to stack, you can make it higher than Petronas Twin Towers if you like, but it should still look like a pancake but I won't restrict it to being only round. And it must be cooked in the pan, well you might have a square pan, I won't know. No baking and no steaming!!!
(If you want to check with me about your brilliant idea, please email me)

I need creativity!!!  I'll be judging, so no excuses to say, "I have no luck in draws." 

But for those who say... "sigh.. I'm not creative, so for sure I can't win...."
Don't worry. I'll do a lucky draw and the gift is a Wilton Cake Leveler.
One variation per entry, like my ginger milk curd giveaway. My kids will be picking the lucky winner randomly. The more variations you do, the chance of winning gets higher.

I'll give you one month grace (closing date: Dec 2, 2010), so that you can do a different version per week or more if you want, and won't be scolded by your family,

"What??? Sponge pancakes again?????"

Or you can just cook 4 variations or 10 variations in a single meal :)

Be creative and come up with lots of ways with this versatile pancake. No excuses if you don't own a oven and a weighing scale. You can do this with just a non stick pan.

Send in your entries via the entry page. Summary of the giveaway will be typed out there, if what is here is too confusing for you. Again, I'm sorry but this is only open to people with Malaysian or Singaporean mailing address. Any further is a bit too expensive for me. This is not a sponsored giveaway.

Oh ya, you can either blog ur pancake and send the link to me or email me the pictures of your variation if you don't own a blog. And you can't do the same thing that I did, no blueberries with dusted sugar, no folded chocolate banana, and no spring onions with cheddar cheese. Anything similiar and it'll be DISQUALIFIED for the thermometer but I'll still allow ur entry for the cake leveler. No variations from the batter allowed except for flavouring purposes.(you can add in cocoa powder, or banana puree to flavour) Meaning, you have to go by the basic recipe of

1 egg : 1 Tbsp sugar : 1 Tbsp flour


  1. Looking at these pictures make me want to make more waffle sandwich with those fillings you've used for the pancake :P

  2. I don't have a non-stick pan wor...Just own a grill pan and a wok. Can I still do it?

  3. Thanks for the giveaway, ehhh..will join this giveaway if i could think something new..

  4. Kitchen Corner,
    Can can, why not?

    Little inbox,
    Haha, as long as you get the pancake out, You can even cook it on stone :) But no baking or steaming lor.

    Haha, no more excuse for no luck ah. I am sure you will come up with something new. You are so creative.

  5. Hi Wendy, I made this, but I still need more practice to get one that looks like yours, so golden.

    Hoping over to submit the entry, you may get the link there, thanks.

  6.'r forcing me to go working in the kitchen again...
    But anyway I think I have a few stuff almost superfine flour, my butter...
    OK lah, see 1st...

  7. Would be interesting to see how this turns out!

  8. Meldylocks,
    this one u cannot do at midnight ohh... kekeke.

    Exercise the brain....

    Will u be joining??? I'd love to see your variation

  9. I don't need the prize but I will try to submit one entry for fun...:)

  10. Very nice! I'll have to start thinking!

  11. I have no idea just cook chocolate banana for me next time... :)

  12. You are so creative!

    Here, all the chef cannot Vs with you. They are poor in cooking. I wonder why they want to become chef?

    Should i suggest them to read your blog?
    But, they only know russian language...

  13. I just came from Shirleys Kokken blog. She said some really nice things about you.:P so I had to double check out la..verdict..true! lol

  14. Hi Wendy,
    It's me Lynn. Have been so hooked on your blog for the past few days, I am so amazed at everything from reading your stories to your nice photos of the food you cooked/baked/steamed etc. You are a great inspiration and i wished you were my teacher. I have always been afraid to attempt egg whites as in turning them into soft peak or stiff peaks so I always shun from sponge related cakes. However, looking at this pancake and your recipe it is too tempting to shun it. But before I even try, I need to ask you for advice. How long do I have to whisk the egg whites in order to reach/achieve medium stiff peaks? Do I use a balloon whisk or a small little whisk? Sorry, like I've said I never dare try to beat egg whites before. Or maybe I did ages ago and failed that's why subconsciously I shun it ;p

  15. Lynn,
    How long... this is so vague.
    It depends on the machine, depends on the wattage, depends on the temperature of the eggs, depends on the bowl, depends on amount of eggs. There's no definite answer.
    It's a visual judgement.
    I never use a balloon whisk or small whisk to do this. I use an electric hand mixer, if not I'll die of exhaustion. I'm not much of a manual work person :p

  16. I made them this morning! Im so elated to see stiff peaks (it passed the 'didn't slide down bowl' test). I split the batter into two hoping to make two small pancakes. However realised that the batter for pancake number 2 starte to look different from the initial batter. Guess I should have let the batter sit in the humid environment for too long. It affects the batter? Yes no?
    Had wanted to show you my picture but I burned it thinking it look so thick will take longer to cook.

  17. Lynn,
    It will deflate. Any batter with whipped egg whites will deflate after being left around.
    Which is why I will whisk every 2 eggs separately for a few pancakes.

  18. Wow! That means more washing for me because I only have one mixing bowl for my stand mixer.

  19. Lynn,
    there's another trick, use 1/2 tsp cream of tartar to reduce the deflating.
    I use a hand mixer for this, so, it's pretty much ok to wash a simple bowl.


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